hey all

hi to everyone been a member for a while but never done much except had a look about now wanting to be a bit more involved. currently got two grows going on doing it all naturaly on my window sill as im a student and cant really aford to get lights and such just now, pictures of the grows are up, first grow is flowering just now and has buds second is jst small and veging any comments and advice welcome.
happy toking


Well-Known Member
whats happinin man. if you are on a budget try cfls , cheap lighting. they work pretty good if you know what ones to use.
whats happinin man. if you are on a budget try cfls , cheap lighting. they work pretty good if you know what ones to use.
thanks for the advice.
where can you get them i live in scotland so its a bit harder to locate decent stuff that doesnt cost an arm and a leg . i will try and get some for the smaller plant i have just now but the big girl ill just leave to do what she wants.
I do not give my money to drug lords, I grow my own!.

Welcome to RollitUp, a great place, the best place, to learn growing!

I hope you hang around and enjoy the site.
will do man and i would prefer growing my own then i can know what it is im smoking instead of always getting bag weed or now and again cheesy bud or tai stick.:-| never any intresting weed over here and when ther is its far to expensive growings the way forward.. bongsmilie