How much Longer?! (Pics)


Well-Known Member
looks done u want the trichs amber brown which u can clearly see without a magnifying glass congrats chop her down :) only if u have flushed her though


i will give a pretty educated guess of no less then 2 but no more then 3 more weeks


wow, its beautiful man, ide go with what that other guy said, if the trichomes start turnin a brownish/reddish color then your good to chop her down.
just in case you dont know, flushing is when you stop using fertilizers and you just use clean water. i'de do that for 4-7 days. you'll be way happier with the end product.


Well-Known Member
get a mini-microscope($15.00) from radio shack, amazon etc. When the trichomes are 50/50 clear/milky then and only then will it be ready. Don't make the mistake of chopping her too early.:peace:


Well-Known Member
what if i harvested now? would it not be smokable?
Patience is needed my friend. Whats another few weeks in the scheme of things, it would be a crying shame to waste all your work to harvest so early. The last few weeks will add about 25% to your yield in weight and probably more in strength. To answer your Q. It would be smokeable but the buzz would be poor, early harvested plants tend to give you a very straight scatty type of buzz, rather like a very week speed buzz.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it'll be smokable, but why go thru all the trouble just to end up with some bud that's just so so? Don't know about you but I take pride in my finished product. Why take all the risk to grow something that's as good/or not as the average schwag on the street?


Active Member
yea bro basically I think you should wait till the hairs start curling back into the bud. Picking the bud is almost like picking a fine wine. The longer you wait, the sweeter it will be. And make sure you flush for the last week or two. No nutrients, and your plants gonna start dying but that's natural because all the resources are being drawn toward producing the buds. You have already gone this long bro, might as well wait a few weeks. Even then you gotta dry and cure which will take another month:(....but then after that will be high times a rollin


Active Member
Patience is needed my friend. Whats another few weeks in the scheme of things, it would be a crying shame to waste all your work to harvest so early. The last few weeks will add about 25% to your yield in weight and probably more in strength. To answer your Q. It would be smokeable but the buzz would be poor, early harvested plants tend to give you a very straight scatty type of buzz, rather like a very week speed buzz.

Very Well stated !

yea bro basically I think you should wait till the hairs start curling back into the bud. Picking the bud is almost like picking a fine wine. The longer you wait, the sweeter it will be. And make sure you flush for the last week or two. No nutrients, and your plants gonna start dying but that's natural because all the resources are being drawn toward producing the buds. You have already gone this long bro, might as well wait a few weeks. Even then you gotta dry and cure which will take another month:(....but then after that will be high times a rollin

Also .. Very well Said !


Well-Known Member
i'd flush for a week and harvest cause honestly looks done u can clearly see the trichs turning colors after another week i think it'd be perfect