</3 free masonry. also it takes YEAAAAAAAAAARS and yeaaaaaars of moving up thru that stuff before you ever learn stuff like that, plus it always helps if you're in a position of power. Why would anyone tell joe schmoe there plans for world domination anyway? If it were me, i'd only tell people who could assist me in my endeavors aka, people in a position of powerI've been a FM for a little over 7 years now, I haven't heard any world domination speak. Oh well, believe what you will
yeah thats the flaw i was thinking. they dont want to bomb us anyway they want to control us and they already do.Well there really isn't much you could do...? And really, the ONLY way they could ever do that is too fully bomb every single state simultaniously then take over everything under the title "Police state" or whatever the fuck it is. As soon as people start noticing them set that shit up then it's over. People will kill cops and whoever comes close. That's just how I see it playing out.
I've been a FM for a little over 7 years now, I haven't heard any world domination speak. Oh well, believe what you will
In conspiracy theory, the term "New World Order" (the capital letters are distinguishing) refers to the advent of a cryptocratic or totalitarian one-world government.your an idiot its not world domination in the first place.. do some research dumbfuck
yes exactly things that take the goggles off of societys face tedn to be illegal. anything that threathn the power. type this shit on youtube and watch some videos manIf FM was actually all about helping people then i'd be for it, but look around and see how many people are actually willing to help others... how many do you count? What type of people do help others out? Generally Hippies and pot smokin' folk like that... right? What's illegal? Weed. Who made it that way? Free mason's and other secret society's that our government officials are apart of. See where i'm going with that?
Too bad the world is too fucked to ever go back to there being no governments... it's a necessary evil. I actually like the idea of a one world government, unfortunately I don't think we could ever pick the right people to establish and run it.