crunchy brown leaves at bottom of seedlings


Active Member
nice 1 sgt the hum is between 60 and 70 no iv bought a humidifer,what is the ideal hum. There is an fan blowing over my babies, just bought a digi ph tester today it measures 7.3


Active Member
ph is just a tad too high for the ideal range, but not to high to start effecting things.i try to keep mine between 6.3 and 6.8
when you add your nutes to water check the ph of that aswell and see wat that is.
humidity nt to bad for vegging but better in 60s, when u go to flower, try get it into 50s or its possible to get bud rot.


thinkin about do a bit of lst when show i start, been lookin at some good threads on hear about it
hey man. i have been trying to find some good info on lst training. if you could direct me to the correct location that would be superb.

also, i just read your thread and i honestly have no idea. i agree alot with what these other two guys that have been helping you have said. I use a complete CFL system and so im a big believer in those. i would use a few more if you are planning on keeping with straight CFLS till you flower. i have 4 -6500k bulbs for my five girls.....
haha. just a thought.:peace:bongsmilie


Active Member
nice 1 little wing,
just been and watered my littlins this morning watered them last on the 28th just water, they were well dried out.This was my 2nd water without nutes,there has been no growth since i took the 600 hps light out. The 250 cfl has been in now for 2 nights. Got somethink peckin my head just have to ask probably wrong though, when the 600 hps was on i could see plenty of growth each day. Now they dont seem to have any growth at all, you did say they would stunt for a while just a bit curious more worried if anythink. Also checked the ph run off of water 7.0 the hum is now adjusted to 65 an tempo is at 22. Get some more picks up in a bit. Thanks lads


Well-Known Member
nice 1 little wing,
just been and watered my littlins this morning watered them last on the 28th just water, they were well dried out.This was my 2nd water without nutes,there has been no growth since i took the 600 hps light out. The 250 cfl has been in now for 2 nights. Got somethink peckin my head just have to ask probably wrong though, when the 600 hps was on i could see plenty of growth each day. Now they dont seem to have any growth at all, you did say they would stunt for a while just a bit curious more worried if anythink. Also checked the ph run off of water 7.0 the hum is now adjusted to 65 an tempo is at 22. Get some more picks up in a bit. Thanks lads
Your PH is still too high. And how close is your CFL to your plants. They need to be much closer than the HPS.


Active Member
alright sgt, the light is about 8" away is this ok. Also i watered them until there was a run off out the pot is this the right way to water. Thanks


Active Member
just being reading up on some info and stumbled across root burn, i have been watering my babies with to much force and a hole has been apearing in the soil. Aparently this causes root burn do you think this could be my problem,if so have i court it in time the browning is only on the bottom set of proper leaves. Help off anyone will be apreciated.Nice 1 lads


Active Member
just remind me again, wat is your growing medium?
root burn is generally when u given em to much food and it burns the roots.
the leaves at the bottom my never recover from this but dnt pick them off, half a leaf storing energy is better than no leaf


Active Member
or you using soil right? what u got in there for drainage? u got perlite, sand or anything that?

if its doing this then i think you may need some sort of draining aid in the soil.
if theres a hole gaining in your medium then u should wait til the soil drys then ruffle it all bout on top til it all leval again then water.


Active Member
now ive neva grown with coco so im no expert on this but i know its a really light product so id just fill the hole in with the surrounding coco.
like i said i dont think the leaves will ever recover once they go brown and crunchy thats it.
just chill on the nutes for abit and watch the watering and theyll soon get over it, these things will take a while not just overnight.
ive had this same thing myself b4 and the brown leaves stay there and theyll fall off eventually.
dnt worry bout it to much, as long as ur water and food schedule is is getting better then theyl do fine
got any new pics on them yet?


Active Member
get some new pics up tomorrow, got the 250 cfl about 5" awyay is that ok,still does nt seem to be any new growth, when the 600 hps was on i could see growth every day.


Active Member
yeh how many plants u got under that, give it a few days,when plants get stressed they stunt for a while, they shud kick back in.
maybe get the hps up high and the cfl near the plants for the blue spectrum but idstick wi the cfl for abit, is it a 6500k daylight?
the new growth was that in height or in actual leaf growth?


Active Member
I had 9 seedling under a 250w cfl cool white 6400k, just took some pictures and as you will see that they dont look to healthy. I think they have gone worse because the way i have watered them, now i know to take my time watering and do it slowly and not just blasting the water in there. I have put the 600 hps back in cos there was a lot more growth going on, and now if i water them properly they should pull through i hope. Should i have the light on for longer to dry the soil out a bit faster? Thanks again for your help


Active Member
pic 1 and 3 dnt look that bad,
the rest they are over watered let that coco really dry out before you water again, the roots need to get oxygen to them but if the soil is permenantly damp then the oxygen cant get in.
let em proper dry out before you water.dnt be tempted to water when u fink they dry, youl make it worse.the time wen u would usually water leave another 24 hrs.

trust me i had to do this and i hated nt watering my plants, there like havin a baby you wana spoil them and give them the best but then u have to learn if you allways do this then they will grow into bastards and end up witha fucked up life.hahaha

mj plants prefer to survive a drowt than survive a flood.

have they bin in those pots since they were seeds?

think i wouldv stayed wi cfl for a week to see if owt happened but i suppose u do have alot of plants for one 250w lamp.
just keep that hps at least 20 inches away.


Active Member
nice 1 littlewing, they started off in root riot cubes in my propagator for the first 10 days after they sprouted then transplanted into 5" pots. im lookin at my babies now, they have perked up quite a lot hoping everythink will be ok. will defo take on board what you said about the watering,also i bought rizotonic with my nutes do you think i should use this with my plants being stessed?


Active Member
not sure really, thats the hormone root stuff right?
i use something similar called superthrive, maybe it will help them recover faster, i cant see it hurting them as its not a fertilizer.

theyll recover soon and they gunna be beutiful.