I think i have a hermie, can someone help me?


This is my first grow, 3 plants so far. all 3 were female. can any one tell me for sure if this plant went hermie? i know with the exception of the little red glow from my power strip, and small space heater there were no light leaks, im growing 2 different strains from bag seed.


I dont understand how thet could be....they're right underneath the text everytime i check for replies.


Its lights out for them now ill post more pics tomorrow. they have little white hairs growing out of most of the bud sites. these "ball" type growth's popped up about 2 days before the photos. there is no balls on the internodes yet. someone mentioned that that is where i should check. my other plants are flowering beautifully, need 2 know 4 sure asap so i can pull it if necessary.


Unfortunatly she's/he's gone. went to check in on it, white fucking mold! now only if i were growing magic mushroom's that would have been a good thing. thanx 2 all that replied.