Would you bust a crop if you knew it was grown...


Active Member
Not sure why you would want to? How would you possibly know it was being grown by illegals in the first place? Ask yourself this, why do people grow outdoors? How many grow on someone else's property or even public land? Whats the difference? Would'nt bother me if you decided to go down and grow somewhere in Mexico.


New Member
assuming u somehow knew all that and how to get in there without being murdered (they usually camp around their site) then hell yes. I would wait for the right moment and hack as much as possible and donate it all to a compassion clinic where it rightfully belongs


Active Member
assuming u somehow knew all that and how to get in there without being murdered (they usually camp around their site) then hell yes. I would wait for the right moment and hack as much as possible and donate it all to a compassion clinic where it rightfully belongs
amen brother


Well-Known Member
If its a huge cach crop grow like that then yes turn them in. No one needs to be growing 14,000 plants in one season. That's just greedy. And most that do attempt this really fuck up the area they grow in. If you wanna risk it on your own land go ahead but don't clear cut national forest and then dump chemical fertilizers so that you can send millions to another country.


Active Member
Stay far away! I personally could never call the law on anyone unless they were hurting a Women or Child..


Well-Known Member
I would never rat on anybody for grwing weed. I just got a thing about calling the cops on anybody.

You and I may not like the fact that they grow on public land or national forrest. But I still do not think anybody. And I say anybody should be in jail for growing pot.

If a group or grower was defending there grow with death on public land then thats a whole new story.


Well-Known Member
Ever try hiking off the path up in Mendo? You will be shot at. No respect for people that give pot a bad name. Profit and violence are not what this drugs about.

But back to this grow. How many plants and how do you know who's growing it?


Active Member
I do residential heating and air and see shit all the time. "hey bro can you fix my a/c asap. I cant have my house hot". I could never rat. Even if I saw a meth lab I wouldnt rat. I know where snitches end up. Ill show you......



Well-Known Member
My question was more about the illegals....Again no racism meant but from all the shit that is going on in Mexico and with the size of that grow or any thing close to that you gotta think a lot of people could die from those crops....I totally agree no one should be in jail for growing cannabis for them selves and for some cash but 14,00+ plants that's outta hand and like it was stated in a post before it not just growing cannabis and jail its the impact these people have on the land the way they clear cut the forest and use chemicals that you or I wouldn't use on our own crops.....Again this is not in any way a racist post i wanna make that clear....My buddy lives in SC and tells me story's all the time about smuggling and the toll it takes on the borders....Again like what was said in a earlier post if you wanna grow on your own property you should damn well have to right to like I am doing...But growing even 5 plants on state land is wrong...Think if you and your kids were hiking through the woods and got off path and came across those 14,000+ plants you think they would even think twice about letting you go with a warning? I guess i opened a can o worms with this one but I like to have discussions about cannabis being legal and what the government needs to think about....I think that growing on state or federally protected land should be a huge fine or even jail time....If you don't have land to grow your cannabis/medicine then either find someone who will help, grow inside or don't grow.....Sorry about the long post had a nice fatty cone of my super silver haze that I picked early.....Cheers!!!

Blue Moonshine1

Active Member
wow i would prob shit my pants if i stumbled across this... i would pluck one friendly cola and then turn and run fast... real fast... AREBA.. AREBA....


Well-Known Member
My question was more about the illegals....Again no racism meant but from all the shit that is going on in Mexico and with the size of that grow or any thing close to that you gotta think a lot of people could die from those crops....I totally agree no one should be in jail for growing cannabis for them selves and for some cash but 14,00+ plants that's outta hand and like it was stated in a post before it not just growing cannabis and jail its the impact these people have on the land the way they clear cut the forest and use chemicals that you or I wouldn't use on our own crops.....Again this is not in any way a racist post i wanna make that clear....My buddy lives in SC and tells me story's all the time about smuggling and the toll it takes on the borders....Again like what was said in a earlier post if you wanna grow on your own property you should damn well have to right to like I am doing...But growing even 5 plants on state land is wrong...Think if you and your kids were hiking through the woods and got off path and came across those 14,000+ plants you think they would even think twice about letting you go with a warning? I guess i opened a can o worms with this one but I like to have discussions about cannabis being legal and what the government needs to think about....I think that growing on state or federally protected land should be a huge fine or even jail time....If you don't have land to grow your cannabis/medicine then either find someone who will help, grow inside or don't grow.....Sorry about the long post had a nice fatty cone of my super silver haze that I picked early.....Cheers!!!
I agree with most of your post. But I got no problem with anybody growing 5 plants on state land. National forrest sure.

I bet most growers here grow on state land.


Well-Known Member
Most large grows in parks destroy habitats and cause erosion. I would def report it, because I treasure our public lands and wildlife and do not want to see them destroyed. If I found a small plot, low impact and obviously someone's personal... I wouldn't turn it in, or take anything. Fuck cartels.


Well-Known Member
14,000 Plants is too much for anyone.. If u average 1 Pound per plant (small for outdoor), thats 14,000 Pounds @ $200 an Oz they are making $44,800,000..
I love weed and dont think any1 should b busted for it, but then again, with the police tied up with the prep work, admin and reports that this sort of bust takes, then they are not worrying about my 4 plants :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Tru that ninja....But also all that work also ties up the police from other offenders...rapeist, pederasses etc.....


Well-Known Member
Tru that ninja....But also all that work also ties up the police from other offenders...rapeist, pederasses etc.....

I doubt it, they have different departments for drugs than they do for other crimes - so long as the drug boys are tied up - Im a happy smoker :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Where i'm from town cops are town cops till you go to our bigger city then they have a drug task force


Well-Known Member
By mexican illigals? No raceism at all just saw a video on youtube from Colorado they busted 14,000+....Found by a hiker.....Ehhh I'm not sure what i would do....Any other thought....Now this is if you wouldn't get caught snitching.....

The vid

I don't think its about race at all. If it was Scandinavians doing the same thing it would be the same deal. They are violent and take over large areas of federal land and will kill anyone that fucks with their squatted land.

They generally convey an extremely negative image of marijuana and marijuana growers and provide propaganda numbers for anti-legalization efforts.

All the money goes right back to funding violent mexican organizations

No reason to feel bad about one of these types of grows getting busted.

The real fucked up thing is is that most of the 'workers' that are in the woods aren't camped out voluntarily. They and their families face being killed if they don't comply with these organizations. When a group of them gets busted with one of these plots its no loss to the people really running the operation they just send another load. The only way to solve the problem is legalization. As long as its worth their while no amount of interdiction or eradication is going to put a dent in the real problem.


Well-Known Member
These people are why it's dangerous to go hiking in the woods in many, many areas. The money they are making is great enough that they have no qualms about killing folks who find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time.

This right here is why I'm growing my own. I'm done funding thugs.

Until our insane drug laws are voted out, people that kill people will continue to make a fortune. I'm having no part in that.


Active Member
i am fundamentally against anyone gettin busted but....... the mexican cartels are definately bad f@#king news on every level. we had a small run in back 1999 when they tried to take over a canyon that we have grown in for 30 yrs. it was a small scale war for two years. in that particular canyon we never grew more than about three hundred plants. but they planted about 3 thousand. and what others said about them ruining everything around their camp was accurate. they are ruthless thugs and murder is nothing to them. we finnally got rid of them by secretly undermining their irrrigation system. our greatest fear was police involement in our local grow area. if you ever come across more than say 4 hundred plants you can almost be sure it is a mexican cartel op. ... be careful