The BubbleHead Gang


Well-Known Member
just got my seeds in i order on sunday but didnt dispatched til the 23 got them today attitude is the shit!

hey maxamus i had something similiar but it was because i didnt wash my hydrotons


Well-Known Member
Still have issues with root rot. I changed the rez ph is now 5.9 water temp is holding at 68-9 also added another air stone. Should I get rid of most of the slime ball that was once roots? There is lots of new root growth coming from the basket.


Active Member
one more question when do tha 3 leaves fall off?
What are the "3 leaves"? The third set of leaves? How old is your plant(s)?

so i should not worry if they are curling up and dropping then?
Depends on what leaves you are talking about and the overall appearance of your plants. If the leaves are curling in and/or drooping but still green (not yellow or brown or drying out) then your plant MIGHT be drowning, and this might be because...

i have a light brown or greenish slim on my roots about an inch under the net pots. what is it and how do i get rid of it? sorry i dont have pics but i dont have a camra yet.
Sounds like you might possibly have a bacterial or algae infestation in your root zone. These nasties thrive in low dissolved oxygen (DO) conditions. The roots don't, and the plant often takes on an over-watered look.

If you decide this is your problem, then you should consider doing two things in my opinion: 1) treat the infestation; and 2) takes steps to prevent it from happening again.

First, in order to try to eliminate the nasties you'll will want to completely clean out your system. You should remove each plant and rinse off the roots. You should trim off any dead roots or damaged roots. Dip the roots in a hydrogen peroxide solution – 1/4 to 1/2 cup of 3% H2O2 per gallon of water, depending on how mature the plants are.

You should then clean your entire system using a strong bleach or h202 solution. Make sure you rinse everything really good before putting the plants back in.

Second, in order to insure you don't have a recurrence you should take some preventative measures. Make sure you're reservoir is light-tight; algae can't grow without light. Try to keep your reservoir temperature down (below 75* F; below 70* is better); high water temp means lower DO and higher risk of infestation.

If you can't keep the temperature down, then you should consider adding a more powerful air pump or another airstone, and treating the water to help prevent reinfestation. The best way, in my opinion, to treat the water is with H2O2 - UNLESS you are using organic nutes. H2O2 will both kill the nasties and increase the DO in the water.

If you're using chemical nutrients then the idea is to maintain a sterile environment. Go with a lower nute concentration mixed with 2 tablespoons of 3% H2O2 per gallon. The H2O2 dissipates, so you'll have to add some back with your top-off water. You'll probably have to do this the entire grow.

Hope this helps...


Well-Known Member
Thanks that helped. how often should I clean the rez out? every two days? After the next chnge I expect there to be a lot less gunk in the water. After cuting off the slime.


Well-Known Member
What are the "3 leaves"? The third set of leaves? How old is your plant(s)?

the 3 leaves are right above the round leafs right above those are the 5 leaves.

Depends on what leaves you are talking about and the overall appearance of your plants. If the leaves are curling in and/or drooping but still green (not yellow or brown or drying out) then your plant MIGHT be drowning, and this might be because...

Sounds like you might possibly have a bacterial or algae infestation in your root zone. These nasties thrive in low dissolved oxygen (DO) conditions. The roots don't, and the plant often takes on an over-watered look.

If you decide this is your problem, then you should consider doing two things in my opinion: 1) treat the infestation; and 2) takes steps to prevent it from happening again.

First, in order to try to eliminate the nasties you'll will want to completely clean out your system. You should remove each plant and rinse off the roots. You should trim off any dead roots or damaged roots. Dip the roots in a hydrogen peroxide solution – 1/4 to 1/2 cup of 3% H2O2 per gallon of water, depending on how mature the plants are.

You should then clean your entire system using a strong bleach or h202 solution. Make sure you rinse everything really good before putting the plants back in.

Second, in order to insure you don't have a recurrence you should take some preventative measures. Make sure you're reservoir is light-tight; algae can't grow without light. Try to keep your reservoir temperature down (below 75* F; below 70* is better); high water temp means lower DO and higher risk of infestation.

If you can't keep the temperature down, then you should consider adding a more powerful air pump or another airstone, and treating the water to help prevent reinfestation. The best way, in my opinion, to treat the water is with H2O2 - UNLESS you are using organic nutes. H2O2 will both kill the nasties and increase the DO in the water.

If you're using chemical nutrients then the idea is to maintain a sterile environment. Go with a lower nute concentration mixed with 2 tablespoons of 3% H2O2 per gallon. The H2O2 dissipates, so you'll have to add some back with your top-off water. You'll probably have to do this the entire grow.

Hope this helps...

yes it has and thank you for the help.


Well-Known Member
i pledge my allegiance to the bubble heads. for i shall many trials and tribulations in my infancy. as long as the bubble heads are around i know they are here to save the day. hip hip hurray. thanxs for all the help guys.


Well-Known Member
Morning Bubble heads. Today I am gonna try to figure out my rust problem. Hopefully you all will be around to look at a photo and tell me what you think.


Elite Rolling Society
Still have issues with root rot. I changed the rez ph is now 5.9 water temp is holding at 68-9 also added another air stone. Should I get rid of most of the slime ball that was once roots? There is lots of new root growth coming from the basket.

trim off all the dead roots, that you are certain are dead


Well-Known Member
My cam is ass old and doesn't like close ups.
If I can get better pic I will but until then...

just pics that some of you may like.



New Member
I'd say a little overnute at some point suring the grow. Telltale is spots and the bending down of the leaf. Rest of the plant looks fine. Well that and reddish purple! LOL! Purple leaf stems are either strain related or a potassium deficiecy.