DaGambler's 4k HPS 99 Plant Hempy Grow


Well-Known Member
I'm really sitting on the fence on the coco/perlite thing. Right now I'm getting back almost all my medium for reuse and throwing out $150 bucks worth of stuff every grow would hurt me deep down. But RIU's prophet of hempy Azgrow just came wandering back out of the desert and he says 50/50 coco and perlite is the new revelation. I don't know. Why should I change? I probably have 30/40 ounces doing what I do.
i ran into problems re-using perlite and vowed not to do it again... 17 bucks for a 4 cu. ft. bag... prolly only need 5 of those next go round... not bad. I think BayAreaMedical always used a 50/50 perlite/coco blend to good effect. But if it ain't broke...


Active Member
i ran into problems re-using perlite and vowed not to do it again... 17 bucks for a 4 cu. ft. bag... prolly only need 5 of those next go round... not bad. I think BayAreaMedical always used a 50/50 perlite/coco blend to good effect. But if it ain't broke...

If it ain't broke make it better :lol:


Well-Known Member
Your video is awesome I really enjoyed it.. How long are you vegging before you flip them?
i've got a couple vids posted somewhere in this thread... or the one in my sig will allow you to find "Other Videos From DaGambler" once you get to YouTube.

I'll hopefully be putting up a third video w/in the next 30 days. The current clones and flowering females are approx. 3 weeks into vegging and flowering respectively. The new vid will be the first in which the ebb 'n flow is setup in both the flower and clone rooms.


Well-Known Member
anyone read or know anything about wether or not a blacklight will interupt the dark photoperiod of flowering plants ?! i've got a blacklight bug zapper hooked up in the flower room and i'm hoping that it doesn't disrupt hormone/flower production.... :?:


Well-Known Member
anyone read or know anything about wether or not a blacklight will interupt the dark photoperiod of flowering plants ?! i've got a blacklight bug zapper hooked up in the flower room and i'm hoping that it doesn't disrupt hormone/flower production.... :?:
To my knowledge, the danger with light interrupting the flower period is having certain parts of the plant engaged in photosynthesis while others are "asleep," causing undue stress to the plant, which in turn can lead to hermies.

To my knowledge, an MJ plant left under a black light would starve due to a lack of light for photosynthesis. So does this mean an MJ plant CANNOT photosynthesize under black light and thus its photoperiod would be uninterrupted?

To be honest, I don't know.

If the black light is powerful enough and outputs enough brightness, I think there is a chance that the plants could try and attempt to use the light, which would risk hermies.

I would do some research on it. There has to be an answer. Hopefully this was helpful a little. :peace:


Active Member
i have heard anything stronger than moonlight is bad

also if you question it maybe try glue traps.. i would hate to see it ruin a crop


Well-Known Member

"Fluorescent BL (black light) bulbs provide longşwavelength ultraviolet light (UVA). ..."

"on the other hand, UV A (arround 400nm) can be used for photosynthesis. one of 4 clorophyle peaks is at 425 (blue), but the absorbtion is quite good also at 400nm (which is UV A)"

think i'll either run it only during the light period... or move it over to the clone room... or even outdoors. i don't want to be the guinea pig. at 15 watts 5 feet above the plants... i'd prolly get away with it, but like fish601, i would also hate to see the crop suffer.

wish i could find some more definitive research on this issue... it'd be nice to leave it where its at and ON during the dark period. not much info to be found on this subject (interuption of photoperiod) however.


Well-Known Member
To my knowledge, the danger with light interrupting the flower period is having certain parts of the plant engaged in photosynthesis while others are "asleep," ...

I would do some research on it. There has to be an answer. Hopefully this was helpful a little. :peace:
Sounds like what they were saying about 4 different photosynthesis peaks... and allowing one of those peaks to exist could cause hermies and stress as you were saying. Further research is always a good idea. I think i'll have to settle with a partial answer for now. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like what they were saying about 4 different photosynthesis peaks... and allowing one of those peaks to exist could cause hermies and stress as you were saying. Further research is always a good idea. I think i'll have to settle with a partial answer for now. Thanks.
No prob.

What kinda bug problem do you have? Or is this just a precaution?

Seems to me, unless it was mites, the risk of hermies from light would be more potentially damaging than a few fungus gnats. But I am assuming you don't have a real threat from insects currently...


Well-Known Member
No prob.

What kinda bug problem do you have? Or is this just a precaution?

Seems to me, unless it was mites, the risk of hermies from light would be more potentially damaging than a few fungus gnats. But I am assuming you don't have a real threat from insects currently...
not so much... i've used the sulphur burner a couple times... and i have diatamaceous earth sprinkled around the garden... and sticky traps in the clone room... and neem oil for a foliar spray if it got bad... and i just did a second treatment of 1/2 strength GoGnats (cedar oil). It was just a couple of white flies. The GoGnats will probably keep them at bay for another 2 weeks or so.

i was just looking to incoorporate some extra prevention. the blacklight bugzapper will go over to the clone room or under the house where the rez is.


Well-Known Member
the current crop of girls in the flower room at about 28 days into flower from 12/12

starting to look more like marijunana - more flowers, less leaves.

the 'greener' plants are just under a MH center bulb with HPS on both ends of the 5' x 10' gulley

looking for waldo.

some nice HPS washed out photograhpy

UPDATE: think i'd have better vigor (via better root formation) if i didn't have the sphagnum plugs in the perlite, as the sphagnum plugs stay too moist when watered once per day. perlite transplanted into perlite will hopefully improve rooting the next go round. but they are doing alright.