Texans Follow me ! ! !


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"I understand that everything cost money to make it happen.So why isnt norml helping out us in Florida with this petition ,i couldnt find it on the web page we are closer than ever to passing mmj in Florida what has norml done to help this particular cause , it has to help each and every state doesnt it why cant they help Pufmm. is it because it would cut into Normls donations to help support another cause? If not let me know we really could use the help so please if yous are as good as you say you are help us out . It shouldnt be about the money its about helping educate the people on mmj and helping out the ones who really need it .We only have until February 2010 to get the required signatures time is running out so please pm me if you really think you can help if not then i guess i proved my point "
They Lobby Politicians On Our Behalf, Pay For Advertisements and Fund Medical studies!!!


Active Member
Please be open minded AMV, NORML is in no way against your cause... FL is not nearly the conservative state that Texas is, so no worries man. Check it out, I'll prove that NORML is helping in Florida, not that it matters to me personally, it's the principle that counts.

Maybe this info can help you AMV?
Florida NORML
1515 E. Livingston St.
Orlando, FL 32789 Map
Voice (407) 894-0052
Officers: Roger Scott (Executive Director)

Florida State University NORML
A305 Oglesby Union
Tallahassee, FL 32306 Map
Officers: Brad Crocker (Executive Director), Matthew Zimmerman (Executive Director)

P.O. Box 550944
Jacksonville, FL 32255-0944 Map
Officers: Jim Cullipher (Director)

NORML at University of Central Florida
Student Union 208 PO Box 163245
Orlando, FL 32817 Map
Voice (727) 642-9511
Officers: Tyler Smith (Executive Director), Axel Bilbaeo

NORML of South Florida
West Park, FL 33023 Map
Voice (954) 303-9254
Officers: Karen Goldstein (Executive Director)

University of Florida NORML
300-40 J. Wayne Reitz Union, P.O. Box 118505
Gainesville, FL



Active Member
5 Things the Corporate Media Don’t Want You to Know About Cannabis: 1. Marijuana Use Is Not Associated With a Rise in Incidences of Schizophrenia 2. Marijuana Smoke Doesn’t Damage the Lungs Like Tobacco 3. Cannabis Use Potentially Protects, Rather Than Harms, the Brain 4. Marijuana Is a Terminus, Not a ‘Gateway,’ to Hard Drug Use 5. Government’s Anti-Pot Ads Encourage, Rather Than Discourage, Marijuana Use

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p.s. it took me all of 3 minutes to find those... open your eyes my friend... and your mind will follow
Outdo I appreciate the links to norml and yes they do serve a purpose for the general legalization of marijuana, and yes i realize that everything cost money and it cost money to help fight for the rights of mj users, at the time i posted what i did i was just upset that the majority of mj users in florida that ive talked to and on this site dont want to help do there part in helping legalize mj.
After talking with the President of Pufmm she even stated that we have gotten some help from local norml chapters but NORML itself is more interested in the complete legalization of mj and has chosen to kind of sit this one out . Like i said sometimes u have to take baby steps before u learn to walk ,lets start by helping all states legalize medical mj and then it would be alot easier to legalize mj all together ( i really feel that norml realizes that these other orginizations need to work on donations
to. so norml doesnt support their cause because it would cut into their pocket book and take away donations from them . Please believe me when i say i wish i was wrong but sadly i think im right on target) Outdo thanks again for the post and i wish u guys up in Texas luck and every mj user needs to get off their butts and do something to help and quit waiting for others to do all the work.


Active Member
Don't be mad at NORML then; be mad at lazy fucking Florida potheads....

ur right and i am pissed off at all of these stupid fuckin inbred rednecks down here who just dont get it. Like i said im not a Norml hater and i wish u guys the best of luck . I hope that u texas growers have bigger brains and balls than these lazy ignorant no nutted florida growers down here


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately Texas was the first state to outlaw cannibis and with the politicians there it will be the last to relegalize it:cry:

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
Unfortunately Texas was the first state to outlaw cannibis and with the politicians there it will be the last to relegalize it:cry:
Not true at all.
While we are a super Red state, we have a few representatives who support Medical marijuana/decriminalization... Ron Paul is the most apparent. Furthermore, we have the largest border with Mexico, and we all know what is going on down there.
If there was one state that could be the most important for Marijuana reform it would be Texas. Think about it, Texas + California, the two most populated/largest states with more liberal marijuana laws. That is over 60 million people who have access to marijuana. If Texas falls in line with California, I think more states would follow suit, more so than if any other state did the same.


Active Member
So far 13 states have "decriminalized" Cannabis already (in one way or another), and there are at least another 10-13 more states with proposals awaiting legislation this year. That could end up with more than 1/2 the United States decriminalizing Marijuana for a myriad of different reasons: from tax revenue to lowering demand for Mexican Cartel Marijuana. This plant will be the answer to many of our Green concerns as well. It is undeniable and soon the baby boomers will be replaced entirely by my generation: Generation X ! ! ! Things will never be the same.



Active Member
What are the meetings like? I'm in Texas NORML but I never got my card (or the free gift) in the mail, but didn't mind so much since at the time I didn't plan to attend meetings. The closest chapter is Houston, though, honestly Austin is just as far for me, but both still 2 hours. Would they be worth the trip? I'm in College Station, and while their are potheads out here, I don't like associating with idiot potheads; the ones who broadcast or are careless with the crop you know? At the same time, I do NOT look like a bud smoker, so people like me who you'd never guess, never broach it. It's like a viscious circle of silence -_-


Hey every body,

Have you heard the news Obama is not focusing efforts on prosecuting medical marijuana users. The only good thing he has done for this country so far.
I would like every body to help me to take action in getting Texas Legislation to pass the medical marijuana bill.

This link will show you how to take action. You have several options

This link is a prewritten letter to Texas Legislators
Remember you forward this to your friends and family or anybody you know who will support it.


Well-Known Member
A while back I got this response from Wayne Christian:

Thank you for contacting Rep. Christian in reference to your views on
HB 902 relating to penalties for the possession of marijuana.

Rep. Christian is aware of the legislation and will be watching its progress.
He will give it careful consideration as testimony for all sides is presented in committee
hearings and debate goes forward on the House floor.

As always, Rep. Christian appreciates the input of constituents.
Please feel free to contact our office again if we can assist with a state-related matter.


Active Member
What are the meetings like? I'm in Texas NORML but I never got my card (or the free gift) in the mail, but didn't mind so much since at the time I didn't plan to attend meetings. The closest chapter is Houston, though, honestly Austin is just as far for me, but both still 2 hours. Would they be worth the trip? I'm in College Station, and while their are potheads out here, I don't like associating with idiot potheads; the ones who broadcast or are careless with the crop you know? At the same time, I do NOT look like a bud smoker, so people like me who you'd never guess, never broach it. It's like a viscious circle of silence -_-
Sorry, i haven't been on in a minute... the meetings are very casual and easy-going.... the only thing i want to say to every1: STOP SMOKING CIGARETTES @ NORML EVENTS PLEASE!!!!
less cigs = more Mary to share ^^ I was slightly disappointed at the amount of tobacco i smelled in the air at the 6th streer Smokeout... other than that, I mainly spread the word to any (and every1) willing to listen. I plan to go to the march for legalization in Austin this spring, but i mainly do my talking OUTSIDE of gatherings and more personally, but that is just myself.


Active Member
A while back I got this response from Wayne Christian:

Thank you for contacting Rep. Christian in reference to your views on
HB 902 relating to penalties for the possession of marijuana.

Rep. Christian is aware of the legislation and will be watching its progress.
He will give it careful consideration as testimony for all sides is presented in committee
hearings and debate goes forward on the House floor.

As always, Rep. Christian appreciates the input of constituents.
Please feel free to contact our office again if we can assist with a state-related matter.
VERY NICE!!!! Thank You!!!! That is all it takes, I am not asking for money, just balls =)


Active Member
BTW: that is an awesome and inspiring response from a Texas Rep. !!!! I am so excited, things are beginning to change, and it IS because of us =)