First Grow NYCD


Active Member
1000 WATT HPS(Tried MH but bulb burnt out)
Germinated them till they were about 6 inches then threw them under the big light.
Had heat problems until purchase of a new squirrel cage fan which keeps the heat btwn 80 and 82 while the light is on. Humidity is from 30 to 35.
18 hours and 6 off.
Let me know what you guys think, any advice, how am I doing. I also have one white widow baby going. I started with 10 for 10 germination but then I left the AC on over night and the temp went to 40 which killed every single girl except one. If you guys want pics of her let me know. She is still germinating.

P.S. The heat before the squirrel fan was anywhere from 95 to 110.


New Member
I grew nycd for a number of years and the best advise I can give is do not over feed it is much better to underfeed them because the flavors will be better. Also if your going to grow those out big you need to at least fill those pots if not transplant them. just wait for them to be a bit root bound and then pull them out of the pots and put new soil in the bottom then set the plants back in and fill in on the sides. But they look healthy so good luck!


I grew nycd for a number of years and the best advise I can give is do not over feed it is much better to underfeed them because the flavors will be better. Also if your going to grow those out big you need to at least fill those pots if not transplant them. just wait for them to be a bit root bound and then pull them out of the pots and put new soil in the bottom then set the plants back in and fill in on the sides. But they look healthy so good luck!
yeah what he said about the soil.....those ladies are looking really sexy though. Keep it up, i'll be following your grow


Active Member
yeah what he said about the soil.....those ladies are looking really sexy though. Keep it up, i'll be following your grow
Okay here are the updates i'm glad to see I have at least two people following lol. OKay so I cut the cola of the baby plant and it has produced three new colas which are going to grow nice and big and im excited. I also have gotten some advice to repot the babies and am going to do that tonight. Now for now until I get bigger pot (3 to 5 gallon) I would like to like add soil to the bottom of the current pot to push the plant up more and add about an inch to the top. How does this sound? I am also wondering what to do about the serious yellowing of the bottom leaves. It is kind of annoying because I feel like they are sick. Also the white widow is growing i'm going to throw it under the 400 MH light tonight to start the vegging process for it tonight. I have decided to LST it due to the other 9 babies dying. Maybe this will work hopefully.Thanks guys I really appreciate the advice and comments and to show you my appreciation here are some pics.

P.S. Fixed the heat problems temp stays anywhere from 78 to 85.



New Member
I think the adding of the soil should stop them from yellowing until you get them into bigger pots. What kind of nutes will you be using?


Active Member
havent really thought about it. i bought worm castings but never really used them because I thought the natural nutes from the FFOF would suffice until IDK day 45. I have been using the big boom from FFOF and I was planing on adding some big bloom from FFOF as well. But if you could help a little with this that would be great. I wouldnt want to loose my girls to like malnutrition. Is like water nutes good enough or should I throw in some worm castings.


New Member
The worm castings will help as long as you don't use way to much.You could throw a handful in each container before you water next time . The nutes already in the soil will only go so far. Its hard to tell how much soil your plants have now, what size pots are you using? I have been using a product from blue mountain organics its called super plant tonic. If your going organic I highly suggest it, it basically adds a ton of micro-beasties to your soil which will help with nutrient uptake and also helps breaks down insoluble NPK. Heres a link to where you can get it also a couple other links about it and . Also your plants look like they may be a little nute deficient so I would get some sort of organic veg. nutes I use to use fox farms products and they worked fine now I use a company near by called age old organics but what ever you use give them like 1/4 to 1/2 strength of what they tell you to. < If you add the new soil you can probably wait on adding any nutes so its up to you what you want to do first. Anyways I have to go its saturday night and need to get out of the house but if you have any questions I will try to answer at a later date.


Active Member
Nick I really appreciate the advice. I just re potted some of the plants, but I didnt have enough buckets or soil or buckets for all of the plants. So I have 5 of them in 5 gallon buckets I used paint buckets I hope that is okay. And i just like lifted the other ones up and added more soil. Man these things look soooooo sad dude. Like its bugging me out. They are so drupey, they look like they've been over watered but clearly they arent. It's making sad and scared. I'm going to set up my CO2 system soon hopefully this will help. I hope I didnt kill these girls. HELP ME MAN i'm bugging lol. If you guys want pics let me know but IDK if you guys are going to like what you see.


New Member
Have you checked the ph of the soil/water? These can also give you the signs of nute deficiency with high/low ph you can cause lockout of certain nutrients. Have you been reading any other grows and have you been looking up info on your problems here? Because everybody who has grown weed for any good period of time has had the same problems at least once so there is a ton of info out there to help you figure out and fix your problem.


Active Member
yeah I've been reading non stop and like forum after forum and what happened was the plants were rootbound in the pot. I saw that when I re potted. The reason the plants were so sad was because they were in shock. but they seem to like their new pot and new soil. Things are looking better I will post pics tomorrow.


Active Member
yeah I've been reading non stop and like forum after forum and what happened was the plants were rootbound in the pot. I saw that when I re potted. The reason the plants were so sad was because they were in shock. but they seem to like their new pot and new soil. Things are looking better I will post pics tomorrow.
here are the babies. Another grower has given me the advice to do screen of green. I think i might take him up on it. The small one is the only white widow baby left.



New Member
I find scrog a pain in the ass... My friend did one for 3 grows and I never saw any real benefits to it. I out yielded him watt for watt and he has a much better set up than I do. He has co2, environment controller, digital ballasts, etc. I have a 1000 watt hps in my attic and he has 1800 watts (3, 600 watt) in his basement. I ended up with 1.7 lbs and he ended up with just over 2 lbs. Now we both had the same clones and he had the better environment so he should of had at least a pound more than me. Now I know it wasn't just the scrog that diminished his yields but it did hinder him some. The main reason I dont like scrog is you can't move your plants and you cant get to the backside easy. But thats just me, you may find it works better for you. I LST and find for my setup it works best. Heres a good LST guide in case your interested.

BTW are growing in a bathtub? :mrgreen: :eyesmoke: :mrgreen:


Active Member
LOL okay no scrog for me. I might LST the other ones too now come to think about it. One of them is doing very nicely. How do I give you rep youve been helping me a lot and have some great advice.

P.S. lets just say I'm going to be stinky. LOL


Active Member
babies r looking sexy, or should i say the teenagers. One looks different from the others though, im wondering if shes a different strand or something


Active Member
Nice work so far man. Keep it up! Im currently running my first grow with 6 plants and Im doing a scrog...only with a twist. Each pot has its own screen making working with the ladies a breeze. I just finished attaching the posts/screen to each pot today. I'll try and post a pic with the results. When your working on a personal grow with limited space, scrogs make a great maximizer for the area. I'll be following ya.bongsmilie


Active Member
well thanks for stopping by man. Yeah I was thinking about scrog but I decided to just let these ladies grow as they please. I am going to LST the white widow though. Ill post some pics also of the nycd girls and the LST white widow when I have some time.


Active Member
Do LST dude. It will give much better plants with buds with the same quality as main one. Ive got NYC in my setup as well dude. Doesnt like to much nuts so keep your EC on low level. What ph you keep for them? Those are my plants in DR80 with 250W in 28th day of veg and almost 1st of flo in 15 liters pots. They are after FIM and LST.

right bottom corner there is NYC:

7 weeks of flo(purple 1 is Diesel):

LST m8. Nice plants anyway.bongsmilie


Active Member
wow mate your babies are looking great. I think its too late to LST the nycd girls but I am going to LST the white widow. If you have any tips or anything that would be great. Geez your babies look so nice.


Active Member
Thanks m8. If you keep ph on right level(i prefer 6.1) you will be fine. If i were you i would dry them up a bit i try lst or if you want fim them first or just do topping. When soil is dry plant is not so stiffy and if you are gently and can feel where is limit you should be alrite. U can try do sth like i did and try to "fill pot up" when ur looking from top. I dit that when they were 3 weeks old:

Top them first. Plant will put more power into other shoots and you will be able to do lst easly and perfect.