Husband & Wife's 3rd Grow. Big Bud & Northern Lights


Well-Known Member
Ahhh... ok I have molasses, (I love to cook! LoL)

We picked up a PH meter today. Hubby got it earlier and paid $90 for it, its a Eco Tstr pH2.

Dragon.... which PPM meter would you recommend? So I can get my money

Hubby talked to the guy at the hydro store today (the biologist) and says we def have a ph issue with the yellowing leaves. Suggested to pour gallons of water thru the plants and flush them out to start the nutes over, due to lock out. He said that the yellowing didnt happen over night (we knew we needed the meter) this was an ongoing problem and its like a person with a wound. You treat the wound and you may get a scar, but with out flushing them out, it wont heal properly. So he said to flush it out with gallons of water and that we will not actually be over watering it, they will be ready to water sooner than we think. Then start the nutes again the next time we are ready to feed/water them.

So hubby plans on doing flushing tonight. I also transplanted the other NL baby. I will have some more pics this weekend. The BB Girls sprouted just a bit... I am excited to see how they turn out after the flushing.:weed:


Well-Known Member
If I were you I would cultivate the oystershell/dolomite lime in the watering AFTER the flush

Cultivating the mix into to soil is just really mixing it into the first couple of inches?

How much oyster shell and lime would you recommend? 2tbsp lime per gallon of soil? and oyster shell?

And funny the guy said not to worry about ph'n the flush. Why would that be?:confused:


Well-Known Member
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Active Member
free seeds from attitude just pay shipping. 1x pineapple express fem an 5 x thai super skunk reg. till the 8th of sept.
plus you get the regular ufo freebies. so if you order say a 10 pack of diesel ryders you get a free dinafem moby dick (haze x white widow) and a powerkush. plus add the other seeds to the cart 1x pineapple express fem an 5 x thai super skunk reg. thats 8 free seeds 3 of them fem..great deal. even if you just order the 1x pineapple express fem an 5 x thai super skunk reg. for just 14$
put in 420 in coupon code for 10% off too
Thanks for the tip off mate :)


Well-Known Member
guys at the hydro/grow shop aren't always "spot on" as they don't typically see your grow.
Ahh very true.... Blonde moment. :bigjoint:

Ok... Got some new pics. Hubby has been playing with that new digital Ph meter. Now my question is.... He ph's the water to 6.4-6.5 Our reg tap water is like 6.9. He flushes out the BB's and gets a run off ph of 4.9? Is this bad. I know I have to do a lil more research on the run off's, but Hubby mentioned that its too low?

Well here are the pics of the BB's and then you notice 2 smaller plants. Those are in the veg box and the one that looks a little bigger is my NL! She is looking real good and took really well to the transplant!!

You'll also see my kitty! LoL he loves to be around the plants "checkin things out" lil pot head. bongsmilie LoL



Well-Known Member
Wow looking real good nunyo. My kitty loves the plants as well. I find her laying by the grow tent all the time. She is a plant eater though...... lil bitch kitty. You seeing preflowers yet???



Well-Known Member
other than that they look Perfect..... your runoff ph is perfectly fine as well (6.9) if you were adding water that was 6.4-6.6 ........ keep up the great job :D


Well-Known Member
Haha wouldn't kitty be suprised if that leaf bit him back? lol
They look good, you guys are doing great!:peace:
OMG he is such a chicken george! He would never go near that then again!

Wow looking real good nunyo. My kitty loves the plants as well. I find her laying by the grow tent all the time. She is a plant eater though...... lil bitch kitty. You seeing preflowers yet???

Thanks Green! Lmao@ lil bitch kitty! And nope not just yet, I think they are getting very close tho.

just hope your cat doesn't start pissin and shittin in that pot and digging through your soil ;)
LoL he would be a dead kitty! :twisted: LoL

other than that they look Perfect..... your runoff ph is perfectly fine as well (6.9) if you were adding water that was 6.4-6.6 ........ keep up the great job :D
My reg tap is about 6.9. He ph'd it to 6.4- 6.5 and after he did the flush the run off was 4.9. The 4.9 is ok??

Ooooh I cant wait to harvest!!!!!:hump:


Well-Known Member
yeah, that is fine... it means that as your ph'ed water passes through the medium it picks up particles and sitting water that are causing the imbalance IN your medium and draining them away...... when growing in soil, the soil medium itself will in part dictate its relative ph depending on how the amendments break down, how well and much the ph neutralizers are mixed in it, and the ph of the water that passes through, nutrient feedings that are ph balanced don't hold the balance if they sit in the medium for a long period of time, they break down (the nutrients) as well as they become soluble for the plant, leaving byproducts behind which causes fluctuations in the ph of the soil. Flushing using well ph'ed water with a low ppm count of disolved salt solids and good EC will draw most excessive wastes out leaving behind a leeched medium ready to allow the roots to once again begin to break down the amendments in the soil and the left over slow release nutrients (like particles of bat guano/earth worm castings etc.) to use as food for photosynthesis and plant development. Maintaining a well balanced medium is one of the keys to a healthy plant. :). If you had a ppm meter you could measure before watering, and measure the runoff to see the difference :)