Thanks for letting me know about opiates, despite the fact I study pharmaceuticals.They don't believe they have an addiction you unsympathetic twit. Opiates, used on a daily basis will take over natural endorphin factories inside your brain and when opiates are not used those natural endorphins take about a week to start producing again. That is the physical withdrawal that most addicts can't get past which is what usually causes them to be addicts for the rest of their lives. The withdrawal is so bad they'd rather just use forever. Fortunatly there are great new drugs out there that trick the brain into thinking it is on opiates when it really isn't. Suboxone is a wonderdrug, anyone that knows an opiate addict should look into it. This is nothing like methadone either, there is no withdrawal from suboxone other than slight insomnia but nothing even close to an opiate withdrawal.
Being on a weed website one would think people wouldn't be such judgmental D-bags.
Thanks for letting me know about opiates, despite the fact I study pharmaceuticals.
Doesn't matter the withdrawal symptom or how someone feels... they're controlling their intake, they're controlling the idea they need more to get rid of the pain instead of bearing it and quitting. Again, plenty of STRONG people have smashed/ flushed/ and erased whatever "addiction" in their life, cold turkey. Anyone saying they're an addict is simply a weak minded turd. The drug isn't giving you mental movies or voices telling you you have to keep doing the drug... that's all on the user. Sure some have HORRIBLE withdrawal symptoms, no doubt... but the "addiction" is in your head.
So please, keep watching those MTV intervention shows and continuously say "bless their heart" when the dumb bitch is talking about being addicted to aerosol cans, you overly sympathetic twit.
Wanna stop slamming horse into your neck vein? Do DMT and have a life changing experience. It's been known to make users quit cold turkey. Wanna stop popping pills because now you realize you're stomach lining is as thin as 1 ply tissue paper... FUCKING STOP.
Congratulations man, that's good to hear. Had good friends who put their glass in a sock, smashed it and threw their shit in the toilet and haven't looked back in 8 years. Glad to hear theirs more strong people.To tell you the truth i use to be addicted to some heavy ass drugs.. i just decided it wasn't good at all when i saw how my family was reacting and i could see how selfish i was being. i never looked back since. comments like worthless junkies are correct. you are worthless when your a junkie, your taking away from yourself and people around you. I didn't need anything to quit, just kept my mind in focus of the main goal i have-- to do something with my life
Congratulations man, that's good to hear. Had good friends who put their glass in a sock, smashed it and threw their shit in the toilet and haven't looked back in 8 years. Glad to hear theirs more strong people.
man, this thread is depressing