Phreaky's Intimate Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Well, l will see if I can remedy that yield issue with Aeroponics.
if you can get the kush to yield a similar amount to any other strain in the same environment (should be an easy test for ya :bigjoint:), i commend you. but i really think the issue is its mild flowering stretch time. I am beyond psyched to see what you can do with this strain, i would love to be proved wrong!!! because then i go aero immediately.

how big you planning to get them? WW big?


Well-Known Member
Well, I was thinking. I have those five in rooter cubes that are going into the areo tub next.
I figure I will veg them for two or three weeks get like 10" tall and screen them.
Ill take cuttings to keep the strain and flower.

That will be the first round and I will have a good feel for the strain. I already started flowering
the two rooted I got so they will be ahead of them and I can see how they grow. The second round
is where I will probably get the yeild.

If not well then I will use more cuttings on the third round.


Well-Known Member
very good idea! i'm glad i had a test run with kush as well, now i know some of its secrets (hard to nute burn in bud, very trainable, not too great with pinching).


Well-Known Member
alright here's some pics. just finally (:wall:) got an sd card for my phone, so i'll be able to upload pics more often and more at a time!

the first two pics are the biggest budding purple kush. it is looking beautiful with its already plentiful resin. smells like concentrated joy.

i added a bunch more stakes to the mendo. pic 3 is the mendo all spread out like a lazy stoner. the fourth pic is the mendo after i added like 4 1/2 more stakes, it looks so much happier! lemme know what y'all think :peace:



Well-Known Member
the mendo and the larger kush are in their fourth week of budding, although the mendo kind of auto-flowered earlier.

the small kushs (not pictured) are in their third week. they are still crazy small, but they don't take up too much space. i guess it'll be for the sake of experimentation. btw i didn't prune any branches from them, so we'll see how they form...


Well-Known Member
Thats it, get them girls to stand up and show there stuff.

This pic is my fav.

Looking good man. The purple has much more foliage but these buds will get more light. Interesting to see what happens.



Well-Known Member
Well, I'm walking into this grow and having a seat. . . .

and in honor of your attendance, here's some pix of some veggin plants!

1st pic - Purple Kush
2nd pic - Trainwreck
3rd pic - White Widow
the last pic is of white widows, TWs and kushs in the veg room, dancing in the light.

I'll have some more pics of the flowering ladies sooner than later. you'll notice when i post the terrible state of the TW i just put in, they're lanky as shit. the other TWs are way healthier (I transplanted those two too early), but i figure if i don't like these two's growth theres plenty of others waiting for the space!

this grow, as always, is meant to allow me the full freedom of experimentation just for the fuck of it. i have no quota, except for fun bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
So this is the current status of my grow. I have 3 small pk, 2 small TW, and now one WW in the flowering chamber. I topped a few future moms, now I have a clone of each.:lol:

two questions:

do you think these particular TWs are worthwhile/ will they form a single cola?

whaddu think?

as always, :peace:



Well-Known Member
Looking good pg. They should fill on out if you give them enough time. I like those square pots.


Well-Known Member
Why not, it all depends on how you train them.
but those two are in the flower room already. whether i like it or not, they are gonna flower.
so,i only have a short while to train them before it will fuck up my potential yield, right? the others are all gonna be topped or tied, cause they'll have time to heal still in veg. honestly veg space has been a real pain in the ass for me:cuss:, I might get a cab after the first round of harvests.

Looking good pg. They should fill on out if you give them enough time. I like those square pots.
thanks. the other TWs are a lot nicer, but they'll get their days in the sun soon enough. the square pots i could only find at a hydro shop, lots of drainage and really thick. 9 pots fit in a 2x2 area which is nice!
also, it grows square buds :clap:


Well-Known Member
Well you could still do some LST on that TW if it's still under 3 weeks.. nothing big or too stressful.. just bend some of the branches so the light will shine directly on them.. and this should trigger them to start growing wider or produce bigger buds.
It's never too late when it's this early :p


Well-Known Member
ah that is excellent to hear!
When I checked them out last night, they looked very happy in the strong light.
already the lower branches have sprung up a bit.
I'll tie them up tonight! the stalk is still really weak and ready to move any direction without damage.


Well-Known Member
ah that is excellent to hear!
When I checked them out last night, they looked very happy in the strong light.
already the lower branches have sprung up a bit.
I'll tie them up tonight! the stalk is still really weak and ready to move any direction without damage.
Good to hear!!, please post pics of the bending so we can all enjoy :D

Cheers goat,



Well-Known Member
i'm a little under the weather, but my plants seem flu/cold resistant, lol.

the 1st pic is of the smaller, topped plants that may soon be future moms. the closest plant is TW, guess it doesn't mind the topping...

the second pic is the very happy WW, and the third is the next TW to go into flowering soon.



Well-Known Member
as the title says, these pics are a little more fun.

the 1st and 2nd pics are of the mendo, which is starting to plump! i will be updating this one the most frequently (it's my favorite)

the 3rd pic shows the progress of the newest kush mom, coming along swimmingly.

the last pic is out of focus kush, can't wait!




Well-Known Member
I'm Liken the Mendo to bro.
She looks like she really wants to put out for ya.


The kids, I topped a TW three times before it was 8 inches so no worries there.
I would give that WW a snip too.

Lookin good man.