What do you think yield will be?


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, this is the only one that made it this year. I am just curious if anyone has an idea of what kind of yield it will be. As far as strain goes it could be either northern lights or a strain called nemesis. I am leaning more toward it being NL, but I am not positive. It's about 5 1/2 feet tall, and has been flowering for about 4 weeks give or take. any opinions appreciated. The second pic is from about 3 weeks ago, and the rest were taken 2 days ago.



Well-Known Member
Nice plant - it really filled out nicely in 3 weeks. I'll be the first to predict - I'd say 6 ounces (give or take an ounce). Although, my thoughts are best not to dwell too much on the yield; worry about finishing and not being found out (by poachers or The Man).


Active Member
If you don't lose any to rot then around 8-12 zips would be my guess.
Ive learned never to consider or predict yield. When you "always" wind up with less than predicted, it can be :wall:.

Always undershoot. If you wind up with more, then you'll be :hump: very pleased!!!

I'd say 4oz!!


Active Member
3-4 oz. no way 8-12. no fuckin way sorry to burst your bubble if thats what you're thinking it is.

maybe if you dont dry it all the way only til the stem snaps, then maybe you can pull 5-6 oz.