Strawbery Blue 1st grow :D


Active Member
Hey everyone! After waiting what seems like forever I'm starting my very first grow! I have been helping with my hubby's but now I am doing my very own! I ordered seeds off of Attitude three Strawberry Blue! They are now germinating :weed: I'm so excited! I will keep you all updated on everything! Here is a picture of the breeder pack! Which was really cool b/c we didn't order it like that! I'm so so excited here is a pic of what I got so far!!


Well-Known Member
3 of yer seeds have cracked open, 1 has a tap root going down into the soil.
We should be seeing them within the next day.


Active Member
Here is a new pic of my babes with my hubbs mine are the two all the way to the right! Oh and I have another one but we got them confused so I maybe growing a Barney's to lol we'll see once it starts to flower :lol:


Active Member
Here is a close up one of them is doing really well! Waiting for one to root putting it in a paper towel to try that method and the other has some thinning in the stem but is coming around!