How to use FloraNova grow


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if Flora Nova grow by GH is meant to be used by itself during the growth stage? Is this the only nutrient I need until im ready to flower?


Well-Known Member
Ive read that my ppm should be between 800 and 1600 for growth. According to the flora nova grow label i should add 1-2tsp per 1 gallon of water. According to the GH ppm calculator which is located on GH's website, doing this would only give me a ppm of 235. What am i doing wrong?


Well-Known Member
I have no idea, ive been reading for the past hour about it and have found nothing. Do you have any ideas? Are you sure the Flora Nova grow is meant to be used by itself?


Well-Known Member
FloraNova Grow is fine by itself for veg and FloraNova Bloom is for flowering - also fine by itself. You should start adding nutes with a light hand - 300 PPM (or less) then maybe 450-500 PPM (or less) and any sign of nute burn (yellowing or crispy leaves) and you've added too many nutes. The main idea being start slow and add nutes a little at a time (week to week).

When you switch to Bloom formula (could be right when you switch your lights to 12/12 or a week after), start out with a light hand again. If you max nutes for veg was 1100 PPM, drop back down to 3-400 PPM when you go from veg to bloom.

You can add Floralicious Plus for veg and bloom and KoolBloom during flowering if you want but not necessary.


Active Member
i use this gh and for grow i start out at 1100 ppm for the first week or 2 then in 3 and 4 up to 1600ppm and in flowering started at 1100 and by the 6 and 7th week i up to 2000-2100 ppm and it is in recirc dwc:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i use this gh and for grow i start out at 1100 ppm for the first week or 2 then in 3 and 4 up to 1600ppm and in flowering started at 1100 and by the 6 and 7th week i up to 2000-2100 ppm and it is in recirc dwc:blsmoke:
I dont have a ppm tester so about how many teaspoons per gallon of water is equal 1600ppm?


Well-Known Member
you NEED a ppm meter. i found this out the hard way. it's way way way to difficult without one. and trust me i got ripped a new one for not having one.. :(

my ppm is like 450, and im 2nd and 3rd week of veg. (some of my plants are at different weeks because of a cat mishap)


Well-Known Member
I dont have a ppm tester so about how many teaspoons per gallon of water is equal 1600ppm?
I wouldn't hazard a guess on that question - depends on nutes, the hardness of the water to begin with, full teaspoons or almost full teaspoons - too many variables.

Obey asiankatie and get a PPM meter.


Well-Known Member
Im currently lookin online to buy know any place where i can get a deal on one?
yeah i picked mine up on ebay, with shipping and everything it was 18 bucks? it was made by hanna?? i think. blue top with a black stick thing. looks uber 70s style but it works great.

i might be wrong cuz im a newb but imho 1400 ppm is WAYYYYYYYY too high for veg. I dont even think you want it getting that high durning flowering. @ your first start you want to do about 1/2 strength i think. but you might like me end up with a small deficit. I had to end up adding calcium and magnesium to my plants they look amazing. but i was using foxfarm growbig. another user on here sent me some flora nova i have yet to add it but will on my next water change ill let you know what my ppms at: just post something in my grow journal and ill remember to tell you when i do


Well-Known Member
I'm agreeing with asiankatie again - i usually stop at about 1600 PPM and that is right at the end of flowering but my experience is limited so i'd say (as usual) let experiment and experience be your guide. I mean rothelb is having luck with much higher PPM so there ya go.

i have one of those blue meters but i could never seem to get it calibrated right. If i calibrated to 1400 PPM the 700 PPM solution test was off and vice versa. Glad yours is working! I ended up buying one of those Hanna digital PPM/pH self-testing meters (with the replaceable tester). It works great and I'm glad I have it but I wish my 20 dollar meter would have worked like yours :-(

It is probably just me cause I had the same difficulty with the red pH one too but now that I think of it - i don't think they were Hanna-brand.


Well-Known Member
Maaannn...i went out and bought a waterproof tester by oakton instruments along with some calibration solution but i cannot figure out how to calibrate this damn thing...there are no instructions in the box how laaame


Well-Known Member
Alright the calibration buttons were in the battery compartment....turns out my nutrient solution was at 1700ppm....luckily its only been at that level for 2 days. I emptied all the solution out....should i fill it up with water for a couple days or just refill it with a solution of about 600-1000ppm?


Well-Known Member
well mixed in with the water it wont be like that. in fact i dont even know what the ppm of my solution is. only once mixed in. remember you can always add more so dont do too much. i do about 1/2 strength of the nute solution and 1/2 of the supplement.

again like i said, lets keep in touch on the flora nova. as i will be changing to that next water change


Well-Known Member
Its down to ~550ppm now. I just added 1 tsp per gallon of water instead of two, and one gallon of water with less than half a tsp. 2 tsp will give you about 1600 ppm....1 tsp will give you ~800. THANKS I've been lookin through your journal...ill keep in touch there.