1st Grow Purple Wreck, BlueBerry, BlueCheese Plenty more to come


Ok this is my 1st grow setup so far Ive got PurpleWreck, BlueBerry, BlueCheese about 2 wks in so far. Its an ebb and flow system with 1inch rockwool cubes that im about to transfer into some 6inch ones. I got FoxFarm HyroVeg and Tiger Bloom. I got a 60 dollar 45watt led light off ebay for early vegging and it worked pretty good until it stopped working 2 week after i got it i was so pissed but any way instead I rigged up a 2 bulb cfl set up 2600lumens each for the time being cause im about to move and i dont wanna order my new light until i get to my new house which is prolly gonna be a HydroFarm 3k T5 8bulb this is the link to ithttp://www.plantlightinghydroponics.com/hydrofarm-lamp-3k-t5-fluorescent-grow-light-p-2482.html any suggestions are welcome but keep in mind i already realize that hps lights are the best but electricity and height might be a problem in the new house so i need something thin like a T5 setup.
Considering that this was my first grow i didnt wanna go crazy and germinate too many seeds so i just ordered 5 which were Purple Wreck, BlueBerry, BlueCheese, AutoBlueBlerry and SweetPurple unfortunately the AutoBlueBerry And Sweet Purple didnt turn out so i just have the three. Im pretty sure there ready to go into the 6inch rockwool cubes but i dont wanna do it until i move. I recently just bought a shit load of seeds from Attitude i think Im gonna plant the 3 free Dinafem seeds first but once again i dont wanna do it till i move in to the new house,if u cant tell already im putting off alot of things until i move but i should be outta here in like 3 or 4 days so hopefully i wont be putting things off two much longer any ways heres a list of the seeds i just got from Attitude and some of the pictures of the plants i got so far.

Dinafem FreeSeeds-
RoadRunner,California Hash, WhiteWidow
GreenHouse Seeds-Indica Mix E
BigBang, ElNino, WhiteWidow, HimalayaGold and Cheese
Sativa/Indica Mix A-
Church, ArjanStrawberryHaze,LemonSkunk,GreatWhiteShark,HawaiinSnow
PicknMix Seeds Feminized-

If any of you have already grown any of these strains please let me know how they are and if theres anything i should know about them id appreciate it and if ur interested in any of this bullshit i just wrote subscribe because theres gonna be plenty more to come.



idk what wrong with my leaves i had to take apart my system because im about to move so now i have them in a bowl and ive been hand watering them i slept in a little late today thought and they were really dry do u think they still have a chance of surviving? Well heres some pictures let me know what u think im bummed cause i really want to smoke these strains.



Well-Known Member
water them .dont nute them much at all wen small, e ery other watering using lightest dose for first month.they look good .i'm doin purple wrecks and jus finished blue berry and blue cheese.


water them .dont nute them much at all wen small, e ery other watering using lightest dose for first month.they look good .i'm doin purple wrecks and jus finished blue berry and blue cheese.
True , yeah i have been bein a little heavy with the nutes lately that makes sense i guess for how small they are good call...u got pics of those?


Well-Known Member
thanx,well the area has 3 purple wrecks, 8 querkle , 6 bluemoonshine.and og kush ,og kush 18 ,kushberry in other growroom.i did blueberry and bluecheese my las gro.the purple wrecks and querkle smell the same and real dank grape smell.bluemoonshine is sweet sour dank.also to mention got 8 real ns girls from the querkle in one pac.i also flower from seed to keep them 18 to 30 inches height.


ok so im about to move and start my new grow room and i already now where im gonna make it def need to make it stealthy i dont wanna use the whole closet more of the back and left side maybe i kinda wanna make the back part of the closet like a grow tent but but i dont know where to start...any suggestions? this is the pic of the closet i was talking about



Well-Known Member
yea,i'd k nok out that bak wall ,lol.jus jkin,,go to walmart ,screw in hooks ,hangin yur lite in the mid. and on the left maybe put a table and clone or veg under lesser light .or t-5s.


Ok so im finally moved into my new apartment and we just got internet today so i can finally put up a post but any ways i finally transfered them into then 6 inch rockwool cubes that ive got and they seem to be doing ok i havnt set up my system back up yet cause i just ordered a 2x4x5 grow tent and some dual spectrum 2 lights from stealthhydro cause i practically hve no light for my plant and they seem to be pretty much stunted in growth because of it so thats stuffs on the way i still havnt figured out what my main light is goona be idk if i should just keep buying more and more dual spectrum2 lights until i have enough for a full yeild cycle or by some kind of t5-t8 or led im lookin to spend about 200 on the grow light maybe a little bit more still not gonna get an hps because number one not enough space cause i only have a 5ft tall grow tent and plus heat issues so let me know. oh and take a look at my plants it looks like some kinda of bug was grubbin on some of my leaves but i havnt found anything except for an earwig i dont know if that could of been it but let me know here are the pics



Well-Known Member
so what do u think keep up with cfl's of by like a 4ft 6bulb t5 or something?
if yu have a choice HID lights if thats all yu got.jus remember to keep t-5s4 inches .all light clse as possible with out violating the plants with heaet.great job.


if yu have a choice HID lights if thats all yu got.jus remember to keep t-5s4 inches .all light clse as possible with out violating the plants with heaet.great job.
Tru well i have a question do u think considering that it would be a good idea to just keep letting theses grow until i can get a few clones from each and then set up a 12 plant aeroponic system "2 of those 6 plant rubermaid do it yourself ones"
and then just start from there ...the only down side i had to that is i dont know if my mother plants are female or not yet can u clone after like 2 weeks of flowering just so i can figure out there gender? if not i guess i could clone them and then put them on a 12/12 to see and just throw away the clones to the plants that are males ... any suggestions?


The grow tent i ordered just got here today i also bought a 65 watt cfl and reflector from lowes but my dual spectrum 2's arent here yet and i havent even got any kind of notice telling me they even shipped it yet which is pretty dissapointing. I thought stealth hydro would atleast have better timing than ebay but thats obviously not the case. But anyways the plants are looking pretty good i havnt given them nutes in so long im worried after that gnarly nute burn i got on my plants but i guess ill start adding them again considering theyve gotten bigger. I started germinations july 29th and its now sept 10 and if u ask me the plants look pretty small for there age but im pretty sure its because i only had one 42watt cfl for way to long cause my other light broke which probably stunted their growth alot. I have a new led panel that the company is sending me cause my last one broke so they are giving me a new one "just for the record i fully regret buying a led panel off ebay i was a fuckin idiot newb lol" It was supposed to be coming to me today but instead they sent it to my old house and my old damn roomate who told me and my girl to either get rid of our plants or leave so we obviously left but anyways she has fuckin SWINE FLU!!!!hahaha talk about Karma lol so im sure as hell not trying to go over there and get it so we called ups and hopefully they go get it and send it to my new address. So just for all you fuckin bitches who are all uptight and cant take a min out of ur day to smoke a blunt to chill the fuck out you will get SWINE FLU AND DIE!!! I feel thats gods plan to get all the bitch ass faggots off this earth lol anyways heres a few pics of the new tent and update of plants and my little black kitten lucky who will probably end up eating all of my plants lol



Hey raiderman i was reading over my journal and realized that u said u grow 12/12 from seed? does it keep the plant shorter or give it bigger buds or somethin i never heard of that b4 but if thats the case let me know cause my new tent is only 5' tall so i wanna keep them short...is it possible to do with cfls?