Would You Pull This Plant ????


She looks almost ready to me, I was planning on 2 more days flushing then chop.

What do you think?? This is my first grow so any suggestions would be great. Also I dont have a microscope and cant really get ahold of one right now....

Thanks guys!



so do you think I should feed it again? what about molasses...I started plain water 5 days ago.


Active Member
You are way ahead of yourself brother, Yea the plant looks good and sexy but there's really no hurry into chopping it mane. Trust me I know you probably see it and You just want to hurry up and smoke your creation but you already have gone this long bro. Honestly for awesome ripeness depending on the strain and how long you have been flowering....could be another month bro, not to mention drying and curing..................but other then she looks good yo


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't jump the gun.On a very basic level you can look at other grows right before they cut down and you can see its early.Patience is virtue and all that.


Thanks for the input....I've decided to give her another couple weeks....so just pure water then?? I've heard that molasses is ok while flushing, but I dont want to overdo it or anything.

Also is it best to taper off the amount of water near the end or just keep watering the same amount as before?


Active Member
You basically only have to flush for the last week and a half before you harvest. And by the looks of it I would say that you could probably still feed it your bloom or flower nutes for about another week to two weeks. Because from pic 3 I can see that there's some bud, but there is def still some bud and density production coming your way. Quick question if you don't mind. How many watts you using?


Well-Known Member
dude, coming from a person who chopped early twice- DO NOT CHOP YET lol. the calyx/pistal still look like they can develop alot more, let it go for at least 2 weeks.

if you chop or even take a sample bud now it will give you a lil head buzz, and will be very dissapointing. im guessin you prolly wont cure this bud as much since its your first and your stoked to smoke it, but if you wait at least itll get you blitzd and not be a waste of all the time youve put into it so far.

good luck!


its a 600w lumatek with ushio hi-lux gro lamp.

This plant was outside in my backyard for about 5 months before bringing her inside about a week ago. The growing season wasnt great this year, so I decided to finish her insde. Lots of potential I think. Lots of the leaves seems to be turning yellow, especially the lower parts and the big fan leaves. I'm assuming this is normal at this point?

I guess I'll give it another feeding. btw I'm using botanicare pure blend pro bloom.


dude, coming from a person who chopped early twice- DO NOT CHOP YET lol. the calyx/pistal still look like they can develop alot more, let it go for at least 2 weeks.
Thanks for the advise... I'm definitely gonna wait....I still have lots of good herb to smoke in the meantime. I really wanna let her reach her full potential!


Active Member
Yea the yellowing is completely normal, that's telling you that its converting it's energy into making those buds you are going to smoke. More bottom leaves and other leaves are going to turn yellow and die. But yea bro you still have till those hairs form and turn red and then even then I would wait till the hairs start curling back into the bud. That is when they are ripest to me but I mean there's no real exact time to pick them. There is many factors that can contribute to that and only you can decide when it is time. BUT like I said, look for the buds to form and the hairs turn red and start curling inward into the bud. There is also the trichome color check if you have a little microscope that you can get from radio shack for ten bucks


Well-Known Member
Please allow me to start by sayin the dog is the coolest! Now, my recommendation for you is to find the "Zeus take on harvesting" thread in harvesting and curing. Read the whole thread. but most importatnly read the first post from him and the second to last post from me. Take that info, trust in it. And I promise you'll have perfect bud everytime! NO MICROSCOPE NEEDED!!!!!! Looking at trichromes is just something to do while you're high that's gonna have you all face to face wit the plant urging you to chop it. Trichromes CANNOT determine Cerebral and Narcotic highs. Two different highs require TWO different types of plant. Sativa for cerebral and Indica for narcotic. Read that trhead it should explain it all! Then maybe you can come back to this thread and tell me if you think my "Tomato Theory" makes sense or is some B.S!!!

Happy Growin Homie!


Active Member
Yea trichomes to me only mean that it's getting close to harvest time. Because I have seen some grows on here that the trichomes are exactly how they are "supposed" to be but the plant could still use a few more weeks! "IT's like pickin a fine wine"


Please allow me to start by sayin the dog is the coolest!
Thanks, he is great, excellent watchdog. +rep.

I read Zeus' Take on Harvesting and I am really glad I didnt jump the gun, your tomato theory makes sense to me


Well-Known Member
I think you should continue a feed of some sort still. If you plan on letting it go another 2-3 weeks. If the leaves are yellowing at the bottom, your lacking in N. And your pure blend 2.5-2-5? The plant may also be looking for P and K that Might not be present, and your missing out on some trichomes.

I say give her a lil something :)


Well-Known Member
10-4! Glad it made sense to ya. That dog looks lke a french mastiff... am i right? the tuner and hooch dog?


Active Member
Looks great! I can't really tell if it's ready without some color, but looking at your calyx and pistils, I would give it another week or two.

Just my two cents.