50% thc


Well-Known Member
has anyone smoked/grew/heard of indica 50 it claims to be 50% thc? how is this possible they also say they have some strains in the 40 like elephant bud.


Well-Known Member
lol...once again another one's these posts asking about elephant bud seeds..lol...the seeds first off are 1000$ for a 10 pack...second there's not one grow smoke report anywhere on em....third if they were as great as they claim...every cash cropper an club would have it in stock...az


Well-Known Member
Yeah i think the highest recorded potency was at 21 percent i beleive.... The WhiteRino. IF that was for reall that would be where all the hype would be. But its not. No hype = 99% certain BS.


Well-Known Member
the old sog super silver haze cut got tagged at 23%potency....i run the romulaters cut that's just as potent but yields less....i dont follow hype, i follow documented grows...az


Well-Known Member
Ok, yea i hear alot about super silver haze. 'hype'. I think you know what i mean by hype, if its as epic as 50% thc, people are going to be ranting and raving about it. One of the tall tale signs, but yea take everything with a grain of salt. OR maybe even with a hit from the bong..??


Well-Known Member
its from bcseeds they claim that there is numerous strains over 30% i dont know if i believe it but i would like to try some of that shit if it is real

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
if a seed bank is willing to put there rep online
and say they have a strain that is more then 25% thc
then someone needs to try this and test it
- it needs to be grown from seed or clone and harvested and smoked
all by in unrelated grower kindof like a cunsumer report of grows


Well-Known Member
That's not true. Most hash isn't even that potent. The highest THC levels I've ever heard of being recorded were over 27 %. I think they tested on particular bud at 27.6%, and that was well over 10 years ago. I don't recall the strain.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
That's not true. Most hash isn't even that potent. The highest THC levels I've ever heard of being recorded were over 27 %. I think they tested on particular bud at 27.6%, and that was well over 10 years ago. I don't recall the strain.
we need the article

if this is true and this was 10 years ago then it my be possible
but i need proofbongsmilie

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
yeah i think that we are going to need independed study on this shit
if you going to say over 25% i need to see this form a site notrelated to the seed bank


Active Member

The highest THC content from a reliable non-seedbank source was 11% for a Thai.
The best hashes in the world come in at 12%-15% thc


Well-Known Member
so i just looked at it again and it says that they had to fuck with the other canniboids to get the thc content up to 50 and it also says that it gives you a buzz that is not like any other bud so i dont quite know what that means. but i dont like a buzz i want to be stoned or high a buzz sounds like shit.


Well-Known Member
personally, i think thc percentages have two purposes: 1. for seed companies to pawn off as many overpriced beans as they can and 2. for anti-cannabists to say that cannabis is a completly new and more powerful drug than before (i remember seeing an article on how ak-47 was a new "super-weed"). It seems to me that the tests for thc levels are in no way consistant. In the Marijuana Grower's Guide by Mel Frank he reports the thc contents of most landrace strains: with the highest thc sativa being from costa rica at 3.72 % and the highest thc indica as afghani at 2.68 %. Not to mention cbn or cbc levels these numbers seem accurate to me (though percent is a strong word to me, meaning TOTAL percentage in the buds). But for breeders to claim all these rediculous percentages (i'm hearing anywhere from 27 to 50 percent) is perposterous. Even if these breeders have decades of expereince and scientific knowledge in plant horticulture; explain to me how you combine or breed a couple of 2-3 percent thc plants to form a plant with 30 percent? Even with selective breeding and ideal conditions just imagine what 30 percent thc means, since thc is a chemical that is located in the resign (not the resin itself). Mel Frank also gores on to explain that there are two major ways of determining thc percentages (put simply the american way and the eurpean way) which leads me to believe there is more than meetsty eye going on here. But as you guys said before the only way one can truely find out is by having grown a normal thc strain grown in near perfect conditions and purchasing a strain with "50 % thc" to grow in the same conditions and have a smoke of both. Sorry to rant but all i want to get at is not to rely the numbers or tests alone but also look at other's experiences. Oh and if anyone actually drops the bills for one of these "superstrains" defenitly keep us posted.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
does any even know what tools they use to test thc level
and what strain has the most thc indica or sativa


Well-Known Member
thc is only one if 20ish cannaboids an only 1 of the few we understand anything about...cbd's cbn's an cbc also play vital roles...thc is the pycho-active cannaboid an is found primarly in sativa an sativa dom poly hybrid strains....az


From what I know though Alaskan Thunderfuck is the closest to it. White Russian is very high anyways from my experience smoking it i'de say. If there is a real FEMALE G13 (not that male clone!) maybe that's up high too. But if the goverment or some private party has geneticly altered marijuana then maybe there is a 50%-er, who knows right? I doubt still... My two cents I guess.