Arresting fat kids parents

Should fat kids be taken away from there parents

  • It's wrong

    Votes: 51 71.8%
  • It's right

    Votes: 20 28.2%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I believe we the people have the right to take kids from people who can't handle them.

Can you show me where in the US Constitution this so called " Right" is enumerated?

How dare you for one second think that you have any right at all to steal someones child away from the only parents they know and destroying the family.

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
I cant find the story right now.

Basically it was the , Parents were 17 and they lived in a trailer.
It was not the best living conditions but they were livable.
Not a festering shit hole.
At 17 with low income is was the best you can get.
They kids had food and diapers.
But someone reported that the dad did DRUGS.
Guess what drug it was?

yup Marijuana!! Holy shit.

CPS took their 2 kids and somehow the kids both died under CPS custody a couple of days later,From Neglect.


Well-Known Member
Because, Why Would I want anyone intruding in my life regardless.

CPS does not care about you, their best interest is the Kids.
So say I stayed and waited to have a confrentation with a police officer.

OK granted I did nothing wrong, nothing Illegal but used profanity.
Thats my Side.

CPS could have said I was an unfit parent and they need do do an investigation or whatever.

I dont want to ever be under the governments Scrutiny.

I have heard way to many Horror stories when it come to CPS.

Give me a sec and I'll find one that completely pissed me off.
CPS destroys families, no doubt.

You don't have to run away from cops, when you talk to a police officer you are not obliged to tell them anything at all except your name and there is nothing they can do about it. Mums the word when talking to the pigs, if they want you to answer questions they can arrest you and speak to your lawyer, otherwise they can piss off. Sure they might threaten you with all sorts of things but its all empty threats, getting you to talk to them is their purpose as they guide the conversation to make you incriminate yourself. No talking to pigs.


Well-Known Member
How dare you for one second think that you have any right at all to steal someones child away from the only parents they know and destroying the family.
i think this goes along quite nicely with all the other rights that we the people have been so busy acquiring lately. you know the ones i mean. like the right to the proceeds of the labor of others, the right to invade your privacy without any real cause, the right to decide what you can and cannot do to and with yourself, the right to regulate what a reasonable wage is for your chosen profession, the right to determine your intent in the commission of a crime. all those rights and many more, all with your best interests at heart. of course, it should be understood that we the people really hasn't much to do with people. we the people is just another euphemism for the entity known as the nanny state. that entity made up of lawyers, social workers, professional politicians and similar nere-do-wells who know so much better than you do what is best for you.


Well-Known Member
how dare anyone think that shovin a bag of cheese doodles into a kids arms and ploppin them in front of the tv is considered parenting.. its lazy and disgusting and i for one would love to destroy these so called families... get the kid outside or on a fuckin treadmill

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I agree with you Kaleo. If the kid is morbidly obese and needs to lose weight for their health, then it's the parent who needs to make sure the kid eats right and exercises. Now, you can't always control what your kid eats - but if you're feeding them healthy food and making sure they exercise then there is no reason why they can't attain a healthier weight (even if they are sneaking snacks at school, friends houses, etc). This is assuming the cause of the obesity is overeating and a sedentary lifestyle and not some other medical condition.

If you starve your children, that's considered neglect. I don't see why stuffing your children to the point they are in serious danger, health-wise, should be any different. The main responsibility of a parent is to protect your children from danger. These days, the food we eat is dangerous, and parents should put quality of food over convenience in order to keep their child safe.

I'm sure everyone has witnessed at least one clueless mother in their life, brainlessly offering their INFANT child a baby bottle full of soda. It's people like these who need a serious intervention and some strict guidance to clean their acts up. If all else fails and the child is still in danger, then you lose your right to parent that child.

Nothing that causes harm to a child should be tolerated.
"Tolerated" by who?

I pretty much agree with your common sense points, and that parents should try to be good parents, but the state has no business interfering with what is clearly not child abuse.

Perhaps they could recommend counseling to the parents? What about a parent who's kid is smoking pot, should those kids be taken away too? Are where do you suggest we house all these poor victims of clueless parents?

Being a poor parent is not reason enough to have your kids taken by the state.

And I doubt the kid would be any better off becoming a ward of the state.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
That's sick! Sometimes they cant help what there kids eat! Arresting them is way over the line.
and sometime the parents are comploetly irresponsible cocks who'l;l stuff god knows what infront of thier child "oh my baby needs his food"

my previous flatmate was just like thig, 20- stone, and the moment he'#d see his mum she'd give him a bin liner full of microwave curry's, chocolate and crisps etc.

i certainly think it is justified in certain situations. if social services can come and look after a kid because the parents are known to smoke pot, binge drink every night etc, then imo no reason not to do similar if the parents are royally fucking up the kids body and life over something that to him, is just friggin great, bucket loads of nosh!


Well-Known Member
Okay, I'll bite. Why stop with policing other people's kids then? What about fat adults? Stupid adults? Ugly people?
People with bad breath? People that YOU don't like? Think of all the jobs you could create!! :roll:

Let's say your old lady is getting a little wide in the hips and you tell her, listen bitch drop a few pounds or the fat police are going to get a call. Hey that will fix her right?!! (SARCASM)

People that try to run other people's lives are the cause of most of the problems in the world.
Adults are able to take care of themselves.

Children are NOT.

There is no comparing negligent parenting to an adult with bad breath.


Well-Known Member
u dont know me......u dont know baby eats goood muhfuckas.....he gets 10 pieces of bacon, 8 eggs scrambled, 6 pieces of toast slathered w/ butter. 5 capri suns, chicken nuggets, 3 blueberry muffins and thats just baby EATS whateva he want cuz we live good lol!!!!



Well-Known Member
"Tolerated" by who?

I pretty much agree with your common sense points, and that parents should try to be good parents, but the state has no business interfering with what is clearly not child abuse.

Perhaps they could recommend counseling to the parents? What about a parent who's kid is smoking pot, should those kids be taken away too? Are where do you suggest we house all these poor victims of clueless parents?

Being a poor parent is not reason enough to have your kids taken by the state.

And I doubt the kid would be any better off becoming a ward of the state.

Overfeeding your child to the point of obesity is the same as starving your child.

"Tolerated" by NOONE. Did you miss that in my first post?

Mistreatment of children should NOT BE TOLERATED BY ANYONE.

And you "freepers" who are insisting that it's a parents right to SLOWLY KILL THEIR CHILD need your heads examined.

Are you saying that children who are abused, beaten, molested, etc by their parents should STAY WITH THE PARENTS simply because "it's the only family they know"?

That's disgusting.

If I slowly poison my child, is that okay, because you know, it isn't really hurting them RIGHT NOW. Sure, it'll kill them eventually, but it's fine, right?


Well-Known Member
This is about morbidly obese children - not slightly overweight children.

Being that fat causes all kinds of health issues and even death - it is child abuse to allow your child to reach a weight that puts their very life at risk.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Overfeeding your child to the point of obesity is the same as starving your child.

"Tolerated" by NOONE. Did you miss that in my first post?

Mistreatment of children should NOT BE TOLERATED BY ANYONE.

And you "freepers" who are insisting that it's a parents right to SLOWLY KILL THEIR CHILD need your heads examined.

Are you saying that children who are abused, beaten, molested, etc by their parents should STAY WITH THE PARENTS simply because "it's the only family they know"?

That's disgusting.

If I slowly poison my child, is that okay, because you know, it isn't really hurting them RIGHT NOW. Sure, it'll kill them eventually, but it's fine, right?
Maybe I want my kids to be plump, or maybe the mother or the grandmother rewards the kid with sweets. It's none of the states business.

Do you feel the same way about poor people in the inner city eating too much fried chicken, because the libs are already cracking down there too.

It's socialism, and this won't be "tolerated" by the people :cuss:
I will eat drink smoke and fuck what I please, as long as I am free to do so. :finger: lol