Well-Known Member
The Inland Northwest Chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws is helping to organize a public gathering at 11:00 am this Monday in front of the Spokane County Courthouse. The NORML believes that we need to bring awareness to the issues that remain unresolved in the current language of the Washington State Medical Use of Marijuana Act, Chapter 69.51A of the Revised Code of Washington and help voice the opinions of 80% of the adult population that Hemp/Cannabis prohibition should end.

It’s time to put to rest the myth that marijuana smoking is a fringe or deviant activity. In reality, marijuana smoking is extremely common and the number one drug of choice for millions of hard-working, middle class Americans.
Please join the NORML to help build a mainstream political constituency that our local elected officials can no longer ignore.
More from the Inland Northwest NORML chapter:
The Inland Northwest Chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws is helping to organize a public gathering at 11:00 am this Monday in front of the Spokane County Courthouse. The NORML believes that we need to bring awareness to the issues that remain unresolved in the current language of the Washington State Medical Use of Marijuana Act, Chapter 69.51A of the Revised Code of Washington and help voice the opinions of 80% of the adult population that Hemp/Cannabis prohibition should end.

It’s time to put to rest the myth that marijuana smoking is a fringe or deviant activity. In reality, marijuana smoking is extremely common and the number one drug of choice for millions of hard-working, middle class Americans.
Please join the NORML to help build a mainstream political constituency that our local elected officials can no longer ignore.
More from the Inland Northwest NORML chapter: