I need some advice.


Well-Known Member
First i guess i should say, i am absolutely obsessed about growing my own weed. I started research on the subject only a few months ago, well maybe close to a year ago, but it is literally all i think about.

I just moved into my second apartment ever, my first 1 was on school campus so there were room checks and stuff. I have been at this new apartment for like 3 months. I havent been bothered yet, unless i request to be bothered(maintence call).

I live in texas, so i guess i don t have to mention how ILLEGAL it is to grow. I also live with my girlfiend whom ive been dating for 5 years. She doesnt smoke and i dont think she would like the idea of me growing in the apartment. also her family will prob visited from time to time, and they are anti weed people.

Soooo, my questions are:

How much should i worry about the apartment people(staff/neighbors)?

Is it possible for me to grow w/o even my girlfriend knowing about it?

If not, more importantly, will i be ableto keep it hidden from her family and mine when they come for short visits?

I have my own room in the apartment that she rarely goes into. The closet in that room is where i would grow. I would have about 24inx60inx36in of grow room.

If everything worked out perfectly, and i didnt have to worry about any1 finding my plants, i would have it set up with 2 sets of 4 ft fluorecents. Since this will be my first grow, i wanna start out with some really good bag seeds i saved. I would germinate prob about 40 seeds. After the first week, ill elimate close to half of those, and just keep the strong looking sprouts. I would like to use SOG method, so i want to be left with about 8 females . So after i have eliminated almost half of the bad seedlings, i would like to grow about 20 plants for 1 month in a veg state. Since ill be using the SOG method, i dont want them to get too big, so i will then begin the flowering stage, then eliminating all the males, and hopefully ill be left with 8 good looking females.

I guess the ultimate question is, should i even bother growing now, or wait until im in a more secure location, such as a house?(which prob wont be for a long while)
please let me kno what u guys think. =)


Well-Known Member
Go for it but don't germ 40 seeds. Germ like 15-20 for that small space. You have to use ingenuity and be super sneaky to pull it off. Maybe you should get another girl before you end up tying the nott with someone that doesn't support your lifestyle.


Well-Known Member
Go for it but don't germ 40 seeds. Germ like 15-20 for that small space. You have to use ingenuity and be super sneaky to pull it off. Maybe you should get another girl before you end up tying the nott with someone that doesn't support your lifestyle.
lol she knows that i smoke, she use to smoke years ago, but growing is another subject. Thats why i just wanna try to do it without her knowing too. And by the time she finds out, hopfully they will be a few weeks/months into growing, by that time, ill just simply tell her i have to finish what i started.

Im really just concerned about keeping hidden well enough from the apartment workers and family. I kno i will have to do something about the strong odor,still researching that


Well-Known Member
lol she knows that i smoke, she use to smoke years ago, but growing is another subject. Thats why i just wanna try to do it without her knowing too. And by the time she finds out, hopfully they will be a few weeks/months into growing, by that time, ill just simply tell her i have to finish what i started.

Im really just concerned about keeping hidden well enough from the apartment workers and family. I kno i will have to do something about the strong odor,still researching that
I doubt you'll be able to hide a grow of that size from the woman you live with, especially in an apartment. Have you considered just talking to her about it? You'll definately have to spend some money for odor control as well, if you're talking 15-20 plants.
Good luck!:peace:


Active Member
I would do a pc grow. Small and contained. If ur girl finds em tell her you were protecting her in case u get caught, so she wouldn't be aware of the grow
Im also an addict when it comes to growin... You can get caught by the staff only if you raise your elect bill pass the nomal amount with the lights...for her family keep them in the living room i dont think they have to see your closet,,, do dey? you been with your girl for 5 years and she loves you den sshe should be down and support your hobbies,,, you could hide it but once it start to flower depending on the strain will have your room skunky.... But if i was you i would grow but only have like two plants, less mantince, less odor, less elect, less stress and lots of a weed!!!


Active Member
you can get busted for plenty other than the electrical bill. All it takes is the maintenance man smelling or seeing something. Landlords also do regular property inspections at some places. Read that rental agreement. Its their property and they have the right to come in whenever they want


Well-Known Member
Like stated, you really should tell her if you're going to be growing. Just be blunt about it, if the reaction is bad, do it anyway but be super secret about it!

As for the apartment staff, its up in the air. I've lived at places where there were routine pest control, A/C repair, all sorts of bad things can happen when growing in an apartment. Keeping it secret from your girlfriend would be a good test if you could keep it secret from the staff. Your girlfriend might be pissed, but the staff will evict you, or worse.

That being said, throw it in a closet under some cfls, build in a fake wall or something. You're going to have to be obscenely crafty to make this work, but it's not impossible.


Active Member
again, pc grow. If done correctly will just look like a computer sitting there. Even if it makes noise, computers make noise too. Keep it by a real computer so it doesnt look out of place


Well-Known Member
again, pc grow. If done correctly will just look like a computer sitting there. Even if it makes noise, computers make noise too. Keep it by a real computer so it doesnt look out of place
im not too sure what pc growing is, ill have to look that up, but i do have 4 computers here so i guess that is good for pc growing lol?

Hmmmm, most of these comments are making me lean toward the DONT DO IT side. Like i said before, i am kinda new to living in apartments, so im not sure howsafe it is,but i do kno they do pest control and just reg maintence.
BUT, whenthey did there last pest control spray, i nvr answered the door, i was alseep and justdidnt feel like getting up, and i nvr heard anything from them since,this was 3 weeks ago. When they do there routine pest spray...do they get everywhere? including the closets?

OK so if i did do this, a key issue would be odor, is it possible to totally eleminate the smell? Like if i had a few plants in the closet with the closet door shut, and someone were in the same room, is it possible to make it where they wouldnt be ableto smell it, even though theyar e just a few feet away?


Well-Known Member
usually when I didn't answer the door they would just barge in
well they have actually done that too one time. But we have a deadbolt that can only be unlocked from the inside, and i think they did try to come in, but when they realied it was locked, they just left and i havent heard anything since.


Active Member
All depends on state laws and lease agreement. In ca where I live, me and most friends found legislation stating that even landlord must give 48 hour notice before entering. But after notice they do have the right to inspect every god damn inch. So keep them in pots in case you need to move them out. My guess is you'd rather risk losing or turning a few into hermies by moving them rather then going to jail and possibly ruining a 5 year relationship. You should just bring it up to her...she would prob. get just as excited about it as you are. For the smell...you can easily rid it of your apartment... the thing is where the ventillation is going... if you exhaust out a window, into the attic...through the ac system.... the smell will come out somewhere if you don't have a really nice carbon filter or other form of odor control. but I have seen plenty of grow rooms where ventillation is PERFECT...and there isn't the slightest bit of smell unless you stand in the grow room.

If you have not ever grown before you are in for quite the awakening if you think you can hide it from your g/f. unless you don't spend much time with her. The install alone will be so much guess and check work, so many trips to local hardware stores. It costs a pretty damn penny to automate your room so that access is only needed once a day. or once ever couple of days...(for watering and feeding).

Key thing is ventillation. in every closet grow i've seen, esecially in an apartment, the space is small, so heat builds up like no other!!!! so to properly ventillate that you need a good working fan...a good working fan will be loud, so you have to spend the time quiteing it.


Active Member
well if they dont say anything about the deadbolt then thats cool, added protection but I would expect them to ask for a key to the deadbolt


Active Member
im not too sure what pc growing is, ill have to look that up, but i do have 4 computers here so i guess that is good for pc growing lol?

Hmmmm, most of these comments are making me lean toward the DONT DO IT side. Like i said before, i am kinda new to living in apartments, so im not sure howsafe it is,but i do kno they do pest control and just reg maintence.
BUT, whenthey did there last pest control spray, i nvr answered the door, i was alseep and justdidnt feel like getting up, and i nvr heard anything from them since,this was 3 weeks ago. When they do there routine pest spray...do they get everywhere? including the closets?

OK so if i did do this, a key issue would be odor, is it possible to totally eleminate the smell? Like if i had a few plants in the closet with the closet door shut, and someone were in the same room, is it possible to make it where they wouldnt be ableto smell it, even though theyar e just a few feet away?
You can tell them not to spray...say you are allergic or are known to develop breathing problems to most ALL pesticides... tell them if they do spray they need to avoid your closet where your clothes hang lol.... YOu really shouldn't have to worry about the apartment catching you. If it's a large apartment and they hire out maintenance people. Those people would never risk opening up a door...let alone trying to get into if if its locked. And what's this going to sound like...Um ms. smith. I just checked out apartment 420...and I was snoooping around the tenants bedroom and noticed his closet door is locked.... I would advise someone checking it out...I know what growing weed is like...and they're dong it...lol...YEAH RIGHT!...lol she would be more concnerd about her employee who she now knows or has concern for being a pothead...


Active Member
oh and I just forgot...are you allowed pets..? Tell them you keep your dogs in the closet when people come over...and if I open the door they go CRAZY!!!!! and then play it off even more like leaning on the door and being like, "huh fluffy....you're my watch dog huh pooch. you bite anyone you see that you don't recognize huh...good boy...Daddy will let you out soon."


Well-Known Member
im in kinda the same situation as you are smokermore, except i did something about it :eyesmoke:. well half way did something about it. im going to build a 22x28x48 (all of those in inches) box to hold about 8-12 plants for flowering (the only stage you have to worry about the smell).. basically a large microgrow.. but i do have my basic grow going, 8 plants inside a small storage bin inside 6 inch pots, im only 2 weeks in and its my first grow, but i think ive got the idea down

If you can build some sort of box like that and put a lock on it, using CFLs (since they save energy compared to incedecent bulbs), and ventilation using computering fans (which are pretty quiet), you could make a grow similar to what im idealy trying to do. and if you make it correctly you will have no light leaks for people to spot or to make ur plants hermi, and i have ideas for smell and security.. u can make a handle and buy a lock at walmart for it, im still trying to avoid completely building a box from scratch n im trying to go to stores and look for storage cabinets still but im having no luck and getting discouraged on that working for my size.. maybe another trip to home depot may be worth a shot tho.

i dont want to go too into the design in it tho cuz it would take a while to perfect my ideas and with trial and error building it to get it perfect for a grow

Jamaican Mon'

Well-Known Member
Very dougtful that you would be able to hide the smell with even one plant dude so def. wouldnt do 40 even if you thin them out, what a waste. Do one if its a female your lucky, if its male you learned either way its a win win, start easy thats all i have to say.


Well-Known Member
All depends on state laws and lease agreement. In ca where I live, me and most friends found legislation stating that even landlord must give 48 hour notice before entering. But after notice they do have the right to inspect every god damn inch. So keep them in pots in case you need to move them out. My guess is you'd rather risk losing or turning a few into hermies by moving them rather then going to jail and possibly ruining a 5 year relationship. You should just bring it up to her...she would prob. get just as excited about it as you are. For the smell...you can easily rid it of your apartment... the thing is where the ventillation is going... if you exhaust out a window, into the attic...through the ac system.... the smell will come out somewhere if you don't have a really nice carbon filter or other form of odor control. but I have seen plenty of grow rooms where ventillation is PERFECT...and there isn't the slightest bit of smell unless you stand in the grow room.

If you have not ever grown before you are in for quite the awakening if you think you can hide it from your g/f. unless you don't spend much time with her. The install alone will be so much guess and check work, so many trips to local hardware stores. It costs a pretty damn penny to automate your room so that access is only needed once a day. or once ever couple of days...(for watering and feeding).

Key thing is ventillation. in every closet grow i've seen, esecially in an apartment, the space is small, so heat builds up like no other!!!! so to properly ventillate that you need a good working fan...a good working fan will be loud, so you have to spend the time quiteing it.
I will have to look at the lease and see if says anything about a 48 hour notice to enter. I f thats the case, i will be alot less paranod. Iguess i need to come up with a master plan for the ventillation, i just havent put too much thought in it cause im planning to use 4ft fluorescents, and the main thing i thought my concern should be is the temp, and so using the fluores's would not effect the temp.......ok so will have to try and see if i can get it going through the ceiling. I sure as hell dont want to cut any holes in the wall lol.
well if they dont say anything about the deadbolt then thats cool, added protection but I would expect them to ask for a key to the deadbolt
oh no, its their deadbolt, i didnt put it there, im guessing every1's apartment has that here
oh and I just forgot...are you allowed pets..? Tell them you keep your dogs in the closet when people come over...and if I open the door they go CRAZY!!!!! and then play it off even more like leaning on the door and being like, "huh fluffy....you're my watch dog huh pooch. you bite anyone you see that you don't recognize huh...good boy...Daddy will let you out soon."
I was seriously lmao at this lol
im in kinda the same situation as you are smokermore, except i did something about it :eyesmoke:. well half way did something about it. im going to build a 22x28x48 (all of those in inches) box to hold about 8-12 plants for flowering (the only stage you have to worry about the smell).. basically a large microgrow.. but i do have my basic grow going, 8 plants inside a small storage bin inside 6 inch pots, im only 2 weeks in and its my first grow, but i think ive got the idea down

If you can build some sort of box like that and put a lock on it, using CFLs (since they save energy compared to incedecent bulbs), and ventilation using computering fans (which are pretty quiet), you could make a grow similar to what im idealy trying to do. and if you make it correctly you will have no light leaks for people to spot or to make ur plants hermi, and i have ideas for smell and security.. u can make a handle and buy a lock at walmart for it, im still trying to avoid completely building a box from scratch n im trying to go to stores and look for storage cabinets still but im having no luck and getting discouraged on that working for my size.. maybe another trip to home depot may be worth a shot tho.

i dont want to go too into the design in it tho cuz it would take a while to perfect my ideas and with trial and error building it to get it perfect for a grow
that sounds like a really good idea, but im not sure if im prepared to go that far with the whole grow thing. Im not a handy man lol. I just imagined it to be so simple lol, i guess i dont kno what im getting myself into. I plan to give each plant 1 sq ft, I will put them side by side with 4 plants in each row. This will take up a total of 8 sq ft, and with 2 sets of 4 ft fluorescent, hopefully i will have a nice Sea of Green going on. since im planning to start early flowering, i am guessing they wont get over 3-4 feet tall, cause i think i will still keep some clothes in there lol, unless thats not good? idk why that would matter....I feel like im on the right track though, i ned to get a good plan for ventillation to elimiante the smell and i guess ill be ready to start =)


Active Member
Bro, it's going to smell. Your girl is going to know unless she's completely oblivious to things going on around her. There are some things you can do to lesson the smell but not totally get rid of it. Honestly what your talking about is quite an investment. why not wait until you are somewhere more private. I understand that you want to do this but you have to ask yourself, are the consequences worth the reward. What if your girl finds out and leaves? What if your parents find out? What if the cops find out? You could be without a house, family, a girl, and with a record because you didn't wait a year?!?

I just wanted to play devils advocate.