Gastanker's 50 plant double tent grow


Well-Known Member
Raids up north (mendo/humbolt region) have kicked into full swing with dozens of choppers in the sky so I unexpectantly received 50 clones a couple days ago a bit ahead of schedule - I guess ill have to start a new journal.

This is a medical grow if anyone cares. 3 patient collective with 30 plants per person in our county so we are currently under the limit.

I'm growing in a 6x15' room with one 4x4 tent and one 4x8 tent. Plans are to have three 1000 watters going (two in the 4x8 one in the 4x4 if not obvious).

Clones are blue dog - blue dream x ? as well as a few of something else. Will have to ask about what they are again. They are currently in 4" square pots with Happy Frog soil. No idea when rooted but they definately have a way to go before repotting.

Currently in the tent are two hydro farm 125-200?w CFLs (also from up North) as well as two ghetto 8 bulb CFL rigs like in my previous CFL grow. I have one small circulating fan as well as two 50 cfm exhaust fans hooked into two of my 4" exhaust sleeves, one on the floor and one hanging high.

This is what i've spent so far

$100 Supplies to build room - 2x4's, plywood, tar paper, roll roof... (I only paid part as I totally rebuilt my friends room for him)
$110 Tent off ebay
Home Deopt:
$13.48 50 cfm fan
$13.48 50 cfm fan
$0.94x2 extension cords
$8.46 Surge protector power strip 2 pack
$3.50x2 Timers
$2.48x14 Y splitters
$12.97x2 Heavy duty clamp light
$114.93 Home Depot total
$21.75 Three CFL 4 packs (cant find cases of 6500 like they have for 2700)
$346.68 Total so far

Here are pics from yesterday and will post pics of how it currently looks tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
What kind of tents are you using? This should be a sweet grow
Thanks! I went with the cheapest I could find for the first go around.

Thats the 4x4 and the 4x8 is pretty much the same but with 6" exhausts instead of 4" (thank the lord).

I was surprised how nice this thing is. Very heavy duty material unlike what I thought I might end up with considering the price. The top bars used to suspend items are alittle fimsy but so far are holding quite a bit considering. With the lights in that room off and the lights in the tent on you see a faint glow around the zippers however the room stays pitch dark otherwise - cant even find the light switch without help from a cell phone or flash light. Easily easily worth $100 especially when alot of people are spending more to build simple plywood boxes.


Well-Known Member
Forgive me for the cord mess

First dark pic is the room with tent lights on and room lights off. Pretty fing dark - tent def keeps most of the light in. The red dot is my surge protector.

Other strain in there is Mr. Nice Guy. Not sure what particular strain unless there was an original.



Well-Known Member
are you going to put them under a HID lamp soon? or are you just going cfl all the way with 50 plants?


Well-Known Member
Wow looks like it is going to be an awesome grow.
Thanks man, hope so. :)

are you going to put them under a HID lamp soon? or are you just going cfl all the way with 50 plants?
Would love to setup a legit large scale CFL grow with columns of lights enclosed in clear tubing but these will be split up and are going under HIDs. 15 plants will stay in the 4x4 under 1000w and the rest will be in a 4x8 tent under 2kW HPS


Well-Known Member
Looking bad ass. I really want to start going with tents. I have always built my own shit. Take a look at my grow in sig. 50 plants is awesome. My wife and I are caregivers and trying to accumulate patients, it has been a long journey, but we are getting things under way. I am looking at doing a collab grow with some other caregivers. Good luck, Keep up the hard work


Well-Known Member
Looking bad ass. I really want to start going with tents. I have always built my own shit. Take a look at my grow in sig. 50 plants is awesome. My wife and I are caregivers and trying to accumulate patients, it has been a long journey, but we are getting things under way. I am looking at doing a collab grow with some other caregivers. Good luck, Keep up the hard work
Thanks for stopping by and will def check out your grow. GL on getting scripts. I thank the lord my county has high limits.

nice grow man +rep.
Thanks man.

Here are some pics I took the other day right after light out. Sorry for pic quality - not my camera.



Well-Known Member
So its been a long time sinse updating. Long enough infact that this grow should probably be finishing off right now. Unfortunately things went to shit and my partners left me hanging. Things are still coming along but not nearly at the speed and quality I was hoping for.

Both tents are up and pretty full but I wouldn't say the plants look nearly as good as they should. We started off be leaving then in tiny tiny pots for WAY to long. It took us forever to do the simplest things like acquire pots and soil (partners promissing they had it covered and nothing ever happening).

Then we were delayed on lights when again they had been guaranteed to be there much earlier. At one point we were running near 2kW of compact flourescent to compensate without them and thats just silly if you ask me.

And to top if off the plants were being given shitty nutes in water with a pH of around 7.5. half of the plants were repotted a week and a half before the others and its amazing at the diffrence. The other half were repotted days before the flip to 12/12 which i think was a huge mistake but necessary as they are all too big already and this has taken far to long.

So right now we stand with the small 4x4 tent being used for cloning and the large 4x8 tent has 45 plants two weeks into flower. Plants are in 6 gal buckets 1/2 to 2/3 full of soil and are being supplemented with bone meal, Maxsea organic kelp meal, and bat guano. We're running 2x1000w with a dehumidifier set at 50% running 12 hours a day 3 hrs on 3 hrs off. Temps are ranging from 75-45 with humidity between 50 and 65%.



Well-Known Member
Here's another pic update. I'm pretty pissed at myself for not trimming up my plants more. This first HID grow for me will def be mostly a learning project but at least I'm learning alot. Here are a few other pics taken on a walk the other day as well.



Active Member
Nice grow man, I know all to much what you mean about relying on others... its horrible, decided to grow with my roommates and one of them contributes nothing and would probably kill the plants if I left him in charge. Keep up the grow and updates - peace