Arresting fat kids parents

Should fat kids be taken away from there parents

  • It's wrong

    Votes: 51 71.8%
  • It's right

    Votes: 20 28.2%

  • Total voters

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
im not saying i agree with where the line is being drawn. but a line there must be, at some point enough is enough.

not to open a new can of worms, but if public healthcare goes thorough guess who gets to pay for all these fatties countless health problems? me and you, buddy.
What's wrong with you paying for your healthcare and leaving fat people alone?

jeff f

New Member
you bozos arguing that its okay do realize that you are stating a position verbatem of the nazi party? you have no right to tell anyone how fat their kids can be. you have no right to tell me what your idea of an IDEAL weight is. your type are fucking nazi/stalinist and have been proven throughout history to be the most fucked up type of person that causes the most suffering, death, oppression. like our forefathers have said, go fuck yourself and mind your own business you worthless nazi fucks! but they used way more better words....


Well-Known Member
What's wrong with you paying for your healthcare and leaving fat people alone?
id be all for that. i currently pay for every cent of my familys healthcare as i am an independant businesman.

this isnt a healthcare debate. putting your childs health at risk is neglect. wether its from not feeding them of from feeding them too much, its neglect.

i bet every single person here saying 'let em eat' does not have children.


Well-Known Member
you bozos arguing that its okay do realize that you are stating a position verbatem of the nazi party? you have no right to tell anyone how fat their kids can be. you have no right to tell me what your idea of an IDEAL weight is. your type are fucking nazi/stalinist and have been proven throughout history to be the most fucked up type of person that causes the most suffering, death, oppression. like our forefathers have said, go fuck yourself and mind your own business you worthless nazi fucks! but they used way more better words....
awwww, somebody was made fun of for being a fat kid.:hug:

dimension 2350

New Member
id be all for that. i currently pay for every cent of my familys healthcare as i am an independant businesman.

this isnt a healthcare debate. putting your childs health at risk is neglect. wether its from not feeding them of from feeding them too much, its neglect.

i bet every single person here saying 'let em eat' does not have children.
I have 3 kids. They were all ideal weight but I dont think kids should be taken away for being fat.

dimension 2350

New Member
Fuck CPS if they think they have the right to step into someones life is absolute BS.

Different scenarios call for Different action though.

Say for instance " Get off that ladder or you'll bust your ass"
" I said NO, one more time Im going to whoop you ass"

Does not mean you have the right to Stick your fat chops and say

" No no you do not talk to your kids that way"

Ok that was actually said.
I told her to "Mind you own Goddamn Business"
who the fuck do you think you are and to go fuck your self!

This fat fucking biatch tried to say I.m going to get your licience number I work with CPS, and I could have your kids taken from you for being a unfit parent.

I have never been so close to crushing a human head underneath my Fucking brain stomping Boots.

I told that fat fuck " you follow me in the parking lot and I promise you will regret it"

She walked back in the store to tell me she was calling the cops.


I bolted.

But I can tell you That was one day I felt I could actually kill another worthless human being.

They need to go help Methadone Babies and Meth patients.
Go pass out some fucking Food stamps fucking worthless Gov'ment cheese pandering mutherfuckers.
I would of slapped the hell out of my kid if they told me no.


Well-Known Member
i have a kid...he's skinny and short. I feed and feed and feed that boy and he doesn't put on an ounce. I imagine the same is possible but opposite. Where no matter how much you watch what your child eats...
they are just heavy.

I mean look at natives of Hawaii! Are you really going to make a law that would affect a very large % of a state's native population?


Well-Known Member
It's the parents who really need the help afterall they are the hand that feeds the child. It is the parents own ill needs that are getting met through stuffing the kid in most cases. But there is actually a brain disorder that is rare and in most cases the child does not have it, prader willie (sp? and nearly the name for it). The disorder causes the "full" marker in the brain not to work so the child never feels full. Google 'prader willie' think thats it.

Most often help the parents with their eating disorder , mental issues, and health and the child gets help too. It really is about keeping famalies together and making them whole in America.

jeff f

New Member
awwww, somebody was made fun of for being a fat kid.:hug:
3 daughters all hot as hell and could be considered model material. i am 5'8" about 190 and in good health. never been fat, and dont have any fat family members. feel better now you marxist fuck? mind your own fucking business...its the nature of freedom. you do gooders are so quick to point out other peoples problems and then make some law to make YOU feel better about your worthless life. freedom loving people everywhere are afraid of you, and they should be.


Well-Known Member

Here is a link
there is also alot more info out there on this.
It is very rare and hard to diagnose
Most often fat child is related to unhealthy family dynamics.
Even anorexia is related to unhealthy family dynamics.

Some react with eating disorders and others in unhealthy famalies react with behavioral issues either way preservation of the famliy unit (unless family violence or sexual abuse is involved) is waht needs to happen.


New Member
Let's look at it this way..... the very same type of ppl that are in favor of the state regulating parents with their kids, will INSIST that women if pregnant have the right to terminate their pregnancy.

You can't have it both ways. If you let the woman decide her own babies fate, then you must leave that same woman alone if she has the child and then overfeeds him/her.


Well-Known Member
3 daughters all hot as hell and could be considered model material. i am 5'8" about 190 and in good health. never been fat, and dont have any fat family members. feel better now you marxist fuck? mind your own fucking business...its the nature of freedom. you do gooders are so quick to point out other peoples problems and then make some law to make YOU feel better about your worthless life. freedom loving people everywhere are afraid of you, and they should be.
That's a 38 inch waist you've got:clap::shock::hug::hug:


Well-Known Member
Let's look at it this way..... the very same type of ppl that are in favor of the state regulating parents with their kids, will INSIST that women if pregnant have the right to terminate their pregnancy.

You can't have it both ways. If you let the woman decide her own babies fate, then you must leave that same woman alone if she has the child and then overfeeds him/her.

i dont agree. i believe abortion is an availible option to help prevent people who cant properly take care of a child from bringing one into the world. by bringing that child into the world you are commiting yourself to raising that child and protecting it...protecting it means making sure it maintains proper health, proper health means not being morbidly obese.

EDIT: 6'2" 165lbs
i move for busses


New Member
i dont agree. i believe abortion is an availible option to help prevent people who cant properly take care of a child from bringing one into the world. by bringing that child into the world you are commiting yourself to raising that child and protecting it...protecting it means making sure it maintains proper health, proper health means not being morbidly obese.

EDIT: 6'2" 165lbs
i move for busses
That may be very well true, but you can't give total dominion over the child to the mother at one point and then snatch it away later.

It's her body... it's her kid. Before and after birth.


Well-Known Member
Cracker is 6'1" and now at 185lbs..... very fit and trim.

I'll probably get hit by a bus.
6'1" and 185 lbs is perfect for a guy.

I'm 5'3" and 116 lbs which feels perfect me being a short woman and all. I may get hit by a bus or a gust of the santa annas, lol

Short runs in this family.


Well-Known Member
It's her body... it's her kid. Before and after birth.

so if the little fuckers get totally out of line she can beat thier ass? how about just not feed them? is it up to her to decide that it takes 2 shits for a diaper to be full?

like i said before, im not in agreement with the jailing @ 30 pounds overweight, but a line must be drawn somewhere.