Mylar help


Active Member
Ok so I have a bunch of Mylar I ordered Mylar tape but they sent me Mylar ribbon I tried to use duct tape to hold it up but that failed miserably what should I use to hold it to the wall


what are you attaching it to? the easiest way for wood or drywall is a staple gun for sure, although tacks would work with drywall. if its plaster you're on your own


I just use doubl sided sticky tape in one room, the other I actually used spray adhesive, oh what a mess, worked out fine in the end, but not fun Sticky tape was quick. Mylar is a pain to put up, Im doing a new room now, crinkle crinkle.


Well-Known Member
I put a small square of duct tape on the mylar itself and then put a nail through the duct tape. The tape simply acts to reinforce the mylar so it does not tear when a fan is blowing on it.