In Manchester NH protests are happening now. This is big news. People standing up and saying no, people that harm nobody acting free and owning their own bodies. NH's pot laws are hypocritical in the face of the state motto - "live free or die" . NH's state reps passed a medical marijuana bill in 2009 (232-10
yet the state senate, likely at the request of the governor squashed it.
If more people do this type of civil disobedience, EVERYWHERE, the facade of "protect and serve" from the police will be revealed. Who are they protecting? Who are they serving? Where is the victim when harmless people make choices about their own body? To secure freedom, some brave people are acting. They deserve our gratitude. The substance of marijuana is irrelevant. If government can own your body over pot, they can own it over anything else they want to. That is not freedom. Many thanks to the brave people who are doing something.