black weed?? pics inside


Active Member
its black or a very dark purp color....... i was wondering if you guys know what it is and whats it called.


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I actually just got a nug of this black crunchy weed and I wanted to know if it's laced with anything before I smoke it...I can't handle laced weed, makes me faint but I really want to smoke this nug that came in my bag of green...if anyone knows plz fill me in
Originally Posted by wax1
It's a unique strain from Africa called "Crunchy Black Shit #7" Hope that helps.
Wow i actually believed him for a sec. XD. But i think without a higher res. picture we're not ganna be able to tell.
i think....

you shouldent buy weed unless its good.

i would never buy "crunchy" or " Black" weed.

in the UK importers were weighing down weed with quatz and powdered glass and shit. Does it crunch and crack between your teeth and will it scratch the vinyl on a cd case, dont smoke it
i've heard of a strain called "black widow" it turns black when its done and my freind says its the best weed he's ever smoked. check out the seed company "Mr. Nice" they carry black widow.
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do you people know what its like to smoke. TOP QUIALTY BUD?

not that hillbilly shit thats discolored and they call it Nugs. lol