8 weeks into flower justt noticed bananas should i pull +rep given


Well-Known Member
like it says in the title im seeing bananas here and there should i pull? im growing alaskan thunderfuck and dont know how long its supposed to go but it is looking very poddy lots of pods that look like seeds but when i look closer it looks more like pistel pods i just dont know what to do i dont want to pull early but i dont want to be seeded out or is it too late to worry about being seeded out


Well-Known Member
Hey bro i think you should leave it, I saw the pictures and didnt see anything unusual. I think those are just pistil pods so dont worry .
BTW theyre looking beautiful !

Cheers :)


Active Member
Everything looks normal to me too :-) I'm seeing swollen calyxes too, just what you want, and she's foxtailing away nicely, always a good sign as they really add weight. I'm not sure what you are seeing but my guess its those big calyxes, they can appear kind of 'phallic'!!! Is that what you are seeing?

Let her finish.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hard to tell from the pics but it does look like you may have a few boy naners there, at 8 weeks i wouldnt worry too much if youre only letting it go another week. i could be wrong but youll know for sure in a few days if they are naners. if theres boat loads you can tweezer them out if you can be bothered and dont want any seed in your bud or just6 leave it.

Don :leaf:


Well-Known Member
leev it go watch them nanas if they dont start to open you'll be fine... the first sign you see of it happining chop her.. otherwize looks like your on your way to being done,flush her out and sharpin them scissors

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
if you got nanas then your plants putting its energy into them rather than bud or crystals. i would get to chopping her if that is the case


Well-Known Member
im sure there is some naners, not too many it seem as though more than 50 % of pistels are brow but at the same time it looks like there is a shitload of pistel pod that are goiing to explode with pistels soon


Well-Known Member
What is an hermaphrodite?

An hermaphrodite, or hermie, is a plant of one sex that develops the sexual organs of the other sex. Most commonly, a flowering female plant will develop staminate flowers, though the reverse is also true. Primarily male hermaphrodites are not as well recognized only because few growers let their males reach a point of flowering where the pistillate would be expressed.

Hermaphrodites are generally viewed with disfavor. First, they will release pollen and ruin a sinsemelia crop, pollinating themselves and all of the other females in the room. Second, the resulting seeds are worthless, because hermaphrodite parents tend to pass on the tendency to their offspring.

Please note that occassionally specious staminate flowers will appear in the last days of flowering of a female plant. These do not drop pollen and their appearance is not considered evidence of deleterious hermaphroditism.

Here's an image of a hermaphrodite, specifically a female plant with staminate flowers.

Hermaphrodite photograph above by Ot1.



Well-Known Member
Everything looks normal to me too :-) I'm seeing swollen calyxes too, just what you want, and she's foxtailing away nicely, always a good sign as they really add weight. I'm not sure what you are seeing but my guess its those big calyxes, they can appear kind of 'phallic'!!! Is that what you are seeing?

Let her finish.
i think so but she seemed to be finishing with pistels slowing down, but now i see many pods and the "foxtailing" evryones mentioning so is she gunna have a second wind of pistel growth?i thought she was about done and have been flushing for over a week now


Well-Known Member
AAAwwwwwww That plant has been pollinated. Here I pointed out the seeds. They are green and very new. Maybe a week or so old. but you did get pollinated. Pull the nanners as you see them. I have one strain that does throw a few nanners late into flower too. I just pull them and carry on.

