Anyone ever die?

smoker toker

Active Member
Was just thinking and curious... I know that.. obviously... people who drink too much liquor can die from alcohol poisoning, and I was thinking... Has anyone ever actually died from smoking too much pot?... Not getting into accidents while high, or dying from doing something while high, but JUST from smoking too much pot?... I've smoked to the point where I've passed out.. buuut i didn't get sick or anything close to what alcohol poisoning feels like...

I've HEARD that you could overdose on pot by ingesting it by eating brownies or something...

some light on the subject? :mrgreen:

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:
I don't know if you can die from eating too many brownies, but I know I've felt like I was going to die.
Was just thinking and curious... I know that.. obviously... people who drink too much liquor can die from alcohol poisoning, and I was thinking... Has anyone ever actually died from smoking too much pot?... Not getting into accidents while high, or dying from doing something while high, but JUST from smoking too much pot?... I've smoked to the point where I've passed out.. buuut i didn't get sick or anything close to what alcohol poisoning feels like...

I've HEARD that you could overdose on pot by ingesting it by eating brownies or something...

some light on the subject? :mrgreen:

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:
Seriously I don't think it's possible.. I dunno about yall, but I've smoked a full O in one night before (with some buds of course)... I dunno if that's alot to some people but to be it seems like alot in one sitting... I've smoked so much before I had to lay down because I didn't have the strength to hold my body upright while sitting... laid down.. passed out.. lol...

What about in terms of getting some sort of cancer I wonder? I know weed is healthier than ciggerettes too
the only thing that happens if you smoke too much is your eyes become watery to the point where you cant see but its impossible to die from just smoking. and as for the brownies the only thing i can think of that would cause death would be if your a diabetic, but then you wouldn't be eating them would you lol :)
Was just thinking and curious... I know that.. obviously... people who drink too much liquor can die from alcohol poisoning, and I was thinking... Has anyone ever actually died from smoking too much pot?... Not getting into accidents while high, or dying from doing something while high, but JUST from smoking too much pot?... I've smoked to the point where I've passed out.. buuut i didn't get sick or anything close to what alcohol poisoning feels like...

I've HEARD that you could overdose on pot by ingesting it by eating brownies or something...

some light on the subject? :mrgreen:

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:

I have never heard of anyone ever dying from smoking weed.. I have heard that the browines can get you sick, but probably not bad enough to die from them.
I saw it somewhere that you need to smoke twice your body weight of 20%+THC marijuana within an hour to OD on weed which is impossible. I dont think anybody is known to die by smoking weed except Bruce Lee ate weed or someshit but later on proven he was poisoned or something. lol
i believe the quote from a researcher on the subject goes a little something like this

"the amount of marijuana required to kill a mouse is a 25 pound brick dropped from 10 feet"

or something very similar
the only way would be if you're allergic or if you hot boxed a car and passed out and died from lack of oxygen which technically i guess that would be a way of weed killing you
the only way would be if you're allergic or if you hot boxed a car and passed out and died from lack of oxygen which technically i guess that would be a way of weed killing you

THIS right here is where they got the "marijuana kills brain cells" theory

what they did was they took a monkey and strapped on a gas mask

they continued to pump NOTHING but straight pot smoke into the moneys mask, with absoloutely 0% supplemental oxygen

the money suffocated, and upon autopsy the found they monkey had many dead brain cells

no shit, from lack of oxygen for 5 or so minutes
One estimate of Cannabis's LD50 for humans indicates that about 1500 pounds (680 kilograms) of Cannabis would have to be smoked within 15 minutes.[16] This estimate is supported by studies which indicate that the effective dose of THC is at least 1000 times lower than the estimated lethal dose (a "safety ratio" of 1000:1). This is much higher than alcohol (safety ratio of 10),