hygrozyme mix with root excelurator


Active Member
hey all

i been having this root rot problem for 4-5 month and i try running h202 35% to clean the whole system , flush , wipe dry and replot again and the same problem keep coming back. my baby are 2 week in veg and lil root are popin off. i started to see brown slimey stuff building on my root that i can rinse off easily then it would come back 2-3 days later. WIthin those 4-5 month i been reading alot bout root rot problem and how to treat it. i went to my hydro store and bought root exxcelurator and hygrozyme. i was told that i can mix those 2 into my nute but before i did that. i rinse all that crap that was on my root then pump everything in adjusting the ph to 5.5- 5.8. this morning when i came back to check on it, it had build even more than usual brown crap on there and the ph lvl jump up to 6.6-6.8. Can anyone tell me if this is normal? my water temp is within 60-70c. the plant itself most of them look good but the root starting to turn brown.
im running a 5 gal bucket with airstone in them. plz help


Active Member
hey all

i been having this root rot problem for 4-5 month and i try running h202 35% to clean the whole system , flush , wipe dry and replot again and the same problem keep coming back. my baby are 2 week in veg and lil root are popin off. i started to see brown slimey stuff building on my root that i can rinse off easily then it would come back 2-3 days later. WIthin those 4-5 month i been reading alot bout root rot problem and how to treat it. i went to my hydro store and bought root exxcelurator and hygrozyme. i was told that i can mix those 2 into my nute but before i did that. i rinse all that crap that was on my root then pump everything in adjusting the ph to 5.5- 5.8. this morning when i came back to check on it, it had build even more than usual brown crap on there and the ph lvl jump up to 6.6-6.8. Can anyone tell me if this is normal? my water temp is within 60-70c. the plant itself most of them look good but the root starting to turn brown.
im running a 5 gal bucket with airstone in them. plz help
I've gone both routes on treating root rot, organics and hydrogen peroxide, and I have to say neither of them solved my problem. They put a band-aid on it, and let my sick plants survive, but it wasn't until I solved the underlying problem that I was able to move forward. Your root zone isn't getting enough oxygen, it seems to me. You must have accidentally put C instead of F next to your res temperature, so assuming it's 60-70 that's fine, actually quite good. I would say the problem is your bubbles. What kind of air-stone are you using? If it's anything less than a 12 inch stone, toss it and throw a 12. If you're already using a 12, put another 12 in there next to it. I promise you, bubbles will save you, as they did me. You *cannot* have too many bubbles.

If that doesn't solve the problem I would say you're working with some piss-poor quality water. Are you city or well? I would try my above suggestion first, as it is a very cheap fix, and if that doesn't work try buying a week or two of RO water from the store and do a run in that, see if that solves your problem. If the better water gives you success, then you know what to invest in next.

Once again, I would stay *away* from hygrozyme, roots excel, h2o2 or any other product until you figure out what's causing it in the first place, otherwise you're just on a treadmill that you won't ever get off. Save those products for an accident in a fully functioning system.