Glen Beck's a Douche!

Because everything he does is for big corp

Banker bailout, I'm sorry but you cant get out of debt by taking out a loan
His health care bill is an insurers dream

I suggest you start buying gold and silver and stop watching MSNBC because these people arent out for your best interests, only the elites


Well-Known Member
What he did worked though.
What the heck are you talking about. What he did has failed MISERABLY. Unemployment above the numbers they used to scare everyone into action if we did nothing. Supposedly going to create or save 4+ million jobs, we've lost 3.5 million since then.

Bailout of auto industry to prevent bankruptcy, failed, went bankrupt anyways and then were split up to pay off his supporters instead of people holding legal contracts. Show me ONE success so far, other than succeeding in creating a zombie-like following of progressive loons. The list of failures and asinine and naive policy is growing, it's not going to get better, it's going to get worse.

dimension 2350

New Member
What the heck are you talking about. What he did has failed MISERABLY. Unemployment above the numbers they used to scare everyone into action if we did nothing. Supposedly going to create or save 4+ million jobs, we've lost 3.5 million since then.

Bailout of auto industry to prevent bankruptcy, failed, went bankrupt anyways and then were split up to pay off his supporters instead of people holding legal contracts. Show me ONE success so far, other than succeeding in creating a zombie-like following of progressive loons. The list of failures and asinine and naive policy is growing, it's not going to get better, it's going to get worse.
Then why don't you run for office and change things?


Well-Known Member
Nah, I just retired a few years ago and I'm kinda liking the whole sit on the sidelines and throw stones thing I got going on now.


Well-Known Member
I'm an anti-theist, abortion condoning, fiscally conservative pot smoking layabout... Basically, I couldn't get elected under any party, to any post. And I wouldn't have it any other way. I wear my non-conformity and disgust of the government like a warm, soft blanket.

dimension 2350

New Member
I'm an anti-theist, abortion condoning, fiscally conservative pot smoking layabout... Basically, I couldn't get elected under any party, to any post. And I wouldn't have it any other way. I wear my non-conformity and disgust of the government like a warm, soft blanket.
Abortions are great. I agree 100% with you on that!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, my life I'm 41, retired, haven't worked in 6 years, have a beautiful wife and kids and I own my home outright, life sucks alright. And now with the help of the geniuses on this site, I grow what I smoke. But even if my life did happen to suck, it wouldn't negate my criticism. I am fat now if that makes ya feel better.


New Member
so was mccain... he was born in Panama, don't tell me the panama canal zone blablabla... it's not worth it...:blsmoke::eyesmoke:
It's written in's very clear....

[8 U.S.C. 1403](a) Any person born in the Canal Zone on or after February 26, 1904, and whether before or after the effective date of this chapter, whose father or mother or both at the time of the birth of such person was or is a citizen of the United States, is declared to be a citizen of the United States.

USC = United States Constitution


Well-Known Member
It's written in's very clear....

[8 U.S.C. 1403](a) Any person born in the Canal Zone on or after February 26, 1904, and whether before or after the effective date of this chapter, whose father or mother or both at the time of the birth of such person was or is a citizen of the United States, is declared to be a citizen of the United States.

USC = United States Constitution

i know, that's why i said the whole canal zone bullshit.... bongsmiliebongsmilie


New Member
Oh, so you dismiss everything yo don't agree with, even if it's right in the constitution... loud and CLEAR.

Why bring it up then?


Active Member
Because everything he does is for big corp

Banker bailout, I'm sorry but you cant get out of debt by taking out a loan
His health care bill is an insurers dream

I suggest you start buying gold and silver and stop watching MSNBC because these people arent out for your best interests, only the elites
Watch the Ed Show, Keith Olberman, or Rachel Maddow and tell me they are for the elites


Active Member
It's written in's very clear....

[8 U.S.C. 1403](a) Any person born in the Canal Zone on or after February 26, 1904, and whether before or after the effective date of this chapter, whose father or mother or both at the time of the birth of such person was or is a citizen of the United States, is declared to be a citizen of the United States.

USC = United States Constitution
Both Obama and McCain are American Citizens, anyone who contests either are crazy. Last I checked Hawaii was a State as of 1962, and Honolulu was in Hawaii. And the Panama Canal provision is valid, same as being born on a military base or U.S. embasy in a foreign country.


Active Member
It seems the one thing most of us can agree on is that the corporations control the country. The corporations are soul less, I would call them amoral as opposed to immoral. They don't care who or what they destroy as long as it helps the bottom line, and increases shareholder value. The only way to get the country back is to go to complete public financing of all elections with free and equal television time so corporations cannot donate to campaigns. It would also be nice to have a real third party so it's not either or. Maybe something of a mixture of the Green Party (for Environmental Policy), Progressive Party (to care about normal people) and Libertarian Party (for Social Liberties)


Well-Known Member
Maybe something of a mixture of the Green Party (for Environmental Policy), Progressive Party (to care about normal people) and Libertarian Party (for Social Liberties)
Great idea. We can call them the Neo Fascist Party (NDP). Maybe a jackass mule as the mascot? The Democrats will be none too pleased, though. Kind of raining on their parade, don't ya think?


New Member
Both Obama and McCain are American Citizens, anyone who contests either are crazy. Last I checked Hawaii was a State as of 1962, and Honolulu was in Hawaii. And the Panama Canal provision is valid, same as being born on a military base or U.S. embasy in a foreign country.
We needn't get into this here. I have discussed this on far too many threads, but Obama has not EVER produced an ORIGINAL LONG form BC. Until then, the question remains. It's not an outrageous request if you think about it. What's the problem, really? Why the flat out refusal? Does that make sense.... really? College admissions? College thesis? All classified? All missing? I smell a rat.


Active Member
The problem with conspiracy theorists, no matter have much evidence you produce to the contrary, they just see it as making the conspiracy deeper. How many times does the President have to show his birth certificate (which I have seen many times, you can find it online) before you wackjobs will shut the fuck up! You guys have WAY too much free time, go find a constructive hobby. Like stocking up for the next Y2K (that is a joke by the way for those who may not have gotten it).