SS420's new hydro grow - Blueberry, White Shark, ChemDog, OG kush


Well-Known Member
just did a little figuring...

itll cost about 4500 to 5000 to finish out the flower room... this is everything from lights, to a chiller, to the system... so thats a for sure after this harvest...

it'll be another 3500 or so to set up the 150 clone coliseum.. thats parts and a new ez-cloner.. everything i will need...

then it'll cost another roughly 2000 or so to add one to 300 clones.. if i decide to do that...

now... the 150 site is a definite... 150 clones from 12 x 8 week old girls will be plenty easy... thats just over 10 clones per girl... and if i lollipop entire branches i can pull multiples off of them..

300 might be a little trickier... it would mean i would have to set up a seperate mother area just to take clones from... i may do this.. but i dont like having to up keep mothers... but it would also give me a chance to have a selection of different flavors.. and since they are 12/12 from clone there will be less chance of issues...

so i have another.. oh.. about 10,000 to drop into stuff... lights.. nutes.. systems.. pumps.. chillers... all that shit... but when its done it'll all be worth it...

Well-Known Member
if your really lookin to drop a penny. look into a vertical system. i will have to find a link. 2 ones WELL worth the money.


Well-Known Member
im looking into getting a system like this

they make a large and small model... the large one is actually 4 pieces that make 2 levels.. each level holds 150 clones... each order comes with 2 sides... so 1 level comes with 2 sides that hold 75 clones per side...

the small model has 5 levels, so its a bit more customizable... but they are more expensive..

they both end up to be about 6 feet wide and just about 7 feet tall...

they have some accersories that you can purchase with it.. and it needs a few additional things to work (water pump, net pots, ect)..... but all and all its a good deal..

can be run either aeroponically or hydroponically... i think i'll go aero if i get it.. otherwise i have to get a bunch of medium and dont feel like fucking with cleaning it...

i can use 2 x 600's per layer, but really would only need one... i plan on doing a few modifications to it also.. like wrapping the inside of the system where the clones go with reflective material.. maybe keeping it closer together (they figure a 1 foot gap for an entrance/exit).. i dont need a lot of space...

i am pretty sure i could build one and save a SHIT load of money... but to be honest.. im tried of building... after i get done with the flower room i have to clean out what is now my bed room and move it downstairs so i can fix up a drying/curing room... and thats where the coliseum is going... so i may have to section that room off as well... more construction is not what i want to mess with.. im a terrible handy man... bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
dude wtf. i didnt google it or anything but i checked those links i wanna see the break down of this collisium machine. does it rotate or something? wuts the interior design? and why 1200gpm? maybe cause it has to spray up 2 floors ? and can u finish clones in these machines. for example flowering 150sm clones? or more? theyre actually huge huh? and wuts this no reflector shit to light them up? real fucking interested. never seen them before. learn something new everyday. plant #'s over here finally legal for bout that.


Well-Known Member
dude wtf. i didnt google it or anything but i checked those links i wanna see the break down of this collisium machine. does it rotate or something? wuts the interior design? and why 1200gpm? maybe cause it has to spray up 2 floors ? and can u finish clones in these machines. for example flowering 150sm clones? or more? theyre actually huge huh? and wuts this no reflector shit to light them up? real fucking interested. never seen them before. learn something new everyday. plant #'s over here finally legal for bout that.
heres another link that should help...

ok... let me see if i can break it down a little...

so you get the basic setup... which is either 2 of the large pieces (so it creates a circle)... the bulb(s) hang in the middle of the circle.... so it is surrounded on all sides....

they are 67" wide and at least 88" tall... since the "small" set up is 5 layers, and the "large" is only 2 layers, the small setup is actually a bit taller...

now.. i like the large (4 total pieces) better than the smaller (10 pieces) so thats the one i'll focus on the most..

the standard set up is only 67" and 46" tall.... this will hold 150 clones.... even if you veg them out to 8 or 10 inches you should have plenty of space between the bulb and clone tops... since the bulb hangs in the middle it doesnt need a reflector.. and a simple fan will be enough to exhaust the air since its a somewhat open setup...

the 1200 gph pump is needed, bascially, if you set up the entire system (can be extended to 300 clones).... i imagine its just due to the pure size of the setup that it needs a strong pump...

they offer a reservoir for extra that sits underneath the thing.. this means that the pump has to be strong enough to pump upwards possible 7 feet without problems, plus cover the entire area of the system...

you only HAVE to get the res if you are using it aero style.. if you want to run a recirculating set up you dont need it... but im not sure why that is....


Well-Known Member
the reason i am going with the first link i posted to purchase it from is for 2 reasons.. 1, even if i went with the entire 300 clone set up (and yes, thats what its meant for.. 12/12 clones) it would still be cheaper from the first link...

and secondly, the 1rst link offers only 1/2 the system (150 sites) while the second link you have to buy the entire thing....

there is the "owners manual" type pdf on the second links page towards the bottom of the ad... it explains a lot more too..

as for lighting, they recommend using 2000 to 3000 total watts for the entire thing (300 site setup)... i think ysing 2 x 600's would be plenty enough light... be more efficient..


Well-Known Member
thats a decent system... but here are the complaints i would have...

1) cost verse cost you get about 1/2 as many plants for the same cost with this system verse the system i showed...

2) the plant sites are straight up and down... this will cause the clones to grow weird since they grow towards light... "my" system, the sites are angeled... which will help them grow straight...

3) this system wastes light that escapes between layers... the other system is enclosed which means almost 100% of the light gets used....

they end up being about the same height in the end... but the cost of the second system, being about the same as the first system, isnt worth the investment when you think about only getting roughly 1/2 the sites and having to build an enclosure to help redirect light back inwards towards the plants or lose the light....

i do like the light cooled tubes tho... i dont know if it would cost less to buy cool tubes and build it yourself or not.. but they arent a bad idea... a little costly when you consider you still need to get ballasts and bulbs tho...

Well-Known Member
yea the setup is not the greatest, many many mods can be done but that light always sparks ideas in my head, an yea making one would not be too hard.


Well-Known Member
Why don't you make your own and save a shit load of money? Over 4 grand is a little steep, I'm sure you could make your own for at least 3,000. Here is a thread that might be of some interest to you:

Edit: i think you might be going with the first link after reading a little closer, my bad

basically... when it all comes down to it... im lazy as fuck....

i started growing a few years ago in my basement.. i build a room down there from scratch... ran ducting and all that shit... and my basement ended up flooding a year or 2 later... so i had to move it...

this meant i had to setup an entirely new room... wrap the room in ir block and panda film.. built a dividing wall... rehung lights.. had to run new electrical.. well.. everything that goes into setting up a empty room....

i still have to setup my flower room after this harvest.. which means more work and more sweat.. so, i just want to be lazy with the system... not have to do much work... plus i figure it like this... if i spend 3500 on the 150 site system (including lights and pumps and all that shit), and only get 1/4 ounce per plant, its almost 38 ounces... thats over 2 pounds... i can get 4400 a pound... that 1 pound pays for it and then some... im 100% sure ill get more than that per clone... so.. i guess in my head i justify the laziness and cost of by the amount of profit or additional smoke i will have....

but really your right.. i could build, with a fair amount of ease, something that works just as well and similarly for a lot less.... i just dont know if i can bring myself to do the work!! lol


Well-Known Member
yea the setup is not the greatest, many many mods can be done but that light always sparks ideas in my head, an yea making one would not be too hard.

the lighting system is great for any vertical grow assuming you have the space... i may end up with one of them to go with the other system...

i guess it just comes down to personal preference... i think either system will offer similar space.. but with the outside of the second system being open it would be much easier to access...


Well-Known Member
hey i have a question for u ss...

mlc .. light controllers. im looking at getting the CAP 8site 1 . for 8k possiblities..he he. anyways.. i read thru there pdf instuctions on hooking up... still unsure. a litte at least. u wire it with a double pole 40amp breaker from the panel , and use 8/2 wire and the cover comes off the CAP controller, and thus thats were the 8/2 gets fished to. comes with a lead that u plug into a standard 110 timer and outlet , which just turns the relays on and off. all that makes sense. now once this is done , all ur plugins are 240v...yet they are the same as a 110 recepticle. it says youll blow a 110v device or start a fire if u plug 1 into this system.. ie u must make sure ur ballast are set for 240v. well i have 110/240 v ballasts. basically on all of em, theres two plugs ins, and the cord fits each. will the cords ive been running off he 110 leg, work for the 240, and is it as simple as swiching the cords location on the ballast, or do i gotta get all Dr phil on that ass?


Well-Known Member
alright... so i checked them out...

there are 2 different ones... ones got 240v outlets and one has 120v outlets...

so if you have ballast that works at either 120 or 240, and have cords for either, you can get either of the controllers..

the mlc-8 standard comes with 240v outlets.. so if you are using the 240 cords you can go with it.. and its cheaper...

the mlc-8a comes with 120v outlets... so that if your ballasts are only 120v, you can still use this.. if yours goes either way you dont have to get this.. unless you have all your shit already set up at 120 and dont feel like fucking with switching things over....

thats why the mlc-8a controller is some much more than the standard mlc-8... they have to do a bunch of internal wiring and shit so that the 120v ballasts can run on a "240" circuit without problems..

all and all its a good investment... and whichever way you go theres one that'll work... i personally would go with the 120v one.. that way if you add more ballasts you can just get 120v ballasts which are a lot cheaper than 240's or 120/240 switchable ones..


Well-Known Member
welll.... okay my ballast are all hydrofarm ..the white clunkey kind, and they have a slot for 110 and 1 for 240... the cord looks the same to me.. i mean i only have 1 cord that came, so i assume the cord is interchangeable , right? so all i got to do is unplug it from the slot its on and move it up right? if its that easy than i roll the 240 v to keep all the least amperage on my lines... u see wut im sayin...good way of explaining that to SS, i didnt get i could keep all the ballasts the same and roll with that 1 unit.... im thinking on that option too... so its all still essentially 240 still they just have more wire and shit in the box?


Well-Known Member
yea.. both end up running 240v... except with one you (the more expensice mlc-8a) you can run 120v ballasts with it while the cap still maintains a 240v run to the box.. hence the extra cost.. they have to break the 240vs going into the cap down so the 120v ballasts can run on them without frying...

i did a little checking.. and although those ballasts you have have a 120/240 option to run.. they only came with the 120v cord... so you would have to buy "x" number of 240v cords to run them at 240... theres a link to a place that sells them.. they are basically universal between ballasts and brands... so they should work.. its just a matter of if you really need/want to switch them over or not..


Well-Known Member
21 days in guys... new pics.... enjoy bongsmilie

i tired to get some when it was semi dark to show off the buds better.. some look and turned out better than others... i think you can tell on the blueberry how frosted she is... other than that i really dont know.. didnt look at the pics yet myself..



Well-Known Member
they look really good SS. thanks for the advice too , cause i wouldve ordered the basic 1 and thought that i could have just swtiched my og cords, and i d have probably fryed my ballasts , ill order that 1 that uses the 110 cords, thanks again for such comprehensive answers.... ur the man. shit looks good bro,lush and big and green , and buds filling out. goood shit. im gearing up to have 78 brother. maybe like 30 in veg 40 in bud.. hmm