Male and Female?


is it really possible for a plant to have male balls and still the hairs such as a female? then what do i do with it


Well-Known Member
is it really possible for a plant to have male balls and still the hairs such as a female? then what do i do with it
Yes it's possible, what you do with it is up to you. A hermie will still grow bud, however - it is capable of pollinating itself, and any other female it is around.


Well-Known Member
Yes, its called a hermaphrodite. It starts off as a female and then grows male parts. Its very common to get hermmies, and it sucks ass.


Well-Known Member
this is one of the grossest hermi's ive ever seen:spew:If you have other female plants get rid of that thing asap


Well-Known Member
this is one of the grossest hermi's ive ever seen:spew:If you have other female plants get rid of that thing asap
WOW! ive never seen a herm like that before!

IMO, if it hermed because of a shit load of stress, let it run its course and collect the seeds (fem seeds) and try again. BUT if it hermed because of bad genetics, KILL IT NOW. This is assuming that you dont have any 'good' females around. if you do, kill it or move it VERY far away from the other plants. and wash your hands if you get pollen on them.