Need some help please


hello everyone, I need some help please. :-(

My plant is about 2 weeks into flowering stage. When it was in vegetative stage I burnt nutrient the plant and the leaves curled down, so i flushed it with water. I read that after 2 weeks i'd start seeing the leaves look healthier.

My problem is that although some leaves seems to be better, most of the new leaves ares still showing some curling.

Also some of the older leaves are showing some burnt like spots that I hadn't see on any other leaves.

What do you guys think it's the problem?
How does my plant looks to you?

I have a feeling I've ruined it somehow. Can you help me with this?

Thanks in advance!



Active Member
hello everyone, I need some help please. :-(

My plant is about 2 weeks into flowering stage. When it was in vegetative stage I burnt nutrient the plant and the leaves curled down, so i flushed it with water. I read that after 2 weeks i'd start seeing the leaves look healthier.

My problem is that although some leaves seems to be better, most of the new leaves ares still showing some curling.

Also some of the older leaves are showing some burnt like spots that I hadn't see on any other leaves.

What do you guys think it's the problem?
How does my plant looks to you?

I have a feeling I've ruined it somehow. Can you help me with this?

Thanks in advance!
It looks to me like you may have over watered the plant when you flushed


Active Member
i wouldnt say overwater. flushing is overwatering. i would almost say pending a few other variables (pH, pot size, temps, medium) looks almost like a N tox and possibly a phos def. stop cutting leaves off when they have spots. ur only making it spot faster on other leaves by doing that. ur bottem leaves r usually the best way to tell when sumthing is off with the nutes. i wouldnt any more nitro to ur soil. goodluck and goodtimez