DaGambler's 4k HPS 99 Plant Hempy Grow


Well-Known Member
Just thought I'd point out that DeweyKox used 100% perlite in ALL his grows.. and I bow to the man's garden...
It may have been small, but it KICKED ASS!!!:clap::lol::weed:
How is it working for you Bro? any problems?
Hey Gypsy,

i've really got no complaints with the perlite as a medium. my only issue right now is a bit of standing water in the clone room trays. an inch or two of a media like hygroton or a coco fiber mat would probably take care of it (covering the 1 cm or less standing water so it isn't exposed to light)... but i'm working the h2o2 / algae destroyer angle. i know that perlite can be used successfully.


Well-Known Member
ohh I know the legal side its a good idea to stay below that mandatory minimum right..yea Ive seen that seemorebuds its almost unbelievable I know even if I did the samething he did I couldnt pull that kinda weight dude really knows what he is doing, I think some of that is just good genes though......And I wasnt knocking your op just trying give you a little constructive criticism, Im sure that the plants closer to the light arent near as strecthy as the ones we see on the outer edge...I see you did some lollipoppin you plan on doing anymore? Next run with just 49 plants you going to use the same light foot print?
no, no, ur spot on. the outer girls are deffinitely scrawnier than the inner ones. And yah, i'm still lollipopp'in away... though i hope to be done this weekend. My lights are pretty well where they are going to stay... as are the ebb 'n flow gulleys.... i've got 3k over each 5' x 10' gulley... that won't change.


Well-Known Member
I don't have any problems with perlite at all, its a great addition to media...... its just SOOO easy for one thing to fuck up everything using JUST perlite..... unless your completely dialed in and on top of it.....


Well-Known Member
I don't have any problems with perlite at all, its a great addition to media...... its just SOOO easy for one thing to fuck up everything using JUST perlite..... unless your completely dialed in and on top of it.....
no worries... i take everything with a grain of salt. i doubt that most people have actually personally done a side-by-side test of perlite vs. hygroton vs. coco, etc. They are all just inert medias... as long as they don't wick too much moisture... and allow for plenty of air retention... their only purpose is to give the roots a place to go. Now, once you start factoring in different watering methods, etc.... I'm sure that one media may be more usefull in a given garden than another media. Personally i can't imagine how hygroton (grow rocks) could be a decent media... i mean, it's just big round balls of ceramic or something... but i have no actual experience with it. and others seem to really like it. I would say that perlite can be tricky in a hand watered container setup. I lost 8 out of 8 clones that i tried a few months back in 16 oz. cups of perlite. The next 8 i was still using perlite but with the addition of domes... they all survived but they certainly did NOT thrive. This time i have 132 clones in Pure Perlite.... in a once a day ebb 'n flow setup... and they are deffinitely -thriving- (better air exchange, mostly).


Well-Known Member
no worries... i take everything with a grain of salt. i doubt that most people have actually personally done a side-by-side test of perlite vs. hygroton vs. coco, etc. They are all just inert medias... as long as they don't wick too much moisture... and allow for plenty of air retention... their only purpose is to give the roots a place to go. Now, once you start factoring in different watering methods, etc.... I'm sure that one media may be more usefull in a given garden than another media. Personally i can't imagine how hygroton (grow rocks) could be a decent media... i mean, it's just big round balls of ceramic or something... but i have no actual experience with it. and others seem to really like it. I would say that perlite can be tricky in a hand watered container setup. I lost 8 out of 8 clones that i tried a few months back in 16 oz. cups of perlite. The next 8 i was still using perlite but with the addition of domes... they all survived but they certainly did NOT thrive. This time i have 132 clones in Pure Perlite.... in a once a day ebb 'n flow setup... and they are deffinitely -thriving- (better air exchange, mostly).
yu cant go wrong with ebb and flow.jus need the room for it.and yu got plenty of that.keepin that water moving continuously is sweet.i bet yu'll do a full 360 turnaround off that.gd. luk bro,we all know its coming greater than anyone else at RIU,.rdr.we all have to go through the hardships at one time or another .bes getting it out of the way ,perfecting yure grow.yours and bayaremadical are the swetest settups i've seen so far.wish i could run one like that.i'd be the busy beaver,lol.


Well-Known Member
Ummm, I just harvested a butt load in 100% perlite. Thinking of adding coco, but perlite rocks.

Hey Gypsy,

i've really got no complaints with the perlite as a medium. my only issue right now is a bit of standing water in the clone room trays. an inch or two of a media like hygroton or a coco fiber mat would probably take care of it (covering the standing water so it isn't exposed to light)... but i'm working the h2o2 / algae destroyer angle. i know that perlite can be used successfully.


Well-Known Member
southern homegrower said:
you said you had a inch or 2 of water standing in your clone trays would a bulkhead help
its actually more like a cm at most at the 'deep ends'. i've got what you would call 'bulkhead' ebb 'n flow fittings... but the rubber gasket puts the water level up just that high. That's why commercial trays have the drainage channels and such i guess. I'm thinking about just picking up a 1/2" thick layer of coco fiber mat from Lowe's. That might do it... make it easier for the h2o2 and the algae destroyer to keep things in check if need be.


Well-Known Member
Yes, perlite instead of soil. This thread was originally a hempy bucket grow journal that took a turn.:idea:
heh heh. hell yah, and shnkrmn is one of the Original P Gangsta's.... talk'in Olde Skool Perlite Brigade. :lol:

Nice looking harvest you just had there. I see you got some more girls ready to go (how many on the next round?) .... little perpetual motion in your ocean of love. Talk'in about adding coco puffs to your pure perlite crisps. Any notions on going (automated) hydro?


Well-Known Member
heh heh. hell yah, and shnkrmn is one of the Original P Gangsta's.... talk'in Olde Skool Perlite Brigade. :lol:

Nice looking harvest you just had there. I see you got some more girls ready to go (how many on the next round?) .... little perpetual motion in your ocean of love. Talk'in about adding coco puffs to your pure perlite crisps. Any notions on going (automated) hydro?
Eh, my first grow attempt was DWC. I'm still scarred. I find watering 30 or 40 hempy plants isn't so much work. I now pump my nutrients from one 32 gallon trash can in my bloom room where the RO machine is to another trash can next to my vegging plants. Beats hauling 5 gallon buckets of water and makes some use of my DWC stuff :-P. I am watching your conversion closely, though. If I go to your size op I'm going to have to do something.

I just chopped 15 and have 22 waiting. Like your veg room they've gone too long and are now my height. I'm thinking stakes and guy lines to keep them upright, lol.

I have to clean, bomb and get some clones going and Go on a shopping spree at the hydro store and I'm ready to flip the switch on the next batch. I started this journal on new years day and I would like to have my next harvest pictures on Jan 1.

I'm really sitting on the fence on the coco/perlite thing. Right now I'm getting back almost all my medium for reuse and throwing out $150 bucks worth of stuff every grow would hurt me deep down. But RIU's prophet of hempy Azgrow just came wandering back out of the desert and he says 50/50 coco and perlite is the new revelation. I don't know. Why should I change? I probably have 30/40 ounces doing what I do.


Active Member
This seems like its alot of work and complicated, why not grow in soil, like a potted plant
just get potting soil plant seed water every now and then, its simple.


Well-Known Member
This seems like its alot of work and complicated, why not grow in soil, like a potted plant
just get potting soil plant seed water every now and then, its simple.
Yeah its simple....soil is easy...

But it takes forever and growing in hydro is more efficient....

Do some research before you ask a question you can answer yourself. :lol::lol::razz::peace:


Active Member
Yeah its simple....soil is easy...

But it takes forever and growing in hydro is more efficient....

Do some research before you ask a question you can answer yourself. :lol::lol::razz::peace:

lol if everyone did research before posting this would be a dead forum

does it matter if you do sog if its faster or not?
more efficient, what do i waist as a soil grower?



Well-Known Member
lol if everyone did research before posting this would be a dead forum

does it matter if you do sog if its faster or not?
more efficient, what do i waist as a soil grower?

True that. I was just jokin ne way :lol:

To answer your questions, we soil growers waste time which = $$$ when compared to hydro.

I suppose if you are perpetual in soil its not too bad compared to hydro...

We have to use more light to grow our smoke, period.

But I am a soil grower, so don't think I am talkin mess :razz:

Just acknowledging reality :razz:


Well-Known Member
that can be debated to the end......

and has little to do with hydro vs. soil....... maybe we can do some experimenting to compare in the future....... matching EVERY OTHER VARIABLE is key ;)