Evolution Is A Theory On Which You Base A Religion


Well-Known Member
Wow, I was reading and was at the last few sentences and was thinking to myself, This person isn't wasting, She's Evolving.. and Soon after you mentioned this being your personal Evolution.. And So iT is :-P..

and More importantly, Selfish of Me not to say earlier, I'm sadden by your Condition/Ailment :sad:

But hey Your Right!! :-P, You are becoming to understand the Life you had before doesn't mean it no longer exists, It matters because it was Part of/Still influence the Person U have become 2day, So what you Lived for Yesterday is As easy as living for What You Have Now and Desire today as well as Tomorrow!!

I don't believe in a Deity, but I do Believe what you Have Opened/Awakened yourself 2, will Allow you to REcieve everything that Is needed for your Happiness..

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
I have to say its encouraging to see people still looking for truth in these areas, and taking the time to talk about it. I laugh to myself when i see how many people i work with everyday in my mba program dont give a shit about such issues, but the socially condemned tokers are seemingly hungry to expand their minds... keep it up, you unmotivated insane pot smokers!


I have to say its encouraging to see people still looking for truth in these areas, and taking the time to talk about it. I laugh to myself when i see how many people i work with everyday in my mba program dont give a shit about such issues, but the socially condemned tokers are seemingly hungry to expand their minds... keep it up, you unmotivated insane pot smokers!
I couldn't agree more with this!

I find it REALLY odd that most people I come across don't really bother with thinking about this stuff. Most just accept what their parents told them was true their entire lives.

Such questions are why we're here. The universe is just waiting to be answered.

I also find it incredibly sad to think that there are billions of people who already think they have all the answers. If they only opened their eyes and accepted the unknown our species would be 100 times better off.

Anyone else ever get the old :rolleyes: when you bring stuff like this up in person with people? :wall:


Well-Known Member
I couldn't agree more with this!

I find it REALLY odd that most people I come across don't really bother with thinking about this stuff. Most just accept what their parents told them was true their entire lives.

Such questions are why we're here. The universe is just waiting to be answered.

I also find it incredibly sad to think that there are billions of people who already think they have all the answers. If they only opened their eyes and accepted the unknown our species would be 100 times better off.

Anyone else ever get the old :rolleyes: when you bring stuff like this up in person with people? :wall:
Yeah too much lol.

The reason no one bothers these days, is because we are no longer taught to think. But instead, we are taught how to read and repeat infomation.
So at the end of the year you pass your test and then shortly afterwards you forget everything lol
No one ever asks why, they just accept whats told to them.
My grandad whos a professor at northamton university, said somthing along them lines at the dinner table once, i just laughed it off at the time but now i really see his point lol


Yeah too much lol.

The reason no one bothers these days, is because we are no longer taught to think. But instead, we are taught how to read and repeat infomation.
So at the end of the year you pass your test and then shortly afterwards you forget everything lol
No one ever asks why, they just accept whats told to them.
My grandad whos a professor at northamton university, said somthing along them lines at the dinner table once, i just laughed it off at the time but now i really see his point lol

I guess people don't see the importance of their simple little beliefs...

People starve to death while they sit there in their cozy little comfort zone.

Blind ignorance must be the shit!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Gonna spam every thread with the same uncredited source?http://www.jesus-is-lord.com/evolfact.htm
"Approximately 15 billion years ago, life began..."
"No, it was more like 7 billion years ago..."
"Uh, well, the earth probably began about..."
"The strata may show..."
"Well, we evolutionists don't exactly agree about when, why or how the world began, but...

evolution is a fact and you are unscientific if you don't believe it?"

It is interesting to me how scientist have tricked everyone into believing in evolution. Evolution is not:
  • repeatable,
  • testable; or,
  • observable.
In other words, it doesn't even qualify as real science. Mmmm...I don't think You'll ever get me to believe a monkey is my uncle, a rat is my cousin, and that lice are my near kinsmen. Unless it's proven, as of now it's not!

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
"Approximately 15 billion years ago, life began..."
"No, it was more like 7 billion years ago..."
"Uh, well, the earth probably began about..."
"The strata may show..."
"Well, we evolutionists don't exactly agree about when, why or how the world began, but...

evolution is a fact and you are unscientific if you don't believe it?"

It is interesting to me how scientist have tricked everyone into believing in evolution. Evolution is not:
  • repeatable,
  • testable; or,
  • observable.
In other words, it doesn't even qualify as real science. Mmmm...I don't think You'll ever get me to believe a monkey is my uncle, a rat is my cousin, and that lice are my near kinsmen. Unless it's proven, as of now it's not!
It is interesting to me how someone has tricked you into not knowing about a subject before speaking on it. Who said a monkey was your uncle? You obviously have no comprehension of this subject. So if all the evolutionists adopted the same theories just to APPEAR correct it would make the evidence more legitimate in your eyes? The fact that there is disagreement means that people want the truth, not just to APPEAR to be correct. Spam elsewhere :finger: Your type of logic has already been defeated in this thread.


Well-Known Member
Wow what a well said argument to w/e garbage suedoscience you try to pump into whatever made up fairytale you wish to believe in this year.

I couldn't have said it better myself, if I got to devoid my argument of all facts and reason, and regurgitate it over and over again like a child that is afraid of the monster under their bed, and even though their parents have repeatedly shown them nothing is under it.

Continue to wail your bs. It will be dismissed and proven wrong again and again.

And maybe one day you can pick up a real book that has things in it that will help you understand more than a bush can burn and talk to you. And evil snakes can come into a garden and whisper for you to eat a apple from a tree that ruins all mankind.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
That chart is not consistent with modern evolutionary theory. There is no clear linear progression of one hominid species into another "more advanced" species as the chart suggests. Rather the process was more like a tree with branches that split and evolved parallel at the same time. All the other parts of this branch ran into dead ends and only homo sapiens remains. This seems to be too complicated of a theory for many creationists to comprehend. Anyways, I hope that chart was not intended to discredit evolutionary science. If so, it is a very poor attempt.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
i thnk dats the point he was making

scientist dun know
It doesn't appear you grasped what I was saying. Lucy did not evolve into Heidleburg Man and then he didn't evolve into Nebraska Man and then he didn't evolve into Piltdown Man. Some of these species lived along side eachother at the same period in time and therefore there could not be a linear pattern to their evolution. I'm not here to argue or convince anyone. Just correct gross misrepresentations of facts when I see them. Believe what you want. I could give a shit.



How do you guys ever expect to get anything right when you can't even get a simple concept right?

It's like you were told something way back when you were in grade school about the theory of evolution, decided THEN it was false (probably because of your parents beliefs or your very basic knowledge of the theory at the time, what 4th grade or so?) and from then on, with the faulty idea of evolution still in your mind, you haven't accepted it as an adult.

Do you at least understand that what you guys are proposing, like with this picture, is NOT AT ALL HOW THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION WORKS! AT ALL! You are arguing against your own retarded idea of what you think the theory says, not the actual theory of evolution, as accepted by 99.9% of bioligists worldwide.

It's laughable. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I was raised in the mormon church and my dad always explained lifes origins in terms of evolution rather than the creation story and left it up to me to decide. Yet he still accepted all of the churches doctrines. He's not a mormon anymore though and has recently started smoking pot again something he hasnt done since the 1960's. Now he's an astronomer and is into telescopes.


Active Member
How do you guys ever expect to get anything right when you can't even get a simple concept right?
lol thats how i see your view on creation

Do you at least understand that what you guys are proposing, like with this picture, is NOT AT ALL HOW THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION WORKS! AT ALL! You are arguing against your own retarded idea of what you think the theory says, not the actual theory of evolution, as accepted by 99.9% of bioligists worldwide.

It's laughable.
I really dont think you understand the creationist argument,
how dating methods are wrong,blah,blah......


Active Member
Do you at least understand that what you guys are proposing, like with this picture, is NOT AT ALL HOW THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION WORKS! AT ALL!

not the actual theory of evolution, as accepted by 99.9% of bioligists worldwide.

It's laughable. :mrgreen:

There were two or three different groups of walking apes, and one was the forefather of humans it has been estimated that the human lineage diverged from that of chimpanzees about five million years ago, and from that of gorillas about eight million years ago..

can you give me some pictures to look at so i can see how you evolved?



There were two or three different groups of walking apes, and one was the forefather of humans it has been estimated that the human lineage diverged from that of chimpanzees about five million years ago, and from that of gorillas about eight million years ago..

can you give me some pictures to look at so i can see how you evolved?

Rofl! Not at all fish, you can't be serious! We did not evolve from Chimpanzees or gorillas. Whoever made that claim has no idea what they're talking about.

homo habilis - 2.4 million years ago (the beginning of the homo species, US)

homo erectus 1.8 million years ago

homo neanderthalensis 400,000 years ago

But the dating methods are flawed.. even though the cerebral capacity increases with each hominid, which lines up with the theory of evolution, and also the predicted outcome of evolution.. Each one gets taller and stands more upright... each one loses body hair, learns to use tools, and learns to use clothes.. learns to use fire, develops language, creates society...

But I guess it's all just nonsense... :roll:


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yea that's a good example that even creationists should be familiar with... Neanderthal man. However, we are not directly related to this species as creationists love to pass of as accepted theory in the scientific community. In fact there is a lot of evidence which suggests homo sapiens and neanderthals lived side by side for a period of time, meaning at most we would be distant cousins rather than direct descendents. Neanderthals were more physically adapted to colder temperature and occupied Europe at a time when it was mostly covered in ice. As the ice age ended and homo sapiens spread north and west into Europe from the Middle East they inevitably came into contact with one another. Whether there was confrontation, cooperation, or they simply ignored eachother is not known. But this leads to another point which hasn't yet been touched. Many creationists are happy to believe that evolutionary theory suggests man's development took place solely in Africa. That is only a fraction of the story.

Homo sapiens as a species did originate in Africa however that population was left behind as a few of these early humans left the continent to move north east into the middle east to a place now known as the fertile crescent. This is the true cradle of civilization. It is believed the humans who did not leave Africa eventually all perished because several DNA studies have been conducted which show that humans of every race alive today share common genes with Middle Eastern people, not African. The Africans of today are also decendent from this original Middle Eastern population. You can think of the spread of the human species as having an origin in Africa and continuing in one line to the fertile crescent which becomes a hub. The people left in Africa for the most part disapear but from this hub in the Middle East we radiated back outwards in every direction to eventually repopulate Africa and the rest of the world. Part of this is due to climate change and part is due to the fact that the environment in the fertile crescent was so favorable to our survival that we were able to easily increase our population there and spend more time learning new skills. So the point is that we are talking about time scales so vast with so many thousands of generations passing that it is very easy to oversimplify the real chain of events.

As always, the preceding was solely meant to inform others of what the issue we are discussing is really about. I don't care if you want to label it as "unproven." Apparently those who wish to think that all evolutionary science is some conspiracy must live in a world of magic and mystery. Evolution is not testable but it is the most logical explanation given the evidence not only in the scientific community but in your own life. You have to really commit yourself to having an open mind and look at the world around you and ask questions like why are kangaroos only in Australia and not everywhere else? Why is it true that the more science learns about the world the more religious views must be explained away? Remember when the Sun revolved around the Earth? Those were the good-old days, huh? But whatever, who you are in life really comes down to what information you accept as real and what you choose to do with it. I accept religious ideas as part of my information base, however to make them the foundation of everything I believe would be logically absurd.