The Shot Glass Grow Off - Contest Growers ONLY!


Well-Known Member
n thats sucks about your probation. how long is it? and i would die if i had to wait to smoke my freshly grown bud, especially since this is my first grow ever it would add insult to injury


Well-Known Member
ha i kno dude it sucks knowing i dont get off till march 8th :( but i think of it this way

i have white widow growing a a good 4 months to grow and flower that (im mothering her) so i will have plenty of dank ass weed to smoke when im off and not have to buy it anymore and roll around with it in my truck so i wont have to worry about getting caught anymore either


Well-Known Member
damn thats like 6 fucking months man, thats alot of bud you can grow though.

so ur planning on keeping the WW as a mother and rootin some clones and throwing them immediately into 12/12 after rooted or let them grow up some too and harvest more but over a longer period of time?


Well-Known Member
damn, that weed is gonna be bomb a fuc, by march shit is gonna cure for like what, 5 months?


Well-Known Member
just about 5 months, your gunna have some dank man especially with absolutely no tolerance.. find a good bong take the biggest hit you can and try to hold it as soon as you get off with the white widow you grow. i promise it will knock you on your ass lol


Well-Known Member
I gave my baby the BIG CHOP yesterday!!
The buds were struggling to develop anymore than wat they had, plus the trichs had started to change..
Its odd, they r meant to take 9 odd weeks, but i thiink since the buds swelled early the Trichs developed early aswell.
Anyone else had this sort of experience?

Who wants to guess the yield?



Well-Known Member

MM guy ~ .90 FL oz ( bag seed )

i also have a Super Skunk seed in a 1 inch pot, its just as big, but its not a shot glass or solid container.

an 8th maybe ??

lookin good man, how old is she

I gave my baby the BIG CHOP yesterday!!
The buds were struggling to develop anymore than wat they had, plus the trichs had started to change..
Its odd, they r meant to take 9 odd weeks, but i thiink since the buds swelled early the Trichs developed early aswell.
Anyone else had this sort of experience?

Who wants to guess the yield?
any updated pics of the plant?

i would guess any where above 2 or 3 grams, shit maybe 4, i guess we'll see :weed:


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3165021]lookin good man, how old is she

any updated pics of the plant?

i would guess any where above 2 or 3 grams, shit maybe 4, i guess we'll see :weed:[/QUOTE]

not 100% sure, i would have to say 7-8 days. ( i dont germ my seeds ) so.. like 4-5 days above soil ??


Well-Known Member
fa sho man, mine are about the same age, keep us posted

pics are like a day or two ago

[QUOTE="SICC";3159889]ok finally some pics

about 8 days only, keep in mind, took em three days to shed seed





Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3165044]fa sho man, mine are about the same age, keep us posted

pics are like a day or two ago[/QUOTE]

for sure, ill take weekly pictures.

since im not 100% sure if it will be female.. i have a feminized pineapple express plant growing, ill take a clone in about a week or two and start another with that.


Well-Known Member
ya im gonna let the clones vegg for prolly a month maybe 2 :) gonna vegg 6 of them and i want like 3-4 ounces per plant so ... how long u think i should vegg?????


Well-Known Member
i couldnt tell you man, its my first grow i definately dont got enough experience to judge that, it also depends on strain and lighting. The best way to find out is to test it, and you got plenty of time to get the veg time right by the time you get off probation.. and even if you dont you will still have plenty of dank ass bud


Well-Known Member
true true im pretty sure im gonna vegg for 2 months depending on how big the WW are then i might do another 2 weeks after that then itll give me like 3 months to flower and dry and cure :) then the day i get off wooooooo weeee im gonna be high as a muh fucka lol got a tripple perk bong that put me on my ass after smoking 4 years so cant imagine wat its gonna do to me when i get off :)


New Member
well my baby is dying so i will have to germinated new seeds but i CANT. I suck at germinating i get like 1 to germ out of 10 ( bagseed). I heard someone say they sanded a seed i believe it was ninja, but what does this do, how do i do it? Please i ned help to find out how to not fail at germinating. Please


Well-Known Member
hey dog when u germ do u put in soaking wet paper towel in a dark warm area??? should work perfect if u do it that way


New Member
hey dog when u germ do u put in soaking wet paper towel in a dark warm area??? should work perfect if u do it that way
Ive tried these...
-soaking paper towel
-damp paper towel
-soaking in a cup
-damp paper towel in a closed bag

Yes they are in warm places, but i just can't do it.


Well-Known Member
Hey Dog whisperer. Using sandpaper allows the hard shell on the outside of the seed to become weaker, and thus letting water into the membrane better. I only do it when a seed is refusing to crack n it was an expensive seed.
I germinate in Rockwool, either d cubes or if I wana plant in soil I rip some loose off a slab n wrap the seed like a blanket til it tails, then transplant it..
Oh, n I hav a heatpad.