First timer and using bubbleponic


Active Member
I dont think you need to mist them as much as you do... I rarely mist mine maybe once or twice in veg and once early in flowering. I think I saw a couple brown spots on your leaves in the last pic and I think its because your leaving water on your leaves and its magnifying the light and burning them.
I heavily mist before lights on during the veg period (18/6 schedule). Never had a negative side effect. But I use super diluted foliar feeding sprays. I also have fans blowing on them, and all my lights dry them pretty quick.

Gotta make sure you water under the leaves too !


Elite Rolling Society
I think pot plants in the rain forrest of Peru and Bolivia get a lot of misting.

I mist mine twice a day, and I have accidently misted the CFL bulbs and they did nto break. I figure when it rains, the clouds hide the sun's rays some, so I do raise my lights while I am misting. BUT after it rains, the sun comes back out, so after I mist, I lower my lights back down. My two fans dry them in 30 minutes to an hour. I mist the lids very heavy and I msit down deep inside the plants too. They love it.

I think Misting hass different consequencs IF you use HID lights instead of CFLs.

For 7 grows I bought a foilage spray, then they told me that they make it themselves with 1/4 dose of VEG nutes in one gallon of distilled water.
I do NOT mist in Flowering, I am afraid of bud mold, but in the woods , they get rain every month. i just don;'t risk it tho.


Well-Known Member
I think pot plants in the rain forrest of Peru and Bolivia get a lot of misting.

I mist mine twice a day, and I have accidently misted the CFL bulbs and they did nto break. I figure when it rains, the clouds hide the sun's rays some, so I do raise my lights while I am misting. BUT after it rains, the sun comes back out, so after I mist, I lower my lights back down. My two fans dry them in 30 minutes to an hour. I mist the lids very heavy and I msit down deep inside the plants too. They love it.

I think Misting hass different consequencs IF you use HID lights instead of CFLs.

For 7 grows I bought a foilage spray, then they told me that they make it themselves with 1/4 dose of VEG nutes in one gallon of distilled water.
I do NOT mist in Flowering, I am afraid of bud mold, but in the woods , they get rain every month. i just don;'t risk it tho.
You are right big unc if the HID lighting and the temps are too high when you mist the veins in the leaf will start rising and yellowing cause its trying to release moisture and cant because of the heat.If anyone uses HIDs you need it in a cooltube with a fan and do sum ducting work if necessary. I remember helping Bluey with a prob like this.


Active Member
I'm getting a little worried that Roadrunner is going to get blocked out by her bigger neighbors. She's so small


Active Member
I'm getting a little worried that Roadrunner is going to get blocked out by her bigger neighbors. She's so small
Maybe get some extra small lights and hang them down low ?

I also have a tiny runt in my system right now. She just gets her own 42 watt cool and warm bulbs. Not much, but it seems to help get light down to her. I have both bulbs in one reflector. Hang it from a chain.


Active Member
I think i've found the next spots to top. should I just go ahead and do it or wait till the end of the week? Can you top to much too soon?


Active Member
Hey Mac - if it's just a spot that you missed when topping, then sure you can top that spot. I just wouldn't top the result of a previous topping for a week. I topped mine 3 times (my first grow), and really glad I did. Real glad. Good luck - hope you get tons! LOL


New Member
I think Misting has different consequencs IF you use HID lights instead of CFLs.

I use anywhere from 1000 to 1800 watts in HPS in flower and a 400 watt and a 250 watt MH for veg and mothers so maybe this is why I don't like doing it. Anytime I have done it on a regular bases whether it be with or without nutes I end up either burning my leaves or something else that causes problems. So the only time I mist is mainly just to clean them a bit . Even in my bubble cloner under my t5's I have seen negative results but I guess if they aren't showing any problems from it then continue.


New Member
And I generally don't mist much and try to get the humidity up in the whole room. Probably works different under different situations.


Active Member
I went ahead and did the second topping. I pinched the shoots between the main stem and the second node of real leaves, above the first set of leaves on the shoots


Well-Known Member
I can remember reading god nos were before and it says if you spray your plants all the time it slows down root growth and the aim of the game is root growth yes?


Active Member
I can remember reading god nos were before and it says if you spray your plants all the time it slows down root growth and the aim of the game is root growth yes?

Hmm... I don't know. Here is what Ed says:

Foliar feeding is a very efficient way of providing plants with nutrients because it goes directly to the plant canopy and doesn't have to take the long trip from medium to roots and up the stem.

Foliar feeding too often can cause over-fertilization. Weekly sprays are generally the maximum. After foliar feeding the first day, spray the plants with pH adjusted water daily for a few days. This provides the plant an opportunity to absorb any fertilizer residue.
When plants are regularly foliar fed, they use less nutrient absorbed by the roots, so the concentration of the nutrient solution can be lowered a bit.
Read the article. Pretty good info. You could be right on slower root growth, but thats because the nutes are coming in from the canopy.

I know Jorge mentions foliar feeding in the Bible. I will check out what he says. :peace:


Elite Rolling Society
Hmm... I don't know. Here is what Ed says:

Read the article. Pretty good info. You could be right on slower root growth, but thats because the nutes are coming in from the canopy.

I know Jorge mentions foliar feeding in the Bible. I will check out what he says. :peace:

I got that out of a Ed Rosenthal book, and that is where I learned to do it.
Foilage spray then use pH water for a few next days.


New Member
Rose, I'll post here instead of on your remarkable achievements with your personal grow. It looks absolutely perfect and you have the total control of a master grower!


Elite Rolling Society
Rose, I'll post here instead of on your remarkable achievements with your personal grow. It looks absolutely perfect and you have the total control of a master grower!
thank you, MC.

pleae help me persuade Major Tom to join the Heads.


Active Member
Day 19 - Just added 2 42w 2700K CFLs in 1 reflector aiming at the sides of the girls. See if that speeds things up a bit