white rhno first grow


Active Member
nice set up bro sry i aint check it out b4 .. your plants have no stretch nice tight node spacing.. how many days flower do they need..

8-9 weeks
im going to harvest when the plant is ready, if it needs 10 weeks ill let it have it go another 7 days


Well-Known Member
Hey Ryan...nice set up you got going there...very nice healthy looking rhinos. I love the mini dwc's too...is that hydrofarm system? Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
yeah i usually give mine a extra week just for that extra couch lock.. haha ppl round here like to get wasted..


Active Member
Hey Ryan...nice set up you got going there...very nice healthy looking rhinos. I love the mini dwc's too...is that hydrofarm system? Keep up the good work!
yes it is, i got a really good deal on it too at my hydroponic store, only 400 dollars, and the cheapest ive seen online was 450

and thx man +rep for you!

yeah i usually give mine a extra week just for that extra couch lock.. haha ppl round here like to get wasted..
dude fer sure about getting couch lock

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yo bro, it looks like the downward curling of the leaves improved when you tranplanted but if it starts to happen again you need to cut back on your feed. Look at your nute bottles at the N-P-K ratings. Whichever ones have anything besides 0 for the first number I would cut back on. Also helps to look at the color of the leaves. Too dark green means too much N. Too light green or yellow means not enough. But as I said it looks like the tranplant helped out already. Anyways looking good.


Active Member
Yo bro, it looks like the downward curling of the leaves improved when you tranplanted but if it starts to happen again you need to cut back on your feed. Look at your nute bottles at the N-P-K ratings. Whichever ones have anything besides 0 for the first number I would cut back on. Also helps to look at the color of the leaves. Too dark green means too much N. Too light green or yellow means not enough. But as I said it looks like the tranplant helped out already. Anyways looking good.

well what i think happen to the first plant when i trans to hydroton, i did it by myself and it took a few more minutes than the 2nd one(had help) so it got more water running on the roots, so it got over watered by flushing the soil

since you commented about the nutes i have added a 1/2 gallon of water to res and if i see change i might go another 1/4 gallon then once the leaves start turn lighter ill add 1/2 strength nutes


Well-Known Member
Bend and train that bitch. top her too. You're going to get one nice fa cola instead of 4 to 8 nice fat colas.


Well-Known Member
Damn, they look ready to flower to me right now. Hell, I've got to plants 50 days into flower that look smaller than them.


Active Member
Bend and train that bitch. top her too. You're going to get one nice fa cola instead of 4 to 8 nice fat colas.

there almost 2 weeks in flowering, didnt want to top these 2

next grow im going to top them 2 times and there going to veg for 2 1/2 months

only vegg 1 1/2 months for these girls


Active Member
you should follow that advice there ^^^^

you are a lady??

with some ladies... :)

ladies growing ladies :)

your ladies look a little hungry in the pic... :)

i dont think that im going to clone the WR, i want to grow just belladonna after these 2 are done

and im going on a trip for a week or 2 and wouldnt be able to watch the clones while im gone and i have some one to watch my babies(homie for life kinda deal)