Not looking so good...

Hi there..

I'm 9 weeks into my first Sativa dominant grow (dont know what strain excactly, got the seeds from dirt weed i bought) and i have been having alot of trouble with my babies...

I'm growing in soil (Closet grow setup) and using a 125w CFL bulb. I've got a fan on them. My Ph has been around 6.5 - 7 for the entire grow. The nutes i'm using are 10-54-10 Schultz Bloom Plus (in flowering now..)

I believe that the problem originated in the first soil i had them in, it was a regular potting soil which did not drain as well as i thought. It messed my main plant up good, i got necrosis and general leaf damage. First i thought it was nute problems, but i changed the soil to (ensure drainage) and the nutes (to the shultz one) about 3 weeks ago .

So the real problem is that i still have necrosis on the smaller leafes of the bud, no more fan leaves are growing (that could be just fine...? ) and my bud is really looking down.

I have a couple of other plants in there with her, and the other one seems okay, but is starting to show some of the symtpoms the other one had... And i am getting worried im F****** this all up!

Really makes me sad because where i live, weed costs about 1000$ an ounce .. so i really really want to do this right :)

There are pics here to show you the basic setup, as you can see the leaves of the smaller one (greener one) at the bottom, are fine, but as you go up, the leafes grow thinner....

(the last 2 pics are of the smaller one others of the bigger-not-so-healthy one)

I really appreciate it, and plz i know they look shitty thats why i'm asking for help, no need to point that one out... :-?



Well-Known Member
pot hates super bloom. if you use it, use it only once, and flush well a few days after. looks like nute burn, phosphorous toxicity.


Active Member
looks like you have some deficiencies! cant believe those are still alive. sorry. you said week 7, so you have a while, if they make it. who knows maybe they will fill out, but the pistals shouldnt be amber in color yet. good luck :weed:
Hmmm why don't the like that super bloom stuff? To much P ?

I've been using very little of it, half the amount recommended...

One says deficiancy, one too much.. I have been experimenting with changes to see if the do something, changing one thing at a time, more nutes, less nutes, change nute type, more water, less water ... and so on.. nothing seems to do it...

Could it be that the roots of the darker one are just rotten to hell after having been submitted to moisture (or just too much water due to lack of drainage for the first few weeks) and its just barely haning on ?

And yeah, i live on an island.. so weed is all grown here.. We have good weed most of the time, but as probably everyone has had, dirt weed is also very common.. And to pay 40 bucks for a gram of very wet, hardly dried and definately not cured weed kinda gets you pissed off.. :)

Brick Top

New Member
I have had plants look somewhat similar after a late hermi-pollination. Have you checked any of the seedpods in your bud to see if there are seeds being produced? If what you are growing is very sativa dominant this seems a bit early for browning pistils and that can also be a sign of pollination.
It may be something totally different but after looking at the pictures I did notice some similarity and thought it might be something to look into.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm why don't the like that super bloom stuff? To much P ?

I've been using very little of it, half the amount recommended...

One says deficiancy, one too much.. I have been experimenting with changes to see if the do something, changing one thing at a time, more nutes, less nutes, change nute type, more water, less water ... and so on.. nothing seems to do it...

Could it be that the roots of the darker one are just rotten to hell after having been submitted to moisture (or just too much water due to lack of drainage for the first few weeks) and its just barely haning on ?

And yeah, i live on an island.. so weed is all grown here.. We have good weed most of the time, but as probably everyone has had, dirt weed is also very common.. And to pay 40 bucks for a gram of very wet, hardly dried and definately not cured weed kinda gets you pissed off.. :)
could be related to overwatering... but yes, pot doesn't like the super p's, i've burned many using it. great stuff for roses, but not so great for pot. i find that most strains prefer a 321 veg ratio and 123 flower ratio (ie 5-10-15, 2-4-6, etc). i would say to go with something less potent and use it a little more frequently, like a 10-15-10, if you can't get to a hydro shop. if you can, floranova works well for a one part, gen hydro three part is really good too (but needs to be supplemented with cal/mag).

if you use the super p, use it once around the 6-7 week mark, and then water a few times before feeding again. sorry i can't be more help... :eyesmoke:
could be related to overwatering... but yes, pot doesn't like the super p's, i've burned many using it. great stuff for roses, but not so great for pot. i find that most strains prefer a 321 veg ratio and 123 flower ratio (ie 5-10-15, 2-4-6, etc). i would say to go with something less potent and use it a little more frequently, like a 10-15-10, if you can't get to a hydro shop. if you can, floranova works well for a one part, gen hydro three part is really good too (but needs to be supplemented with cal/mag).

if you use the super p, use it once around the 6-7 week mark, and then water a few times before feeding again. sorry i can't be more help... :eyesmoke:

Okay, thanx for your help, i'll definetely look into other nutes.. There is one hydro shop around here, ill go check it out :)

And regarding the Pollination, I've checked on that, no signs of "pregnancy" on them... There was one very small clone i took that looked like it was seeding, but i destroyed it before it could progress. As i said, just looked like it, nothing in there on the other ones that looks anything similar to that... But i will keep looking, if that's the case :)

And yeah, 9 weeks tomorrow (in 12/12)...


Elite Rolling Society
Hye, KP2,
I spoke to Mogie last week and we mentioned you as an old timer. Good to se ya around.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's the way you took the pictures, but are there any fan leaves left at all? :shock: The way I understand it, the fan leaves supply the buds with what they need, so if none are left I don't think they will grow any bigger. Someone jump in here if I'm wrong.


Elite Rolling Society
you too rose! been a long time :)

great to hear that you and mogie are still kickin'!:mrgreen:
she hangs over at a different medical site and seldom if ever, visits here.

not mnay of the old timers around, they come and go.
Nope no fan leafes left... Most of them where dying, so i trimmed them down, also to get more light to the buds that are growing just right out of the soil.

You could be right about fan leafes supporting the light to the buds.. but the other one has no big fan leafes either and those buds are growing by the minute... so i dont know.. Quite frankly i'm baffled, at a stale mate..

I'll wait it out see what it produces, i've tried some of it, okay weed. Mabey not the best judgement, just cut 2 small ones off that looked okay.. But hopefully gives a light idea whats ahead...

Thanks for your comments guys, really appreciate it..

Smoke 'em if you got 'em