The thing is...
Once the snow starts to stick (not melt) there will be no bugs or pests to come in from the outside...
And If I can start with 100% pest free, it will stay that way until May.. when I can then take preventative measures...
BUT if ONE little fucker survives... it will plague me ALL WINTER...
And seeing that a big share of my crop ends up as edibles, I REFUSE to spray ANYTHING...
So yeah...
I'm actually thinking about taking a break...
Maybe grow some shrooms instead... I can always trade THEM...
Fuel costs were ridiculous this summer... and since we buy ONCE for the whole year...
I will be paying prices that are even MORE ridiculous than usual... Gas is going for a little over $12/gal and Diesel is ALWAYS MORE...
I could stand using a little less fuel this year...
But we'll see... I can always start them up again if I want...
And DG... right here... I have NO ONE that I would trust to do that job... I HAVE to be a one man show...
Right now I just want to sterilize my house... no bugs...
And I WILL just let the flower room finish...
And try to get over it...
I started with bag seed... I can do it again...