Hail The Leaf's 4th grow...


Well-Known Member
Started Grow #4 yesterday, I finally have 2 rooms set up, so I can start seeds/clippings while the flowering girls still have a month left. I think I'm going to try to get better at cloning since it's faster and saves $ on seeds. So far my latest luck has been 50/50 with cloning attempts. Yesterday I planted what I think are 2 successful Lemon Skunk cloning attempts, 1 Greenhouse White Rhino seed, 1 Greenhouse Cheese seed, 1 Greenhouse Lemon Skunk seed, 2 Big Buddha Chiesel seeds, 2 Whiteberry seeds from my last crop, and 3 new clippings, 2 Blue Cheese, and 1 Trainwreck. All went into smaller square containers filled with Bio Terra.

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Pics when there's stuff to show...


Well-Known Member
One of the Whiteberry seeds never came up, replaced with a 3 Toe clone, but it didn't take...so now there's a bag seed in there. Everyone else is up, Chiesels are in the lead at about 2-2 1/2", the others are about 1"


Well-Known Member
So here they are, all under a T50 to veg...2 Lemon Skunk clones, 2 attempted Blue Cheese clones, 1 trainwreck clone, 2 Chiesel seedlings, 1 Cheese, 1 Lemon Skunk, 1 White Rhino, and 2 Whiteberry...I took several clippings of 3 Toe today when I harvested it, I hope at least one of them lives...



looks like you got a little nute burn on the big ones mate, is that pre-existing from the mothers?
good luck with the clones, wish i had room for a perpetual harvest setup :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Only 3 clones have made it, 2 Lemon Skunks and a Blue Cheese. Finally some decent pics...3 Toe, Blue Cheese clone, Cheese, 2 Chiesel, 2 Lemon Skunk clones, 1 Lemon Skunk from seed, 2 Whiteberry, White Rhino, and ?. It's just ? right now since I have no idea what it is/looks like/tastes/like, etc. Waiting for one more 3 Toe to appear...it was planted in place of a clone that didn't make it.



Well-Known Member
I know, I fucked up when I started them and had the light too high because there was still a taller plant in the closet...this has since been fixed, the lights are about 2" from the plants now and a fan is going to try and strengthen the stems.

You need to get those seedlings closer to the light, they are stretching like mad


Well-Known Member
I would re pot those seedlings and cover the stem up until the cotyledons, that will ensure that the plant survives and holds itself up right


Well-Known Member
I added more Bioterra around them since the pots were a bit shallow anyways, they all stand on their own now.

I would re pot those seedlings and cover the stem up until the cotyledons, that will ensure that the plant survives and holds itself up right


Well-Known Member

3 Toe, Blue Cheese, Cheese, Chiesel, Chiesel 2, Lemon Skunks, Lemon Skunk clone, ?, Whiteberyy, White Rhino, Whiteberry 2...



Well-Known Member
Moved all the little girls into the tent yesterday afternoon, I made sure to clean it out really well first. The girls are now under a 600w Eye Hortilux running at 50% on a new Lumatek 600w dimmable ballast, with a medium adjust-a-wing reflector. I'll be bumping the wattage up as they grow. I also cleaned out all the big pots from the last run, so the girls can be transplanted into their permanent pots when I've got the $ for 3 bags of Bioterra and a way over to the grow shop.

I'm worried about my White Rhino, she's waaaay behind the others in growth, still on the first set in leaves and just opening...the others have 3 or 4 sets already...eek.


Well-Known Member
I don't get it...the plants are yellowing...I've never had plants yellow at this stage...in 4 grows this is the first time I've ever seen this and I have no idea what's causing it...too much nutes or too little? It's gotta be one or the other...



Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell with the hps lights on bro, get some pics of them in normal light
If it is from the bottom than you are probably under feeding them


Well-Known Member
Transplanted the girls into their bigger permanent pots today, Bioterra with bat guano mixed on the bottom and worm castings in the middle. Gave them a nice dose of Biovega, Rhizotonic and Cannazym. Found 5 bugs right after all were transplanted into new soil. Unfuckingbelieveable.