Hey guys, this is my first post on this wonderful forum! Ive been lurking for a while, reading, learning. I came across this post on another forum, and it immediately made me think of you guys. Now im not trying to make you think CFL's are bad, because IMO, they are not, and i plan on putting together a DWC/bubbler system in a month or two, buy 4 150watt cfl's and getting me some free smoke-initial investment. but i would just like to share this bit of information JUST SO YOU KNOW!!! now this has absolutely NOTHING to do with growing, just the bulbs itself.

Most of you are now very familiar with these energy saving bulbs. most of you have no choice but to buy them.

How many of you feel slightly better when using them , knowing that they are better for the environment, and your fuel bills?

How many of you know that each of these [COLOR=#d0d060! important][COLOR=#d0d060! important]light [COLOR=#d0d060! important]bulbs[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] contain mecury? your old bulbs didn't.

That's right, the highly toxic [COLOR=#d0d060! important][COLOR=#d0d060! important]metal[/COLOR][/COLOR] mercury is dangling above your head. and in every room.. the room your kids play in. the rooms you live in. there is no escaping them . everybody has them.

"Surly not enough to do Any harm though right?
Vacate the room and ventilate it for at least 15 minutes. Do not use a vacuum [COLOR=#d0d060! important][COLOR=#d0d060! important]cleaner[/COLOR][/COLOR], but clean up using rubber gloves and aim to avoid creating and inhaling airborne dust. Sweep up all particles and [COLOR=#d0d060! important][COLOR=#d0d060! important]glass[/COLOR][/COLOR] fragments and place in a plastic bag. Wipe the area with a damp cloth, then add that to the bag and seal it. Mercury is hazardous waste and the bag should not be disposed of in the bin. All local councils have an obligation to make arrangements for the disposal of hazardous [COLOR=#d0d060! important][COLOR=#d0d060! important]household[/COLOR][/COLOR] waste"- DEFRA's advice on what to do if you drop one.

But even if you scrub and hoover the [COLOR=#d0d060! important][COLOR=#d0d060! important]carpet[/COLOR][/COLOR], you dropped it onto, it is unlikely you will remove all the Mercury. most of it will stick into your carpet for years. leading to long term exposure to the toxic metal.

"Exposure over long periods of time or heavy exposure to mercury vapor can result in brain damage and ultimately death"- [URL=""][/URL]

Exactly how much mercury is in these things?

Most modern energy saving bulbs contain around 5 milligrams, which may not sound a lot at first. BUT it is going to drastically effect the Environment, and our way of life. it is inevitable. Many people will die. many animals will. die. vast areas will become no go zones without the proper PPE.

think about this, how many of these bulbs have you got in [COLOR=#d0d060! important][COLOR=#d0d060! important]your [COLOR=#d0d060! important]home[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]? 6? 7? 10?
How many houses are on your road? 30? now how many roads are in your village/town/city? lets say 150.

Now that's about 31,500 Light bulbs for an average, size town. THATS allot of bulbs. how much mercury is that?

well 31,500 bulbs times 5 milligrams =157.5 g of Mercury...

now when all, these bulbs are thrown out, they are going straight to the dump.
and 157.5g of mercury being thrown out say every 5 years, is not so good.

when it rains, this is creating a mix of mercury and other crap, at your local dump. many times(especially where i am) this toxic mix, will run off into local rivers/estuaries/creeks/sea/fields/ even drains.

Which is A disaster for aquatic life. and will likely eventually find its way into your drinking water. and crops...

And that is Just one Average town. think how much your county/state is throwing away each week, month, year.

Think how much your country is throwing away. it may be in its tons.

ECO_Friendly Light bulbs my ass.


i found this thread on another website, and basically, just the part about breaking the bulb, and cleaning the pieces is all im worried about.

thank you! and hopefully my first post was an informative one!


If those CFL's have mercury then I bet the tube flourescents that have been used in every school, commercial building, courthouses, and every skyscraper in the last 20 years have mercury as well.


Well-Known Member
If those CFL's have mercury then I bet the tube flourescents that have been used in every school, commercial building, courthouses, and every skyscraper in the last 20 years have mercury as well.
With the product :leaf:they produce i will take my chances :bigjoint:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Riu is blowing up and is ripe for folks trying to market their shit or hate on their competition. Not saying this guy owns an lid business or anything just thought id pass along my idea.


Well-Known Member
yes those lights in schools do have murcury also.. i thought everybody already knew this?
as long as u dont cut yourself with the glass u should be fine.. even if u did cut urself i doubt anything would happen unless a large amount got in u somehow..


Well-Known Member
the amount of mercury in cfl's is miniscule. and when was the last time you heard of someone breaking one?

weve had a rash of led spammers lately. not to say this is one, but the timing is good.


Active Member
ive managed to break one cfl in the last hmm, well i think ever. i broke one in august. being an idiot i deserved to break this one. other than that i dont think i have ever broken one. its not everyday that people go around breaking light bulbs. usually they break when people throw them in the garbage.


Well-Known Member
There's a gram of mercury in a thermometer, and you put those in your mouth (and your kids' mouths).

In comparison, a CFL is a fluffy bunny.

Any more questions?
not to many of those thermometers can you remember breaking in your life? prolly half a dozen here, yet all my cfl's remain unscathed.

tons of new users flooding the board with pro-led, anti-cfl propaganda....funny.

Illegal Smile

Riu is blowing up and is ripe for folks trying to market their shit or hate on their competition. Not saying this guy owns an lid business or anything just thought id pass along my idea.
You are so right. RIU seems to just look the other way when a business or product gets promoted here in all manner of thinly veiled ways.

Brick Top

New Member
With the product they produce i will take my chances :bigjoint:bongsmilie

"With the product they produce i will take my chances" .... hummmmm .. considering that HID lighting way out produces CFLs when it comes to grams produced per watt used I don’t know if what "the product they produce" is really a solid argument for CFL use.
One major key factor to any serious grower, and I do not mean as in cash cropper, just someone who wants the most in return for the risk they take and their expenses, time and effort, grams produced to wattage used is extremely important.
Consider the lighting plans the thread starter mentioned, four 150-watt CFLs. He did not mention if that is actual watts or equivalent watts but if actual watts he will burn 600 watts to get roughly the same amount of lighting as a single 400-watt HID light would provide and he will not get near the amount of light penetration from his CFLs as a single 400-watt HID light would give him.

For that he would be burning an additional 200 additional watts over a single 400-watt HID. I don't know about anyone else here but that does not sound like much of a deal to me and certainly not something that is efficient.
Actually while people do make a big deal about the mercury in CFL bulbs and its danger HID lighting contains mercury too. It is in a smaller amount but it is not like if someone breaks a HID bulb there is no mercury spread around. There is just less mercury spread around.





Well-Known Member
HPS lamps -
The light from the lamp consists of atomic emission lines of mercury and sodium, but is dominated by the sodium D-line emission
Metal Halide -
In a metal halide lamp, the compact arc tube contains a high-pressure mixture of argon, mercury, and a variety of metal halides. The mixture of halides will affect the nature of light produced, influencing the correlated color temperature and intensity (making the light bluer, or redder, for example)
i can keep going with the types of lights that have murcury in them. its one of the things that makes the light glow. Mercury bubls are, in the end, the best bulds for growing.

P.S. the mercury isn't released unless you break the bulb. hence that "white stuff" on the inside of lightbulbs being poisonous....


Well-Known Member
I use MH and HPS for my grow but I did know that CFL's contained mercury because I saw a show talking about how to deal with this when it hit the market bigtime when it came time to dispose of them.

As an aside I have now had TWO CFL ballasts catch on fire with the last one a few days ago in my bedroom (very scary hearing them snap and crackle while smoke starts to pour out I might add). Not sure how common this is but it has me seriously pondering going back to my old style bulbs.

Aside from which I switched my whole house over to CFL's 3 years ago and I didn't notice a penny difference in my power bill.

They do last way longer than a regular old fashioned bulb but then they also cost a hell of a lot more too so the probably should last longer to make up for the cost difference.

Jury (me) is out on these lights until more time passes.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
why LED when CFLs are better

who cares about mercury when all the poison in the world comes out the tail end of your car


Well-Known Member
why LED when CFLs are better

who cares about mercury when all the poison in the world comes out the tail end of your car

AAAAHHH HAAA!! someone finaly hit the head on the nail. bingo, dead on my friend.

most of the "this is bad, that is bad" for the environment is just BS to distract you from the real problem. the 2.5 million tonnes of shit you put into the atmosphere with your car.

personaly i dont even have a license, i bike. its healthier and better for everything else on the planet.


Well-Known Member
most of the "this is bad, that is bad" for the environment is just BS to distract you from the real problem. the 2.5 million tonnes of shit you put into the atmosphere with your car.
your close. all this green this and toxic that rah, rah, rah shit is big business. its all about $$$$