Active Member
Actually, in the long run LEDs will outperform HID lighting, but it will not today. Reason being PAR(Photosynthetic Active Radiation) of LEDs is very configurable giving 100% usable spectrum and when LEDs are released that do over 150 lumens per watt for their respective wavelengths -HID lighting should not be able to hold a candle to it. 8,000-12,000 usable lumens is a bit of a stretch but her point remains valid a large part of HID Lighting potential energy is lost in heat and tapers off as it reflects.
When it comes to lighting for growing there are a couple key components that matter. Power of the light and spectrum. Obviously the more power the more the light is able to reach the plant. We commonly refer to this as lumens, however that is a poor choice. We should use PPFD as a measurement which stands for Photosynthetic Photon Flux density which in its most basic definition refers to the density of photosynthetically USABLE photons of light for the plant or how much light can the plant use to grow. The other key ingredient in lighting for growing is PAR which stands for Photosynthetically Active Radiation this deals with the wavelengths of light at which the plants WILL USE for growing. You know blue lights work well for vegging and red lights work well for flowering well this breaks down into several wavelengths.... I believe it is 420nm 440nm and 460nm for blue lights and we commonly refer to a mixed spectrum of it with a temperature of 6500 kelvin. For Red lights I think it was 600nm-660nm .... this all breaks down even further for CBN's, CBD's and thc usable spectrums.
Like I have stated earlier it is not ready to use on a competitive playing field w/ HID lighting today yet it will still grow buds, but I digress.
I love how a few of you are so confident that LED absolutely will not compete today, even though you have little to no experience with LED whatsoever. Kinda hard for a skeptic to make such claims... Instead of sounding like an ignorant jerk (not pointed at your potlike), and making accusations, try watching to see what they do under this LED. After my grow, if you feel the results aren't up to par, then GREAT, but WAIT TILL HARVEST before you start making such blatant accusations. This is a grow journal to show the efficacy of a certain type of LED, since there are a LOT of different models. Watch what this one does, as it doesn't really matter which LED you've seen growing before, it wasn't this light.