Everythings going to crap; third grow in a row that's like this


Active Member
Hey RIU,
I posted in here a couple weeks ago showing my grow (couple seeds) that went horribly wrong. Bent to hell, shit like that. We came to the conclusion that the bigass lasko fan i had in there bent the plants over and in turn all died from that.

so anyway, tried out fresh again with no fan. Check the pics...what the hell is happening? Same exact crap is going on than the grow before....

BTW - I'm using Miracle Grow Moisture Control as the soil. It worked for my first grow so I decided to use it again. I'm starting to think it might be the soil though....could it be releasing too many nutrients at this stage of the plants life?

Anyway, take a look at the pix and tell me what you think this looks like -

this one's starting to yellow up in the center -



Active Member
Are you pHing the water going in and the run off?
pH might be your problem
Negative. regular city water. damn i never thought of that...my first grow i only watered with drinking water. is that better than unknown city tap?


Well-Known Member
Idk it sometimes depends, sometimes bottled water has pH that is too high or too low.
You should pick up an aquarium pH test kit from your local pet store.
They work well at showing you the pH of your water and it should come with pH up and down to adjust the water


Active Member
Nice, i'll do that tonight. Where can i get a little temperature gauge and or better yet, humidity gauge from? You think Wal-Mart carries that stuff?


Active Member
Sweet thanks man. I purchased a big bag of Fox Farm Ocean Forest & before I germ my next seeds I kind of want to get it all right this time. I'm beginning to think the room they are in gets too hot with all the CFL's (yes they sure do put out some heat) that are in there.

Ebban Flow

Well-Known Member
Nice, i'll do that tonight. Where can i get a little temperature gauge and or better yet, humidity gauge from? You think Wal-Mart carries that stuff?
Wal-Mart might if not check Home depot, Lowes, or one of those types of stores. I would suggest not using Miracle Grow soil since most of it has time released fertilizers which can be harmful to seedlings and can casue problems later on. From what I can tell from research and the little bit of experience I have MJ doesn't need any nutes at least for the first couple weeks or until the first leaves ( the round ones) begin to wilt and fall off. better of buying a good soil or mixing your own. A lot of people here recomend Fox Farm soils.
Good luck.


Active Member
Sweet thanks man. I purchased a big bag of Fox Farm Ocean Forest & before I germ my next seeds I kind of want to get it all right this time. I'm beginning to think the room they are in gets too hot with all the CFL's (yes they sure do put out some heat) that are in there.
Think you solved your problem right there.. MG is too unpredictable :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Think you solved your problem right there.. MG is too unpredictable :leaf:
Use Fox Farm soil, turn your fan back on, and that is definately not due to over or underwatering. It could be PH. Just let your water sit with top open for 24 hours before using. You could also boil your water and let hit normal temp before using, or use dehumidifier water until they are bigger.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
i think its your soil for sure. it could be from the PH of your city water, or it could have to do with temps, though mid 80s is not so bad

it def had nothing to do with the fan, fresh breeze can only help


Active Member
I thought the MG looked crazy weird as well...bark all over the damn shit haha. Thank god i'm done with MG...hopefully that's what the problem was.


Active Member
Always ph your water and also alway let your water sit a minimum of 24 hours open lid( I let my water sit in 4 - 5 gallon jugs and 6 gallon jugs for 36+ hours). i have an attic in which i have to climb 15+ to.