metal halide how far??


okay so im about to start germination and veg period, ive opted for a 400w metal halide and will switch to hps when blooming but i need some advice on how far to keep the metal halide away from the plants during veg? I know a metal halide will get hot but i dont want a tall stringy plant? some people have said no closer than 18 inches? will this make the plant thin and long? how close can i put a metal halide i want a nice bushy plant!?? help:confused::confused:


Well-Known Member
okay so im about to start germination and veg period, ive opted for a 400w metal halide and will switch to hps when blooming but i need some advice on how far to keep the metal halide away from the plants during veg? I know a metal halide will get hot but i dont want a tall stringy plant? some people have said no closer than 18 inches? will this make the plant thin and long? how close can i put a metal halide i want a nice bushy plant!?? help:confused::confused:
It depends on if its more sativa or indica for one , 20 inches is good the light has so much penetrating light that they wont stretch, u should start your seedlings on some cfl's for the first week so u can get the lights closer, than move the MH in.


cheers bobby 12 lots of help, if i were too tight to buy a fluoro how far would you say i should keep the metal halide away from seedlings?? should i just bite the bullet and buy a fluro for the seedling stage? is it that much better for the plant or will the halide be ok for the seedlings?
cheers again for the help


Well-Known Member
I mean alot of people do start there seedlings with MH but alot of those seedlings die or are f'ed up the rest of the grow, its just too much heat and light for seedlings if you must do the halide i would say no more than 2 feet to 3 feet away, do the hand test and if your hand is getting hot right by the seedlings than its too hot, just buy a little 27 watt or 40 watt cfl for the first week and put it like 3 inches from your seedlings i bet you have a better healthier plants if you do. plus rep me if you can thanks