PICS. Should i give another feeding before i flush? HELP!


Active Member
hey folks. my girl has been budding for 40 days as of today. she is halfways through her sixth week with bloom ferts. should i give another feeding on day 43? or should i give fresh water from here on out? this is my first grow. i did do a lot of homework that looks as if it has paid off. i just dont want to ruin everything since i have gotten this far. most of the trichs are foggy or clear. no amber yet. +REP for most helpful.



Active Member
hey man can you give a full plant shot... plus this looks like to me its a sativa so there bud for 8 to 9 weeks i would not flush untill you are 15 days from harvestbongsmilie


Active Member
i am fairly certain it is the strain Gods Gift. but since it is from bagseed i cannot be for sure. it smells fruity not skunky. but is still very strong smelling.


Active Member
did you start this seed indoors and then moved it outside when it was about 2 weeks old or did you start the seed outside in the groundbongsmilie


Active Member
check out my grow i did a indoor in a PC but i changed it after my chick started acting crazy i moved it to a buddys house down the street


Well-Known Member
Wait until you flush!
I say your about 4 weeks, give or take, until they finnish. I start flushing when i start seeing red/orange or brown hairs, thats when i start my flush. I see no orange/red or brown hairs on those photos. Go ahead and feed once more, you should be fine.

Good Luck


Active Member
Wait until you flush!
I say your about 4 weeks, give or take, until they finnish. I start flushing when i start seeing red/orange or brown hairs, thats when i start my flush. I see no orange/red or brown hairs on those photos. Go ahead and feed once more, you should be fine.

Good Luck

Thanks treemansbuds. i felt like i should give her at least 1 more. would be nice to see the buds get even fatter too. +rep for the insight.


Well-Known Member
Thanks treemansbuds. i felt like i should give her at least 1 more. would be nice to see the buds get even fatter too. +rep for the insight.
At least once more, maybe twice, i know we are all anxious about getting our harvest on, but "SHE" will let you know when she's ready.

tic toc tic toc...


Active Member
It doesnt look done to me,i recon u could get away with 1 more feed,then id prolly flush for 3 weeks.
:bigjoint:one or 2 more weeks then of ferts. its settled. after that she will get 2-3 weeks of flush then i will harvest, prolly somewhere around first or second week of October im guessing. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Sweet man,i like to leave mine at least 2 or 3 weeks longer than when i think they're ready,i recon its much better for them to be 'over-done' than 'under-done'.No doubt.