Can I take a Sprout Outside?


hey ive had a sprout already for about a week and a half and its not doing so well under the limited watts that i can supply (her) with. (was 14w CFL just switched to a 20)

its starting to lose color guys i was thinking can i just take it outside or can i put it by a windowsill??

PLEASE answer quick its dying :lol:
hey ive had a sprout already for about a week and a half and its not doing so well under the limited watts that i can supply (her) with. (was 14w CFL just switched to a 20)

its starting to lose color guys i was thinking can i just take it outside or can i put it by a windowsill??

PLEASE answer quick its dying :lol:

i would say yes. but you may want to check your PH also. in my opinion it couldnt hurt. sounds like she will die under your light. what are you going to lose? infact you could also place it in a window and use the light at the same time. might help. lets see what someone with more experience says.:lol:
not sure why it is dying, dont think it is the light. do you know what your ph is? wt soil are you using? what is your temp? has it gotten any nutes? could be one of those factors affecting it.
not sure why it is dying, dont think it is the light. do you know what your ph is? wt soil are you using? what is your temp? has it gotten any nutes? could be one of those factors affecting it.

no its basically all ok. i tried to make it as simple as can be.
the temp is 73-78 light on 18/6
no ferts/nutes
water when dry only
there is a drainage hole for excess water
i dont know my ph but it should be fine also. i dont have something to check it with tho... i leave water 24h outside so it can help let chemicals out.
as for soil i just bought some cheap stuff i doubt its that also... its called timberline potting soil and i also got some timberline organic compost and i mixed them together.
its pretty close to the bulb i would say 2"
no its basically all ok. i tried to make it as simple as can be.
the temp is 73-78 light on 18/6
no ferts/nutes
water when dry only
there is a drainage hole for excess water
i dont know my ph but it should be fine also. i dont have something to check it with tho... i leave water 24h outside so it can help let chemicals out.
as for soil i just bought some cheap stuff i doubt its that also... its called timberline potting soil and i also got some timberline organic compost and i mixed them together.
its pretty close to the bulb i would say 2"

back off the bulb by at least 4 more inches.
??? it doesnt seem to be harming the plant. and i heard it was ok for cfls to be 1-2 inches away from a bulb since cfls light penetration decreases dramatically
ye keep them as close as you can how tall is your plan?, im still not sure why it is not doing so well. is it droopy from overwatering?
no over watering doesnt seem like the problem for me. i am careful with watering.

can it be that its not in an enclosed area? maybe too much of the light is getting away? right now its in a corner of my room
Your ph should be fine?? You need to stop assuming and actually make sure that it's fine...Something it's obviously wrong, but you think that everything is fine.
Your ph should be fine?? You need to stop assuming and actually make sure that it's fine...Something it's obviously wrong, but you think that everything is fine.

true but i only assume its fine is because thats how i water all of my pepper plants with no problem. but thank u for letting me realize that i must check everything is weed more sensitive to ph?
Never grown peppers so I couldn't tell you if it's more sensitive, but i can tell you that ph is very important. I think the best think you could do is start over with more light, better soil, and some ph adjusted water.
As a Matter of fact what I did was put the dying sprout by a window and whatever comes of that will come of it. And last night I germed a g13 labs. Thai super skunk and that one I can improve. Maybe I wasn't doing anything wrong it was a bagseed anyways the other one didn't even germinate