First Grow, Using CFL's


Well-Known Member
Ya mylar tha shit outta the walls I say : )

I need to go buy some. Someone told me to check the dollar store. Ill probly call on it tomorrow.

I wonder how much it accually helps to have mylar on the walls. like I wanna see numbers! lol

Ima put some new pics up tomorrow of my girls. : )



Active Member
and i just looked back at your last posted pictures, it does look brighter in there, i must have rememberd it not being that well lit, but it looks good lol. still think the mylar wouldnt hurt it :P
before it was made out of pizza boxes remember? now its actually close to sealed and i have very minimal lite losee


Well-Known Member
yeah i know, the pizza boxes was like.. mega ghetto rigged lol. but it still worked :P and yeah hardly any light loss it looks like now


Well-Known Member
Yo setups looking good dude. It was sweet watching that shit go from ghetto pizza box rig to a fuctional grow box. Good job bro


Active Member
only problem is since i changed to this box, my plant hates me. now i noticed toome brown tips on some of the new growth. im thinking time for efertilizer. TODAY


Well-Known Member
hmm. Not to sure what brown tips mean. Ill try to look it up later, Post pics of her browness. : )



Active Member
Ok so i went to the store and found a moisture meter on sale for like 4 bucks! and i found some Coco! which from what i remember reading is supposed to be really good. now i am gonna have to go do some research on how to use tha tin my transplant with top soil and perlite

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Ok so i went to the store and found a moisture meter on sale for like 4 bucks! and i found some Coco! which from what i remember reading is supposed to be really good. now i am gonna have to go do some research on how to use tha tin my transplant with top soil and perlite
Iv seen some amazing grows with coco :weed:


Active Member
so after much thought, i decided to try and add nutrielnts after reading Mr rosenthalls grow guide. looks lik ei am P difficient and probably alittle Nitrogen deficiaent. we will see how my plant does over the next couple days. im quite discouraged right now. but amd gong to keep trying until its dead. if the nutrients didnt makee a difference in 2 days ill transplant.


Well-Known Member
Thats the spirit TK, Keep your head up! She'll be fine. Just make it through this grow and the others will be a piece of cake!



Active Member
alright, so i guess my firefox is being a bitch with this website. because i just opened it up on Internet explorer and things are working great.

NOw for a plant update

Im plant is really hurting. its still growing, but the new leaves are still lime greenish with the tips of some of them purplish in colour. the lower leaves have a few brown spots and the drainage on my plant seems almost non existent. the moisture hasnt really moved accept at the top of the plant. REAL FRUSTRATING. i did some research last night, and discovered that i am definately nutrient dificient. so what i know i need to do is a transplant. Last night i gave my plant some nutes. AFF, so i hope that helps for today, because tomorro ia m transplanting for sure. id show some pictures, but the camera doesnt do the damage justice haha.

anyway. i wil lpost some updated pictures soon. maybe not tonight,


Well-Known Member
the purplish is probly just the temp. in the grow room. I read somwhere that the leaves and stems will have a shade of purple if its to cold for her. No damage. Just discoloration : )

And ya I was just fixing to say transplant her : )

Looking out for pics!
