09 outdoor hempy grow


Well-Known Member
this is my hempy grow out doors this time . im using flora nova bloom ,liquid seaweed , epsom salt, humic acid, and tap water. they are in a 10 gal rubber made with 100% perlite. they are fed every other day strait water every third watering . these pics are from week 4 and 5.:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
just looking at them today and noticed some purple stigmas. they are starting to get into full stride now. the smell is sweet and strong totally sugar coated . these are bag seeds . crazy.


Well-Known Member
nice grow man! using hempy bucket method? hempy, is that not all perlite in a bucket with hole at bottom, a little above the ground so nutes can stay at the bottom the pot so roots uptake it. i think maybe have to water every 2-3 days idk. so how is it working out for ya?



Well-Known Member
its probablely the easiest way to grow there is . the plants look amazing production is aove average at this point . i made a clone to see if it has the same results. thanx for droping in.


Well-Known Member
i cant make giants in the back yard and this is about yield not plant size. the one on the right is just about 3 feet tall.
thats a pretty small plant thatdoesntlook like a good method
Do you ever have anything positive to say? You're forgetting the whole philosophy behind growing your own. It's not all about Medical Grows, trees, etc. We're all not lucky (or unlucky, if you're growing your own pain MEDICINE) enough to have fenced off gardens with permits.
Props to all those who try and pull it off.
If you've ever had your crop stollen, you'd know how good it feels to harvest a quarter ounce of your very own.

Any plant that goes from seed/clone to bowl is a thing of beauty. Great job, hempy! Enjoy the harvest!
Do you ever have anything positive to say? You're forgetting the whole philosophy behind growing your own. It's not all about Medical Grows, trees, etc. We're all not lucky (or unlucky, if you're growing your own pain MEDICINE) enough to have fenced off gardens with permits.
Props to all those who try and pull it off.
If you've ever had your crop stollen, you'd know how good it feels to harvest a quarter ounce of your very own.

Any plant that goes from seed/clone to bowl is a thing of beauty. Great job, hempy! Enjoy the harvest!
Oops, wrong name. Great job Monkey in the Mist.
nice grow man, dont listen to that dude, we actually have to be discreet about our growing, and its not too easy so keep up the good work they look good!!!!
sweet a mispost.
The content was correct, I just got your name wrong. It's irritating when people assume anyone can grow like hodgegrown or tahoe. Not the case in 99% of outdoor grows. Fences, planter boxes, scheduled watering, etc are the exception, not the norm. A 3 foot tall plant would be enough for personal use, for a while. Harvest with a smile and look over all the threads about rippers, it sweetens the prize.
I've commented on other threads about my expriences with rippers, cops, and the number of plants I've killed due to lack of knowledge, so believe me when I say I know how hard it is.


Well-Known Member
thats a pretty small plant thatdoesntlook like a good method
Dude's growing some very fine nuggets in his yard. Why you would want to shit on that is beyond me.

And have you ever thought about taking some basic English classes?


Nice Grow!

I used a 5gal. hempy bucket this summer and I am really happy with the method.

I am currently flowering inside due to weather.

Hempy buckets are great. Cheap and effective. Plus I've never had ph issues (unlike my soil grow)

